
时间:2022-09-11 10:31:58

How many languages should a software engineer need to learn? I am a student of B Tech 2 and and I only have a knowledge of C. Please tell me about other languages and courses which a software engineer needs.

软件工程师需要学习多少种语言?我是B Tech 2的学生,而且我只有C的知识。请告诉我软件工程师需要的其他语言和课程。

11 个解决方案


Try to learn languages with different paradigms, this will improve your skills in all languages (one language for each paradigm is ok, I'm listing in my order of preference):


  • "Structured Programming": C, maybe Fortran if you're going to work with numerics
  • “结构化编程”:C,如果你打算使用数字,可能是Fortran

  • Generic Programming & OO: C++
  • Generic Programming&OO:C ++

  • Script Language: Python, Ruby or Perl; Matlab if you want numerics
  • 脚本语言:Python,Ruby或Perl; Matlab如果你想要数字

  • Heavy Object Oriented with VM: C#, Java or Smalltalk
  • 面向VM的重型对象:C#,Java或Smalltalk

  • Functional Programming: Ocaml, Haskell, Scala
  • 函数式编程:Ocaml,Haskell,Scala

  • Machine Programming: i686 Assembly
  • 机器编程:i686组装

  • Logic Declarative Programming: Prolog
  • 逻辑声明性编程:Prolog

  • Database Querying Language: SQL
  • 数据库查询语言:SQL

But also don't rush yourself... learn one language at a time... maybe a new language every year... with this you're going to have a very handy toolbox for any problem you might need to solve ;)



The key is not the number of languages but the depth of knowledge.



At least 17



As always, 42.


Barring that, I suggest you look into languages which are as different as possible, e.g. :

除此之外,我建议您研究尽可能不同的语言,例如: :

  • Learning C? Take Ruby for a spin;
  • 学习C?以Ruby为旋转;

  • Top-class Python hacker? Look into C# and see what that does.
  • *Python黑客?查看C#并查看它的作用。

  • Java know-it-all? Take a deep breath and dive into Haskell.
  • Java知道所有吗?深吸一口气,潜入Haskell。


I always say the number is 1 - the primary language you use daily.

我总是说数字是1 - 你每天使用的主要语言。

It helps to be conversant in others, but its ok to be less proficient in them - you only need them to understand what's happening, and to know when to ask an expert in that language/setup.

它有助于熟悉他人,但可以不那么熟练 - 你只需要他们了解正在发生的事情,并知道何时向该专家介绍该语言/设置。


There are things which are more important than the number of languages.


For example, The Base Knowledge, underlying architecture, programming paradigms etc.


IMO, instead of learning two OOP languages, you would be better of learning one structured, one OO and one Functional language.



You might want to look at the popularity index. But, remember popularity is not everything.


Choose a programming language to start yourself -- And, C is quite good.
Continue getting better at programming over years. Track tutorials and practice.

选择一种编程语言来开始自己 - 而且,C非常好。多年来继续改进编程。跟踪教程和练习。

Focus on Algorithms and efficient programming in whatever language you use.



If you understand the concepts behind the language (which could be any language) then you can pick up other languages as and when you need them relatively easily. Here I'm talking about the basics like loops, arrays and the like as well as object orientation, aspect orientation and procedural programming.


There will be certain aspects of any language that only someone with in-depth knowledge will know, but these are relatively rare and discoverable.



You should know enough languages to be able to make an educated guess on which would be most appropriate to use for any given problem that needs to be solved.



there isn't a specific answer to your question. Some people can do well with a few, while some people prefer to be the 'go-to' person who knows almost everything.


In my opinion, for a student like yourself, knowing as many languages as possible isn't going to be productive and by the time you graduate, possibly the things that you learnt aren't of cutting edge anymore. One thing you can do if you're the practical kind of person is to look at jobs listing and their descriptions to see what skills you need to do well at that job.


Totally unrelated, but someone once told me that good programmers do well no matter what programming language/environment they use. That being said, it's easier to do well in some environments than others.


I would recommend knowing at least a scripting language (like PHP) and another managed language (Java or C#) before you graduate.


As for skills, you just need to program more to gain experience. In my opinion, the more you practise, the better you will be at it. At the very least, you should know some OOP programming and data structures. Generally, just try to learn things that would make yourself useful (to the world, or to the employers).


I hope this helps. =)

我希望这有帮助。 =)


A software engineer does not need to know any programming languages at all. A developer needs programming languages. The purpose of a software engineer is to model a software system in general (like: How many tiers? SOA? etc.) - for that you don't need programming...

软件工程师根本不需要知道任何编程语言。开发人员需要编程语言。软件工程师的目的是为软件系统建模(例如:多少层?SOA?等) - 因为你不需要编程......

If you need to do software development it is most important to understand basic concepts (like Object Oriented vs. procedural, imperative vs. functional, compiled language vs. scripting language, etc.).


Also, you should understand algorithms and their complexity (but that again is language independant).



Try to learn languages with different paradigms, this will improve your skills in all languages (one language for each paradigm is ok, I'm listing in my order of preference):


  • "Structured Programming": C, maybe Fortran if you're going to work with numerics
  • “结构化编程”:C,如果你打算使用数字,可能是Fortran

  • Generic Programming & OO: C++
  • Generic Programming&OO:C ++

  • Script Language: Python, Ruby or Perl; Matlab if you want numerics
  • 脚本语言:Python,Ruby或Perl; Matlab如果你想要数字

  • Heavy Object Oriented with VM: C#, Java or Smalltalk
  • 面向VM的重型对象:C#,Java或Smalltalk

  • Functional Programming: Ocaml, Haskell, Scala
  • 函数式编程:Ocaml,Haskell,Scala

  • Machine Programming: i686 Assembly
  • 机器编程:i686组装

  • Logic Declarative Programming: Prolog
  • 逻辑声明性编程:Prolog

  • Database Querying Language: SQL
  • 数据库查询语言:SQL

But also don't rush yourself... learn one language at a time... maybe a new language every year... with this you're going to have a very handy toolbox for any problem you might need to solve ;)



The key is not the number of languages but the depth of knowledge.



At least 17



As always, 42.


Barring that, I suggest you look into languages which are as different as possible, e.g. :

除此之外,我建议您研究尽可能不同的语言,例如: :

  • Learning C? Take Ruby for a spin;
  • 学习C?以Ruby为旋转;

  • Top-class Python hacker? Look into C# and see what that does.
  • *Python黑客?查看C#并查看它的作用。

  • Java know-it-all? Take a deep breath and dive into Haskell.
  • Java知道所有吗?深吸一口气,潜入Haskell。


I always say the number is 1 - the primary language you use daily.

我总是说数字是1 - 你每天使用的主要语言。

It helps to be conversant in others, but its ok to be less proficient in them - you only need them to understand what's happening, and to know when to ask an expert in that language/setup.

它有助于熟悉他人,但可以不那么熟练 - 你只需要他们了解正在发生的事情,并知道何时向该专家介绍该语言/设置。


There are things which are more important than the number of languages.


For example, The Base Knowledge, underlying architecture, programming paradigms etc.


IMO, instead of learning two OOP languages, you would be better of learning one structured, one OO and one Functional language.



You might want to look at the popularity index. But, remember popularity is not everything.


Choose a programming language to start yourself -- And, C is quite good.
Continue getting better at programming over years. Track tutorials and practice.

选择一种编程语言来开始自己 - 而且,C非常好。多年来继续改进编程。跟踪教程和练习。

Focus on Algorithms and efficient programming in whatever language you use.



If you understand the concepts behind the language (which could be any language) then you can pick up other languages as and when you need them relatively easily. Here I'm talking about the basics like loops, arrays and the like as well as object orientation, aspect orientation and procedural programming.


There will be certain aspects of any language that only someone with in-depth knowledge will know, but these are relatively rare and discoverable.



You should know enough languages to be able to make an educated guess on which would be most appropriate to use for any given problem that needs to be solved.



there isn't a specific answer to your question. Some people can do well with a few, while some people prefer to be the 'go-to' person who knows almost everything.


In my opinion, for a student like yourself, knowing as many languages as possible isn't going to be productive and by the time you graduate, possibly the things that you learnt aren't of cutting edge anymore. One thing you can do if you're the practical kind of person is to look at jobs listing and their descriptions to see what skills you need to do well at that job.


Totally unrelated, but someone once told me that good programmers do well no matter what programming language/environment they use. That being said, it's easier to do well in some environments than others.


I would recommend knowing at least a scripting language (like PHP) and another managed language (Java or C#) before you graduate.


As for skills, you just need to program more to gain experience. In my opinion, the more you practise, the better you will be at it. At the very least, you should know some OOP programming and data structures. Generally, just try to learn things that would make yourself useful (to the world, or to the employers).


I hope this helps. =)

我希望这有帮助。 =)


A software engineer does not need to know any programming languages at all. A developer needs programming languages. The purpose of a software engineer is to model a software system in general (like: How many tiers? SOA? etc.) - for that you don't need programming...

软件工程师根本不需要知道任何编程语言。开发人员需要编程语言。软件工程师的目的是为软件系统建模(例如:多少层?SOA?等) - 因为你不需要编程......

If you need to do software development it is most important to understand basic concepts (like Object Oriented vs. procedural, imperative vs. functional, compiled language vs. scripting language, etc.).


Also, you should understand algorithms and their complexity (but that again is language independant).
