
时间:2022-09-19 07:45:08

I want to build a python docker container that has scikit-learn, opencv, and numpy. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a pre-built container that contained all these, but I did find the one below that contains numpy and scikit-learn.

我想构建一个具有scikit-learn,opencv和numpy的python docker容器。不幸的是,我找不到包含所有这些的预先构建的容器,但我确实发现下面的容器包含numpy和scikit-learn。


I still needed to install opencv, so within my docker file I included a RUN pip install opencv-python. However, I keep on getting the error below:

我仍然需要安装opencv,所以在我的docker文件中我包含了一个RUN pip install opencv-python。但是,我继续收到以下错误:

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement opencv-python (from version: ) No matching distribution found for opencv-python


Every single thing I have read online says that a pip install opencv-python will work, but it isn't working for me for some reason. Is it a problem with the python package maybe?

我在网上看过的每一件事都说,一个pip install opencv-python会起作用,但由于某些原因它不适用于我。这可能是python包的问题吗?

Any help is appreciated


Also, I will include my full Dockerfile below, I am aiming to use openFaas, which is a serverless framework, so my Dockerfile might look odd:


FROM frolvlad/alpine-python-machinelearning

RUN apk update
RUN apk upgrade

# Alternatively use ADD https:// (which will not be cached by Docker builder)
RUN apk --no-cache add curl \
    && echo "Pulling watchdog binary from Github." \
    && curl -sSL         
https://github.com/openfaas/faas/releases/download/0.8.0/fwatchdog > /usr/bin/fwatchdog \
    && chmod +x /usr/bin/fwatchdog \
    && apk del curl --no-cache

# Add non root user
RUN addgroup -S app && adduser -S -g app app
RUN chown app /home/app

RUN pip install -U pip

USER app

ENV PATH=$PATH:/home/app/.local/bin

WORKDIR /home/app/

RUN pip install opencv-python

RUN mkdir -p function
RUN touch ./function/__init__.py
WORKDIR /home/app/function/
RUN pip install --user app opencv-python

WORKDIR /home/app/
COPY function           function

ENV fprocess="python index.py"

HEALTHCHECK --interval=1s CMD [ -e /tmp/.lock ] || exit 1

CMD ["fwatchdog"]

2 个解决方案



I've just run into this issue as well. It turns out that this is not working because opencv-python does not have any prebuilt wheels for Alpine (the distribution you're using as your base docker image).


The conversation in this issue on the opencv-python package explains why this happens in greater detail. The TL;DR is: if you really need to use Alpine, you can try forcing the installation of the manylinux wheel for opencv-python, but this can break. Your best option if you need to keep Alpine is to build the module from source. Since you are running this on OpenFAAS, I suspect you will want to keep your size low, so building from source may be a good option for you.

这个问题在opencv-python包中的对话解释了为什么会更详细地发生这种情况。 TL; DR是:如果你真的需要使用Alpine,你可以尝试强制安装manylinux轮for opencv-python,但这可能会破坏。如果您需要保留Alpine,最好的选择是从源代码构建模块。由于您在OpenFAAS上运行此功能,我怀疑您希望保持较低的尺寸,因此从源代码构建可能是一个不错的选择。

If you're not attached to Alpine, I would suggest moving to a different base docker image. If you're not sure which image to use as your base, I would recommend python:3.7-slim, since it will come with Python already installed (substitute 3.7 for whichever version you are using, but really. . . 3.7 is nice). With this container, you can simply run pip install opencv-python numpy scipy to have all three of your desired packages installed. The rest of your Dockerfile should work mostly unmodified; you will just need to install/uninstall curl using apt instead of apk.

如果你没有加入Alpine,我建议你转移到另一个基地码头图像。如果您不确定使用哪个图像作为基础,我建议使用python:3.7-slim,因为它已经安装了Python(对于您使用的任何版本替换3.7,但实际上...... 3.7很好) 。使用此容器,您只需运行pip install opencv-python numpy scipy即可安装所有三个所需的软件包。你的Dockerfile的其余部分应该大部分都是未经修改的。你只需要使用apt而不是apk来安装/卸载curl。



Actually you shouldn't install open-cv using pip, you have to install using the OpenCV package. If you are using Windows:



and then head to /opencv/build/python/xxxx folder and copy the folder to \Python\Pythonxxx\Lib\site-packages (xxx beeing your Python version)

然后转到/ opencv / build / python / xxxx文件夹并将文件夹复制到\ Python \ Pythonxxx \ Lib \ site-packages(xxx beeing your Python version)

And if you are on a Linux environment, simply:


 sudo apt-get install python-opencv

Alternatively, you can install using the wheel file from open cv, which can be downloaded at: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#opencv Choose the right version regarding your Python version and then run

或者,您可以使用open cv中的wheel文件进​​行安装,可以从以下网址下载:https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#opencv选择适合您的Python版本的版本,然后运行

pip install "wheel_file_name.whl"

To test if everything is running smooth, run:


import cv2 as cv

It shouln't print any errors if you did everything correctly




I've just run into this issue as well. It turns out that this is not working because opencv-python does not have any prebuilt wheels for Alpine (the distribution you're using as your base docker image).


The conversation in this issue on the opencv-python package explains why this happens in greater detail. The TL;DR is: if you really need to use Alpine, you can try forcing the installation of the manylinux wheel for opencv-python, but this can break. Your best option if you need to keep Alpine is to build the module from source. Since you are running this on OpenFAAS, I suspect you will want to keep your size low, so building from source may be a good option for you.

这个问题在opencv-python包中的对话解释了为什么会更详细地发生这种情况。 TL; DR是:如果你真的需要使用Alpine,你可以尝试强制安装manylinux轮for opencv-python,但这可能会破坏。如果您需要保留Alpine,最好的选择是从源代码构建模块。由于您在OpenFAAS上运行此功能,我怀疑您希望保持较低的尺寸,因此从源代码构建可能是一个不错的选择。

If you're not attached to Alpine, I would suggest moving to a different base docker image. If you're not sure which image to use as your base, I would recommend python:3.7-slim, since it will come with Python already installed (substitute 3.7 for whichever version you are using, but really. . . 3.7 is nice). With this container, you can simply run pip install opencv-python numpy scipy to have all three of your desired packages installed. The rest of your Dockerfile should work mostly unmodified; you will just need to install/uninstall curl using apt instead of apk.

如果你没有加入Alpine,我建议你转移到另一个基地码头图像。如果您不确定使用哪个图像作为基础,我建议使用python:3.7-slim,因为它已经安装了Python(对于您使用的任何版本替换3.7,但实际上...... 3.7很好) 。使用此容器,您只需运行pip install opencv-python numpy scipy即可安装所有三个所需的软件包。你的Dockerfile的其余部分应该大部分都是未经修改的。你只需要使用apt而不是apk来安装/卸载curl。



Actually you shouldn't install open-cv using pip, you have to install using the OpenCV package. If you are using Windows:



and then head to /opencv/build/python/xxxx folder and copy the folder to \Python\Pythonxxx\Lib\site-packages (xxx beeing your Python version)

然后转到/ opencv / build / python / xxxx文件夹并将文件夹复制到\ Python \ Pythonxxx \ Lib \ site-packages(xxx beeing your Python version)

And if you are on a Linux environment, simply:


 sudo apt-get install python-opencv

Alternatively, you can install using the wheel file from open cv, which can be downloaded at: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#opencv Choose the right version regarding your Python version and then run

或者,您可以使用open cv中的wheel文件进​​行安装,可以从以下网址下载:https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#opencv选择适合您的Python版本的版本,然后运行

pip install "wheel_file_name.whl"

To test if everything is running smooth, run:


import cv2 as cv

It shouln't print any errors if you did everything correctly
