
时间:2022-11-04 16:12:19

I am trying to use jquery tooltip on an asp:Textbox. The problem is that I can't manage to make the title tag render as a title. It keeps rendering as data-original-title. I am using twitter bootstrap which I think can be a reason to this behaviour.

我试图在asp:Textbox上使用jquery工具提示。问题是我无法将标题标记呈现为标题。它一直呈现为数据原始标题。我正在使用twitter bootstrap,我认为这可能是这种行为的原因。

I have tried adding "title" and "tooltip" to my textbox, I have tried adding textbox attribute "title" from code behind but nothing changed. This is how it looks when rendered (I have omitted all unnecessary code):


<input type="text" title data-original-title="My Text">

As you see, title is rendered, but with no data, and my actual text is placed in a new unwanted attribute. Below is what I want to accomplish for the jquery tooltip to work.


<input type="text" title="My Text">

I have to use an asp control, otherwise this wouldn't be an issue.
Any suggestions?


I did not mention that the control is disabled, because I thought it wouldn't make any difference. But in fact I just realised it works fine on an enabled asp control.
Problem still remains though because it's only when the control is disabled that i need the tooltip.


2 个解决方案



You can use Attributes to set title


txtBox1.Attributes.Add("title", "My Text");



txtBox1.Attributes["title"] = "My Text";



Well this is not tested but i have an idea


<input type="text" data-getmytitle="your title">
//This is your element
function getmebinded()
$('input["data-getmytitle="your title""]').each(function()
    $(this)[0].title="your title";
//make your function that will bind title to your element
  var aa=getmebinded();
// so now this will call your function of javascript after page has been loaded and your js also 

this should be work tell me feedback about this i hope this one will help you the simple logic is bind title after page and your js has been loaded...regards...:)

这应该是工作告诉我关于这个的反馈我希望这个将帮助你简单的逻辑是绑定标题后页和你的js已经加载...问候... :)



You can use Attributes to set title


txtBox1.Attributes.Add("title", "My Text");



txtBox1.Attributes["title"] = "My Text";



Well this is not tested but i have an idea


<input type="text" data-getmytitle="your title">
//This is your element
function getmebinded()
$('input["data-getmytitle="your title""]').each(function()
    $(this)[0].title="your title";
//make your function that will bind title to your element
  var aa=getmebinded();
// so now this will call your function of javascript after page has been loaded and your js also 

this should be work tell me feedback about this i hope this one will help you the simple logic is bind title after page and your js has been loaded...regards...:)

这应该是工作告诉我关于这个的反馈我希望这个将帮助你简单的逻辑是绑定标题后页和你的js已经加载...问候... :)