使用Volley Android库发送XML数据

时间:2022-10-22 20:37:16

I would like to make a simple POST request to my server with XML formatted data in the requests' body using Volley Library. Is it possible to achieve that using StringRequest ? Thanks in advance !


1 个解决方案



It is impossible to use StringRequest for custom body. But you can either extend StringRequest or Request to override getBody() method.


Here is easiest way to do this:


public class CustomBodyStringRequest extends StringRequest {
    private final String requestBody;

    public CustomBodyStringRequest(String url, String requestBody, Response.Listener<String> listener,
                                   Response.ErrorListener errorListener) {
        super(Method.POST, url, listener, errorListener);
        this.requestBody = requestBody;

    public byte[] getBody() throws AuthFailureError {
        byte[] body = null;
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.requestBody)) {
            try {
                body = requestBody.getBytes(getParamsEncoding());
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Encoding not supported: " + getParamsEncoding(), e);

        return body;

You might also want to override getBodyContentType() with something like application/xml




It is impossible to use StringRequest for custom body. But you can either extend StringRequest or Request to override getBody() method.


Here is easiest way to do this:


public class CustomBodyStringRequest extends StringRequest {
    private final String requestBody;

    public CustomBodyStringRequest(String url, String requestBody, Response.Listener<String> listener,
                                   Response.ErrorListener errorListener) {
        super(Method.POST, url, listener, errorListener);
        this.requestBody = requestBody;

    public byte[] getBody() throws AuthFailureError {
        byte[] body = null;
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.requestBody)) {
            try {
                body = requestBody.getBytes(getParamsEncoding());
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Encoding not supported: " + getParamsEncoding(), e);

        return body;

You might also want to override getBodyContentType() with something like application/xml
