
时间:2022-11-23 08:40:17

Does anyone know of a library (preferably php) or algorithm for auto-generating regex's from some common descriptions?


For example, have a form with the possible options of:


 - Length (=x, between x & y, etc)
  - Starts with
  - Ends with
  - Character(s) x(yz) at index i
  - Specify one or more alternative behavior based on the above
  - And so on..

The idea is that for certain data entities in a system, you'll be able to go to a form and set this criteria for a data field. Afterward, any time that data field for that type of data entity is entered, it will be validated against the regex.


This seems like it could grow into a complex problem though, so I'm not expecting anyone to solve it as a whole. Any suggestions are much appreciated.


1 个解决方案



Would simple globs be enough? For globs it's just a matter of replacing * with .* and adding ^ and $. Or may be Excel-style patterns? It should not be too hard to write a regexp generator for simple rules like this...


My point is, adjust your requirements to simplify the code, and then may be add more features as needed.




Would simple globs be enough? For globs it's just a matter of replacing * with .* and adding ^ and $. Or may be Excel-style patterns? It should not be too hard to write a regexp generator for simple rules like this...


My point is, adjust your requirements to simplify the code, and then may be add more features as needed.
