
时间:2022-09-15 19:44:00

I use the doctrine2 mapper to generate my innoDB (mysql) database. How to set the initial value of my auto_incremented id using the php annotations?

我使用doctrine2 mapper生成我的innoDB (mysql)数据库。如何使用php注释设置我的auto_increment id的初始值?

This is how I modelled the id of my entity type at the moment.


 * @var integer $_id
 * @Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)
 * @Id
 * @GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
private $_id;

I found the following code in the documentation but it looks as if it would use a separate table to generate the ids.


 * @Id
 * @GeneratedValue(strategy="SEQUENCE")
 * @Column(type="integer")
 * @SequenceGenerator(sequenceName="tablename_seq", initialValue=1, allocationSize=100)

2 个解决方案



You could set strategy="NONE" and set the last ID in a @prepersist function. More easy would be to just add a "ALTER TABLE something AUTO_INCREMENT = 100;" in a DataFixture or DB migration. It's not portable SQL but it does the job without adding complexity in your Entity.

您可以设置strategy="NONE"并在@prepersist函数中设置最后一个ID。更简单的方法是在DataFixture或DB迁移中添加“ALTER TABLE something AUTO_INCREMENT = 100”。它不是可移植的SQL,但是它可以在不增加实体复杂性的情况下完成这项工作。



not really clear from documentation, but sources says ...


doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Platforms/MySqlPlatform.php:        if (isset($options['auto_increment'])) {
doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Platforms/MySqlPlatform.php:            $tableOptions[] = sprintf('AUTO_INCREMENT = %s', $options['auto_increment']);

so for mysql works as option for @table annotation


* @ORM\Table(name="xxx", options={"auto_increment": 100})



You could set strategy="NONE" and set the last ID in a @prepersist function. More easy would be to just add a "ALTER TABLE something AUTO_INCREMENT = 100;" in a DataFixture or DB migration. It's not portable SQL but it does the job without adding complexity in your Entity.

您可以设置strategy="NONE"并在@prepersist函数中设置最后一个ID。更简单的方法是在DataFixture或DB迁移中添加“ALTER TABLE something AUTO_INCREMENT = 100”。它不是可移植的SQL,但是它可以在不增加实体复杂性的情况下完成这项工作。



not really clear from documentation, but sources says ...


doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Platforms/MySqlPlatform.php:        if (isset($options['auto_increment'])) {
doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Platforms/MySqlPlatform.php:            $tableOptions[] = sprintf('AUTO_INCREMENT = %s', $options['auto_increment']);

so for mysql works as option for @table annotation


* @ORM\Table(name="xxx", options={"auto_increment": 100})