使用CodeIgniter HTML表类,如何添加其他列?

时间:2022-10-06 12:32:51

Adding rows seems to be easy enough, but I want to add columns to my data that have checkboxes so you can "edit" or "delete" that row.


Any CI friendly way to do that?


2 个解决方案



Manually set your headings and columns inserting whatever you need in your last column like so...


$this->table->set_heading('Heading One', 'Heading Two', ... , 'Links'); //set your headings

foreach($data_rows as $row) { //set your rows here

    // first build links for this row assuming you need the urls to
    // look like 'http://domain/index.php/controller/{action}/{id}
    $links  = anchor('controller/edit/'.$row->id ,'Edit');
    $links .= anchor('controller/delete/'.$row->id , 'Delete');

        $links,   //add the links you created to the last row, corresponding to your 'Links' Header

echo $this->table->generate();



 **Error in code : Cannot use object of type mysqli as array in
 C:\xampp\htdocs\CodeIgniter-3.0.6\application\views\admin.php on line 8**
 $table_property = array('table_open' => '<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="table table-hover">');
  $new=$this->db->query("select * from tbl_admin");

  foreach($new as $row) {
  $links  = anchor('admin/edit/'.$row['User_ID'] ,'Edit');
  $links .= anchor('admin/delete/'.$row['User_ID'] , 'Delete');

echo $this->table->generate();




Manually set your headings and columns inserting whatever you need in your last column like so...


$this->table->set_heading('Heading One', 'Heading Two', ... , 'Links'); //set your headings

foreach($data_rows as $row) { //set your rows here

    // first build links for this row assuming you need the urls to
    // look like 'http://domain/index.php/controller/{action}/{id}
    $links  = anchor('controller/edit/'.$row->id ,'Edit');
    $links .= anchor('controller/delete/'.$row->id , 'Delete');

        $links,   //add the links you created to the last row, corresponding to your 'Links' Header

echo $this->table->generate();



 **Error in code : Cannot use object of type mysqli as array in
 C:\xampp\htdocs\CodeIgniter-3.0.6\application\views\admin.php on line 8**
 $table_property = array('table_open' => '<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="table table-hover">');
  $new=$this->db->query("select * from tbl_admin");

  foreach($new as $row) {
  $links  = anchor('admin/edit/'.$row['User_ID'] ,'Edit');
  $links .= anchor('admin/delete/'.$row['User_ID'] , 'Delete');

echo $this->table->generate();
