
时间:2022-10-06 10:03:46

I just finished to serve my pages on the internet through apache. I can see my webpage nicely, but when I try the admin, the django admin page don't have the css with it, just the html page. But my webpage's css are displaying nicely. Thank you!


my http.conf snippet:


WSGIPythonPath C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc

<Directory C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc>
<Files wsgi.py>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

#Alias /robots.txt /path/to/mysite.com/static/robots.txt
#Alias /favicon.ico /path/to/mysite.com/static/favicon.ico

AliasMatch ^/([^/]*\.css) C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc/static/styles/$1

#Alias /media/ /path/to/mysite.com/media/
Alias /static/ C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc/static/

<Directory C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc/static>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

#<Directory /path/to/mysite.com/media>
#Order deny,allow
#Allow from all

WSGIScriptAlias / C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc/etc/wsgi.py

<Directory C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc/etc>
<Files wsgi.py>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

my settings snippet:


STATIC_ROOT = 'C:/Users/robin/web/etc/static/'
STATIC_URL = '/static/'

I have made a different directory for the static, and have already directed django to the dir where to find static. I have edited and added the setting's snippet above, kindly check it. And have run the collectstatic command, and it has created three directories - admin, css and images. And copied all the statics from the project to that directory, even the admin's css and images in the admin dir. And the server is also displaying my project's css nicely. But not of the admin's css. What am I missing? Please guide me.


2 个解决方案



Each application has own static files (generally in 'static' directory, but not necessarily, see settings.STATICFILES_FINDERS). Django serves this files in debug mode, but before deploy to real server you must collect all static from all apps, put it into one folder and configure webserver. You can do it manually, or set settings.STATIC_ROOT to apache's docroot and run collectstatic command.


In sum, apache config:


Alias /static/ C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc/static/



STATIC_ROOT = 'C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc/static/'

And run collectstatic:


python manage.py collectstatic



Tell Django where to find the static files (if you have not already).


First, make sure you have STATIC_ROOT and STATIC_URL set correctly in `settings.py', and then on your live server simply run the following command.


python manage.py collectstatic

This will collect all static files necessary for the admin to render correctly.


When running the development server (runserver) static files are automatically found using STATICFILES_FINDERS, but in production this is not the case, in-fact STATICFILES_FINDERS does somethine else in production, it finds and collects the files after `running python manage.py collectstatic ' they are then served in your case by Apache.

当运行开发服务器(runserver)静态文件时,会使用STATICFILES_FINDERS自动找到,但在生产环境中不是这样的,实际上,STATICFILES_FINDERS在生产环境中做一些其他的事情,它会在“运行python管理”之后找到并收集文件。py collectstatic“然后它们由Apache在您的案例中提供服务。



Each application has own static files (generally in 'static' directory, but not necessarily, see settings.STATICFILES_FINDERS). Django serves this files in debug mode, but before deploy to real server you must collect all static from all apps, put it into one folder and configure webserver. You can do it manually, or set settings.STATIC_ROOT to apache's docroot and run collectstatic command.


In sum, apache config:


Alias /static/ C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc/static/



STATIC_ROOT = 'C:/Users/robin/web/etc/etc/static/'

And run collectstatic:


python manage.py collectstatic



Tell Django where to find the static files (if you have not already).


First, make sure you have STATIC_ROOT and STATIC_URL set correctly in `settings.py', and then on your live server simply run the following command.


python manage.py collectstatic

This will collect all static files necessary for the admin to render correctly.


When running the development server (runserver) static files are automatically found using STATICFILES_FINDERS, but in production this is not the case, in-fact STATICFILES_FINDERS does somethine else in production, it finds and collects the files after `running python manage.py collectstatic ' they are then served in your case by Apache.

当运行开发服务器(runserver)静态文件时,会使用STATICFILES_FINDERS自动找到,但在生产环境中不是这样的,实际上,STATICFILES_FINDERS在生产环境中做一些其他的事情,它会在“运行python管理”之后找到并收集文件。py collectstatic“然后它们由Apache在您的案例中提供服务。