使用python ijson读取带有多个json对象的大型json文件

时间:2022-09-15 11:40:00

I'm trying to parse a large (~100MB) json file using ijson package which allows me to interact with the file in an efficient way. However, after writing some code like this,


with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    parser = ijson.parse(f)
    for prefix, event, value in parser:
        if prefix == "name":

I found that the code parses only the first line and not the rest of the lines from the file!!


Here is how a portion of my json file looks like:



In my opinion, I think ijson parses only one json object.


Can someone please suggest how to work around this?


2 个解决方案



Since the provided chunk looks more like a set of lines each composing an independent JSON, it should be parsed accordingly:


# each JSON is small, there's no need in iterative processing
import json 
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        data = json.loads(line)
        # data[u'name'], data[u'engine_speed'], data[u'timestamp'] now
        # contain correspoding values



Unfortunately the ijson library (v2.3 as of March 2018) does not handle parsing multiple JSON objects. It can only handle 1 overall object, and if you attempt to parse a second object, you will get an error: "ijson.common.JSONError: Additional data". See bug reports here:


It's a big limitation. However, as long as you have line breaks (new line character) after each JSON object, you can parse each one line-by-line independently, like this:


import io
import ijson

with open(filename, encoding="UTF-8") as json_file:
    cursor = 0
    for line_number, line in enumerate(json_file):
        print ("Processing line", line_number + 1,"at cursor index:", cursor)
        line_as_file = io.StringIO(line)
        # Use a new parser for each line
        json_parser = ijson.parse(line_as_file)
        for prefix, type, value in json_parser:
            print ("prefix=",prefix, "type=",type, "value=",value)
        cursor += len(line)

You are still streaming the file, and not loading it entirely in memory, so it can work on large JSON files. It also uses the line streaming technique from: How to jump to a particular line in a huge text file? and uses enumerate() from: Accessing the index in Python 'for' loops




Since the provided chunk looks more like a set of lines each composing an independent JSON, it should be parsed accordingly:


# each JSON is small, there's no need in iterative processing
import json 
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:
        data = json.loads(line)
        # data[u'name'], data[u'engine_speed'], data[u'timestamp'] now
        # contain correspoding values



Unfortunately the ijson library (v2.3 as of March 2018) does not handle parsing multiple JSON objects. It can only handle 1 overall object, and if you attempt to parse a second object, you will get an error: "ijson.common.JSONError: Additional data". See bug reports here:


It's a big limitation. However, as long as you have line breaks (new line character) after each JSON object, you can parse each one line-by-line independently, like this:


import io
import ijson

with open(filename, encoding="UTF-8") as json_file:
    cursor = 0
    for line_number, line in enumerate(json_file):
        print ("Processing line", line_number + 1,"at cursor index:", cursor)
        line_as_file = io.StringIO(line)
        # Use a new parser for each line
        json_parser = ijson.parse(line_as_file)
        for prefix, type, value in json_parser:
            print ("prefix=",prefix, "type=",type, "value=",value)
        cursor += len(line)

You are still streaming the file, and not loading it entirely in memory, so it can work on large JSON files. It also uses the line streaming technique from: How to jump to a particular line in a huge text file? and uses enumerate() from: Accessing the index in Python 'for' loops
