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原文:The Three Types of Cache | Robust Perception 

The Three Types of Cache
Brian Brazil August 12, 2015

Caches are a common feature of distributed systems, often added to improve performance. There are three main types of cache, and knowing about them will help you design robust systems.

A cache is a subset of your data that remembers values you’re previously fetched or calculated from somewhere further away or more expensive. The next time around, if you’re looking for the same piece of data again then you can get it from the cache which is called a “cache hit”. If the data you want isn’t in the cache that’s called a “cache miss”, and you have to fetch or calculate it from the source.
缓存是一个数据的子集,数据是从某个较远的地方获取的或者经过代价昂贵的计算得来的。如果你下一次寻找相同的数据时,可以从缓存中获取得到它,这个过程被称为缓存命中(cache hit)。

When adding a cache it’s usually done for one of three reasons: latency, capacity or availability. Caches added for one purpose also have the behaviour of the others, so it’s important to be aware of their characteristics and how cache misses can cause unexpected problems.
在添加缓存时,通常会有以下三个原因:延迟、容量或可用性。为某个目的而添加的缓存也具有其他的行为,因此了解它们的特征和缓存未命中(cache misses)而导致的意外问题是很重要的。


Latency is one of the most common reasons a cache is added. Let’s say the majority of your requests are for only a small subset of your data on disk. You could wait 10ms every time for a disk seek, but if you could put the frequently accessed data in RAM and be many orders of magnitude faster for those requests.

A cache will make your average latency lower. Cache misses still take the same amount of time, so make sure your timeouts allow for the time a cache miss takes. In case there’s lots of misses, memory buffers and connection limits should allow for more in-progress requests.
缓存会降低平均延迟时间。发生缓存未命中(cache misses)时,请求仍然需要花费相同的时间,所以确保超时等待考虑到缓存未命中(cache misses)的情况。

Capacity is the other common reason for a cache being added. Continuing the above example, with 10ms per disk seek you can only service 100 requests per second. As most requests now only hit RAM, you can service many more requests per second with the same disk.

This advantage of a capacity cache is also its biggest downside. If the cache get flushed such as by a machine reboot, you don’t get the capacity back until the cache has warmed back up. This can cause a problem called a thundering herd, where lots of requests (some of them for the same data) are all trying to use the disk beyond the disk’s capacity to serve them.
容量缓存的优点同时也是最大的缺点。如果缓存刷新了,比如机器重新启动,那么在缓存恢复之前,是无法加速访问的。这可能导致一个称为“惊群效应http://zdyi.com/books/unp/s2/2.6.2.html”的问题,其中许多请求(其中一些请求相同的数据)都试图使用磁盘以外的磁盘(use the disk beyond the disk’s capacity)来服务它们。

Ways of handling this include ensuring only a portion of the cache is flushed at once, having other servers able to handle the additional load if one or two go down and lose their cache, ensuring identical requests only result in one request to the disk, or load shedding where you drop requests on the floor rather than getting completely overloaded.


Availability caches are less common. If the disk above was at risk of being removed, having a cache would mean you can still serve some requests even though all cache misses fail. This is often a consideration with network services, as for example being unable to talk to a remote server because DNS had a brief outage would rarely be a good tradeoff.
可用性缓存不太常见。如果磁盘有被删除的风险,那么这类缓存意味着即使所有的缓存都失效,仍然可以提供一些请求。这通常是考虑到网络服务的情况,例如,由于DNS有短暂的中断而导致的不能与远程服务器通信,然而这并没有多少价值(rarely be a good tradeoff)。

Serving data without talking to the source can lead to using stale data. Approaches for dealing with this include deleting entries from the cache after a time, regular refreshes, asynchronously updating the cache at each request and having a separate process that remove or updates the caches when values change.


Caches can be a net gain in your systems when the appropriate considerations are taken into account. A caches added for one purpose will have all three properties:

Latency: Reduces latency, cache misses still take the same time and resources
Capacity: Reduces resource needs, have to allow for cache suddenly being empty
Availability: Reduces downtime, data can be stale

In practice empty caches and stale data tend to be the most complex aspects to manage.