mysql php查询:为什么包含不相等会影响结果

时间:2022-09-18 13:22:09

In a mysql query with 5000 records, in the table: subscriptions [id autoincrement int, name varchar64, archive tinyint4 ]

在包含5000条记录的mysql查询中,在表中:subscriptions [id autoincrement int,name varchar64,archive tinyint4]

i'm passing the following sql


$sqlg = "SELECT * FROM subscriptions where archive != 1  order by id desc limit 0,24";

the above returns records between 3061 - 3012

以上返回3061 - 3012之间的记录

If i remove the where clause,


SELECT * FROM subscriptions order by id desc

it returns, records between 5066 - 5037 which is the correct result i'm looking for with archive having the value of NULL or 0. Any ideas why this might be happening?

它返回,5066 - 5037之间的记录,这是我正在寻找的具有NULL或0值的存档的正确结果。任何想法为什么会发生这种情况?

1 个解决方案



NULL is not the same as 0. It simply is unknown, so if you want to check for NULL also, use IS NULL

NULL与0不同。它只是未知,因此如果您还要检查NULL,请使用IS NULL

FROM subscriptions 
where archive = 0 OR archive IS NULL 
order by id desc 
limit 0, 24



NULL is not the same as 0. It simply is unknown, so if you want to check for NULL also, use IS NULL

NULL与0不同。它只是未知,因此如果您还要检查NULL,请使用IS NULL

FROM subscriptions 
where archive = 0 OR archive IS NULL 
order by id desc 
limit 0, 24