
时间:2022-10-05 21:12:49

I want to create a mod security2x rule that will block the GET request to a specific URL.

我想创建一个mod security2x规则,它将阻止对特定URL的GET请求。

for example I want to block the URL with the GET in the header: ''


I've never made a rule within modsecurity, and not sure this will work with anomaly detection mode.


This would be an example of the GET request: GET/secure/bla/test/etc/

这将是GET请求的一个示例:GET / secure / bla / test / etc /

This is what I have so far: SecRule ARGS "" phase:2,log,deny,id:'1234',msg:'403 Access Denied'

这就是我到目前为止:SecRule ARGS“”阶段:2,log,deny,id:'1234',msg:'403 Access Denied'

1 个解决方案



You want something like this:


SecRule REQUEST_URI "@streq /secure/bla/test/etc/" \
     "phase:1,id:1234,t:none,t:urlDecode,t:lowercase,t:normalizePath,deny,status:403,msg:'403 Access Denied',chain"
    SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "@streq get" "t:none,t:lowercase"

You need to chain two rules together as you want to check two conditions (path is /secure/bla/test/etc/ and method is GET).

您需要将两个规则链接在一起,因为您要检查两个条件(路径是/ secure / bla / test / etc /,方法是GET)。

If you want to add a third rule to check the host (e.g. if you have multiple virtual hosts and this URL is valid for GET requests on some of them), then you can:


SecRule REQUEST_URI "@streq /secure/bla/test/etc/" \
     "phase:1,id:1234,t:none,t:urlDecode,t:lowercase,t:normalizePath,deny,status:403,msg:'403 Access Denied',chain"
    SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "@streq get" "t:none,t:lowercase,chain"
         SecRule SERVER_NAME "@streq"

Or alternatively you can use REQUEST_URI_RAW which will include the protocol and hostname as well as the resource requested:


SecRule REQUEST_URI_RAW "^https?://" \
     "phase:1,id:1234,t:none,t:urlDecode,t:lowercase,t:normalizePath,deny,status:403,msg:'403 Access Denied',chain"
    SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "@streq get" "t:none,t:lowercase" 

You'll notice I've also added quite a few transformation functions (the t: bits) to help avoid people trying to get around this rule (e.g. with a path like /secure/bla/TEST/../test/etc/).


All of this is covered in the reference manual: but does take a bit of practice to get used to I'll admit!


Anomaly detection mode simple means rules that might fire for valid requests do not blocked immediately but instead, assigned a score and if the total score of all the rules for that request is above a certain threshold then it blocks, if not it doesn't. This allows for "noisy" rules to still be included but to be ignored unless lots of noisy rules all fire for a request, or if one important rule is fired.


There is nothing to stop you explicitly blocking with the "deny" option as I have done above - even in anomaly detection mode. This rule seems fairly safe from ever firing accidentally for a legitimate request (once you have tested it works!) so I would just go from straight blocking as I have done above. The alternative is to replace deny with block,setvar:tx.anomaly_score=+%{tx.critical_anomaly_score} which will have the same effect when the score is checked later but in my mind needlessly complicates the readability of the rule since it will always block anyway.

如上所述,即使在异常检测模式下,也没有什么可以阻止你使用“拒绝”选项明确阻止。这个规则似乎相当安全,不会因为合法的请求而被意外触发(一旦你测试了它就行了!)所以我会像上面所做的那样直接阻止。另一种方法是用block替换deny,setvar:tx.anomaly_score = +%{tx.critical_anomaly_score},这会在以后检查得分时产生相同的效果,但在我看来,由于它总会阻塞,因此不必要地使规则的可读性复杂化无论如何。

Anomaly scoring versus traditional scoring is covered in more detail in this blog post:

此博客文章中详细介绍了异常评分与传统评分: html的



You want something like this:


SecRule REQUEST_URI "@streq /secure/bla/test/etc/" \
     "phase:1,id:1234,t:none,t:urlDecode,t:lowercase,t:normalizePath,deny,status:403,msg:'403 Access Denied',chain"
    SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "@streq get" "t:none,t:lowercase"

You need to chain two rules together as you want to check two conditions (path is /secure/bla/test/etc/ and method is GET).

您需要将两个规则链接在一起,因为您要检查两个条件(路径是/ secure / bla / test / etc /,方法是GET)。

If you want to add a third rule to check the host (e.g. if you have multiple virtual hosts and this URL is valid for GET requests on some of them), then you can:


SecRule REQUEST_URI "@streq /secure/bla/test/etc/" \
     "phase:1,id:1234,t:none,t:urlDecode,t:lowercase,t:normalizePath,deny,status:403,msg:'403 Access Denied',chain"
    SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "@streq get" "t:none,t:lowercase,chain"
         SecRule SERVER_NAME "@streq"

Or alternatively you can use REQUEST_URI_RAW which will include the protocol and hostname as well as the resource requested:


SecRule REQUEST_URI_RAW "^https?://" \
     "phase:1,id:1234,t:none,t:urlDecode,t:lowercase,t:normalizePath,deny,status:403,msg:'403 Access Denied',chain"
    SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "@streq get" "t:none,t:lowercase" 

You'll notice I've also added quite a few transformation functions (the t: bits) to help avoid people trying to get around this rule (e.g. with a path like /secure/bla/TEST/../test/etc/).


All of this is covered in the reference manual: but does take a bit of practice to get used to I'll admit!


Anomaly detection mode simple means rules that might fire for valid requests do not blocked immediately but instead, assigned a score and if the total score of all the rules for that request is above a certain threshold then it blocks, if not it doesn't. This allows for "noisy" rules to still be included but to be ignored unless lots of noisy rules all fire for a request, or if one important rule is fired.


There is nothing to stop you explicitly blocking with the "deny" option as I have done above - even in anomaly detection mode. This rule seems fairly safe from ever firing accidentally for a legitimate request (once you have tested it works!) so I would just go from straight blocking as I have done above. The alternative is to replace deny with block,setvar:tx.anomaly_score=+%{tx.critical_anomaly_score} which will have the same effect when the score is checked later but in my mind needlessly complicates the readability of the rule since it will always block anyway.

如上所述,即使在异常检测模式下,也没有什么可以阻止你使用“拒绝”选项明确阻止。这个规则似乎相当安全,不会因为合法的请求而被意外触发(一旦你测试了它就行了!)所以我会像上面所做的那样直接阻止。另一种方法是用block替换deny,setvar:tx.anomaly_score = +%{tx.critical_anomaly_score},这会在以后检查得分时产生相同的效果,但在我看来,由于它总会阻塞,因此不必要地使规则的可读性复杂化无论如何。

Anomaly scoring versus traditional scoring is covered in more detail in this blog post:

此博客文章中详细介绍了异常评分与传统评分: html的