
时间:2021-12-09 03:13:31

OK, so I have a basic login page that when the user logs in I want to then display more details on the navbar at the top of the screen. When they click logout, this then goes away. This is working (in a way) however to get the navbar to change I need to refresh the page, which obviously does not happen when i just use routing to change what is in my ng-view.


When the user clicks 'log in' their username is stored in a service which is called using the login controller that is within the ng-view.



However I want this to have an effect in my navbar controller which is outside the ng-view.


Here you can see in my trimmed down navbar controller how this is being used.


app.controller('navbarController', function ($scope, authService, $cookies, $location) {

    $scope.displayUsername = authService.GetUsername();


But displayusername is only changed when the page is refreshed and the controller is 'reloaded'. How do I get this to change instantly when the service storing the username is updated?


2 个解决方案



You can broadcast a login event:


.factory("authService", [
    function ($rootScope) {
        return {
            login: function () {
                // do the login

and your controller:


app.controller('navbarController', function ($scope, $rootScope, authService, $cookies, $location) {

    $scope.displayUsername = authService.GetUsername();

    $rootScope.$on("login-done", function() {
        $scope.displayUsername = authService.GetUsername();



  1. Create variable $rootScope.displayName.
  2. 创建变量$ rootScope.displayName。
  3. Use {{ displayName }} in HTML markup for your navbar.
  4. 在导航栏的HTML标记中使用{{displayName}}。
  5. Up on success on login page, update $rootScope.displayName.
  6. 登录页面成功后,请更新$ rootScope.displayName。
  7. Praise AngularJS.
  8. 赞美AngularJS。

Usually, I recommend having object $rootScope.user where more information can be stored about user, not just displayName.

通常,我建议使用对象$ rootScope.user,其中可以存储关于用户的更多信息,而不仅仅是displayName。



You can broadcast a login event:


.factory("authService", [
    function ($rootScope) {
        return {
            login: function () {
                // do the login

and your controller:


app.controller('navbarController', function ($scope, $rootScope, authService, $cookies, $location) {

    $scope.displayUsername = authService.GetUsername();

    $rootScope.$on("login-done", function() {
        $scope.displayUsername = authService.GetUsername();



  1. Create variable $rootScope.displayName.
  2. 创建变量$ rootScope.displayName。
  3. Use {{ displayName }} in HTML markup for your navbar.
  4. 在导航栏的HTML标记中使用{{displayName}}。
  5. Up on success on login page, update $rootScope.displayName.
  6. 登录页面成功后,请更新$ rootScope.displayName。
  7. Praise AngularJS.
  8. 赞美AngularJS。

Usually, I recommend having object $rootScope.user where more information can be stored about user, not just displayName.

通常,我建议使用对象$ rootScope.user,其中可以存储关于用户的更多信息,而不仅仅是displayName。