
时间:2022-09-11 10:32:04

I just listened to the * team's 17th podcast, and they talked so highly of ASP.NET MVC that I decided to check it out.

我刚刚听了* team的第17播客,他们对ASP评价很高。我决定去看看。

But first, I want to be sure it's worth it. I already created a base web application (for other developers to build on) for a project that's starting in a few days and wanted to know, based on your experience, if I should take the time to learn the basics of MVC and re-create the base web application with this model.


Are there really big pros that'd make it worthwhile?


EDIT: It's not an existing project, it's a project about to start, so if I'm going to do it it should be now...


I just found this


It does not, however, use the existing post-back model for interactions back to the server. Instead, you'll route all end-user interactions to a Controller class instead - which helps ensure clean separation of concerns and testability (it also means no viewstate or page lifecycle with MVC based views).


How would that work? No viewstate? No events?


20 个解决方案



If you are quite happy with WebForms today, then maybe ASP.NET MVC isn't for you.

如果你对现在的网络表单很满意,那么也许是ASP吧。NET MVC不适合你。

I have been frustrated with WebForms for a really long time. I'm definitely not alone here. The smart-client, stateful abstraction over the web breaks down severely in complex scenarios. I happen to love HTML, Javascript, and CSS. WebForms tries to hide that from me. It also has some really complex solutions to problems that are really not that complex. Webforms is also inherently difficult to test, and while you can use MVP, it's not a great solution for a web environment...(compared to MVC).


MVC will appeal to you if... - you want more control over your HTML - want a seamless ajax experience like every other platform has - want testability through-and-through - want meaningful URLs - HATE dealing with postback & viewstate issues

如果…MVC会吸引你。你想要对你的HTML有更多的控制——想要一个无缝的ajax体验,就像所有其他平台一样——想要通过和通过——想要有意义的url——讨厌处理postback & viewstate问题。

And as for the framework being Preview 5, it is quite stable, the design is mostly there, and upgrading is not difficult. I started an app on Preview 1 and have upgraded within a few hours of the newest preview being available.

而对于框架的预览5,它是相当稳定的,设计大部分在那里,并且升级并不困难。我在Preview 1上启动了一个应用程序,并在最新的预览版本发布后的几个小时内进行了升级。



It's important to keep in mind that MVC and WebForms are not competing, and one is not better than the other. They are simply different tools. Most people seem to approach MVC vs WebForms as "one must be a better hammer than the other". That is wrong. One is a hammer, the other is a screwdriver. Both are used in the process of putting things together, but have different strengths and weaknesses.


If one left you with a bad taste, you were probably trying to use a screwdriver to pound a nail. Certain problems are cumbersome with WebForms that become elegant and simple with MVC, and vice-versa.




I have used ASP.NET MVC (I even wrote a HTTPModule that lets you define the routes in web.config), and I still get a bitter taste in my mouth about it.

我已经使用ASP。NET MVC(我甚至编写了一个HTTPModule,允许您在web.config中定义路由),我仍然对它耿耿于怀。

It seems like a giant step backwards in organization and productivity. Maybe its not for some, but I've got webforms figured out, and they present no challenge to me as far as making them maintainable.


That, and I don't endorse the current "TEST EVERYTHING" fad...




ASP.NET MVC basically allows you to separate the responsibility of different sections of the code. This enable you to test your application. You can test your Views, Routes etc. It also does speed up the application since now there is no ViewState or Postback.

ASP。NET MVC允许您分离代码的不同部分的职责。这使您能够测试应用程序。您可以测试您的视图、路由等。它还可以加速应用程序,因为现在没有ViewState或回发。

BUT, there are also disadvantages. Since, you are no using WebForms you cannot use any ASP.NET control. It means if you want to create a GridView you will be running a for loop and create the table manually. If you want to use the ASP.NET Wizard in MVC then you will have to create on your own.


It is a nice framework if you are sick and tired of ASP.NET webform and want to perform everything on your own. But you need to keep in mind that would you benefit from creating all the stuff again or not?

如果您厌倦了ASP,这是一个很好的框架。NET webform,并希望自己执行所有内容。但是你需要记住,你是否会从重新创造这些东西中获益?

In general I prefer Webforms framework due to the rich suite of controls and the automatic plumbing.




I would create a test site first, and see what the team thinks, but for me I wouldn't go back to WebForms after using MVC.


Some people don't like code mixed with HTML, and I can understand that, but I far prefer the flexibility over things like Page Lifecycle, rendering HTML and biggy for me - no viewstate cruft embedded in the page source.

有些人不喜欢将代码与HTML混合在一起,我可以理解这一点,但相对于页面生命周期、呈现HTML和对我来说更喜欢灵活性——没有嵌入在页面源代码中的viewstate cruft。

Some people prefer MVC for better testibility, but personally most of my code is in the middle layer and easily tested anyway...




@Jonathan Holland I saw that you were voted down, but that is a VERY VALID point. I have been reading some posts around the intertubes where people seem to be confusing ASP.NET MVC the framework and MVC the pattern.

@Jonathan Holland我看到你被否决了,但这是一个非常有效的观点。我一直在网上看到一些文章,人们似乎对ASP很困惑。NET MVC框架和MVC模式。

MVC in of itself is a DESIGN PATTERN. If all you are looking for is a "separation of concerns" then you can certainly achieve that with webforms. Personally, I am a big fan of the MVP pattern in a standard n-tier environment.


If you really want TOTAL control of your mark-up in the ASP.NET world, then MVC the ramework is for you.

如果你真的想要在ASP中完全控制你的标记。NET world,那么MVC模式就是为您服务的。



@Juan Manuel Did you ever work in classic ASP? When you had to program all of your own events and "viewstatish" items (like a dropdown recalling its selected value after form submission)?

@Juan Manuel你曾经在经典ASP中工作过吗?当您必须为您自己的所有事件和“viewstatish”项编写程序时(比如在提交表单后回顾其选定值的下拉菜单)?

If so, then ASP.NET MVC will not feel that awkward off the bat. I would check out Rob Conery's Awesome Series "MVC Storefront" where he has been walking through the framework and building each expected component for a storefront site. It's really impressive and easy to follow along (catching up is tough because Rob has been reall active and posted A LOT in that series).

如果是这样,那么ASP。NET MVC不会立刻感到尴尬。我想去看看Rob Conery的《MVC店面》系列,他一直在浏览框架,并为店面站点构建每个预期的组件。这真的很让人印象深刻,也很容易跟进(追上来很困难,因为罗伯在这个系列里一直都很活跃,而且发了很多帖子)。

Personally, and quite contrary to Jeff Atwood's feelings on the topic, I rather liked the webform model. It was totally different than the vbscript/classic ASP days for sure but keeping viewstate in check and writing your own CSS friendly controls was enjoyable, actually.

就我个人而言,与杰夫·阿特伍德对这个话题的看法截然相反,我更喜欢webform模型。它与vbscript/classic ASP完全不同,但是保持viewstate处于受控状态并编写自己的CSS友好控件实际上是很有趣的。

Then again, note that I said "liked". ASP.NET MVC is really awesome and more alike other web technologies out there. It certainly is easier to shift from ASP.NET MVC to RAILS if you like to or need to work on multiple platforms. And while, yes, it is very stable obviously (this very site), if your company disallows "beta" software of any color; implementing it into production at the this time might be an issue.

然后,注意我说的“喜欢”。ASP。NET MVC非常棒,和其他web技术一样。它当然更容易从ASP转移。NET MVC到RAILS,如果您喜欢或需要在多个平台上工作。当然,如果你的公司不允许任何颜色的“beta”软件,它显然是非常稳定的。此时将其实现到生产中可能是一个问题。



If you are a professional ASP.NET developer, and have some time to spare on learning new stuff, I would certainly recommend that you spend some time trying out ASP.NET MVC. It may not be the solution to all your problems, and there are lots of projects that may benefit more from a traditional webform implementation, but while trying to figure out MVC you will certainly learn a lot, and it might bring up lots of ideas that you can apply on your job.

如果你是一个专业的ASP。NET developer,并且有一些时间来学习新的东西,我当然建议您花一些时间尝试ASP。净MVC。它可能不是解决你所有的问题,有很多的项目,可以造福更多从传统webform实现,虽然试图找出MVC你肯定会学到很多东西,可能会带来很多的想法,您可以应用在你的工作。

One good thing that I noticed while going through many blog posts and video tutorials while trying to develop a MVC pet-project is that most of them follow the current best practices (TDD, IoC, Dependency Injection, and to a lower extent POCO), plus a lot of JQuery to make the experience more interesting for the user, and that is stuff that I can apply on my current webform apps, and that I wasn't exposed in such depth before.


The ASP.NET MVC way of doing things is so different from webforms that it will shake up a bit your mind, and that for a developer is very good!

ASP。NET MVC做事的方式与webforms是如此的不同,它会让你产生一些想法,对于开发人员来说是非常好的!

OTOH for a total beginner to web development I think MVC is definitely a better start because it offers a good design pattern out of the box and is closer to the way that the web really works (HTML is stateless, after all). On MVC you decide on every byte that goes back and forth on the wire (at least while you don't go crazy on html helpers). Once the guy gets that, he or she will be better equipped to move to the "artificial" facilities provided by ASP.NET webforms and server controls.

OTOH对于一个完全入门的web开发来说,我认为MVC绝对是一个更好的开始,因为它提供了一种良好的开箱即用的设计模式,并且更接近于web真正的工作方式(毕竟HTML是无状态的)。在MVC中,您决定在连接上来回切换的每一个字节(至少在使用html helper时,您不会发疯)。一旦这个人得到这个,他或她将会更好地装备到ASP提供的“人工”设施。NET webforms和服务器控件。



If you like to use server controls which do a lot of work for you, you will NOT like MVC because you will need to do a lot of hand coding in MVC. If you like the GridView, expect to write one yourself or use someone else's.


MVC is not for everyone, specially if you're not into unit testing the GUI part. If you're comfortable with web forms, stay with it. Web Forms 4.0 will fix some of the current shortcomings like the ID's which are automatically assigned by ASP.NET. You will have control of these in the next version.

MVC并不适合所有人,特别是如果您不喜欢单元测试GUI部分的话。如果你喜欢网络表单,那就继续。Web Forms 4.0将修复一些当前的缺点,比如ASP.NET自动分配的ID。在下一个版本中,您将控制这些内容。



Unless the developers you are working with are familiar with MVC pattern I wouldn't. At a minimum I'd talk with them first before making such a big change.




I'm trying to make that same decision about ASP.NET MVC, Juan Manuel. I'm now waiting for the right bite-sized project to come along with which I can experiment. If the experiment goes well--my gut says it will--then I'm going to architect my new large projects around the framework.


With ASP.NET MVC you lose the viewstate/postback model of ASP.NET Web Forms. Without that abstraction, you work much more closely with the HTML and the HTTP POST and GET commands. I believe the UI programming is somewhat in the direction of classic ASP.

ASP。你失去了ASP的viewstate/postback模型。净Web表单。没有了抽象,您就可以更紧密地使用HTML和HTTP POST并获取命令。我认为UI编程在某种程度上是向经典ASP方向发展的。

With that inconvenience, comes a greater degree of control. I've very often found myself fighting the psuedo-session garbage of ASP.NET and the prospect of regaining complete control of the output HTML seems very refreshing.


It's perhaps either the best--or the worst--of both worlds.




I dont´t know ASP.NET MVC, but I am very familiar with MVC pattern. I don´t see another way to build professional applications without MVC. And it has to be MVC model 2, like Spring or Struts. By the way, how you people were building web applications without MVC? When you have a situation that some kind of validation is necessary on every request, as validating if user is authenticated, what is your solution? Some kind of include(validate.aspx) in every page?

我不´t知道ASP。NET MVC,但是我非常熟悉MVC模式。我觉得´t没有MVC构建专业的应用程序的另一种方法。它必须是MVC模型2,像Spring或Struts。顺便问一下,你们是怎么在没有MVC的情况下构建web应用的?当您遇到需要对每个请求进行某种验证的情况时,比如验证用户是否通过了身份验证,您的解决方案是什么?是不是每个页面都包含(validate.aspx) ?

Have you never heard of N-Tier development?




Ajax, RAD (webforms with ajax are anti-RAD very often), COMPLETE CONTROL (without developing whole bunch of code and cycles). webforms are good only to bind some grid and such and not for anything else, and one more really important thing - performance. when u get stuck into the web forms hell u will switch on MVC sooner or later.




I wouldn't recommend just making the switch on an existing project. Perhaps start a small "demo" project that the team can use to experiment with the technology and (if necessary) learn what they need to and demonstrate to management that it is worthwhile to make the switch. In the end, even the dev team might realize they aren't ready or it's not worth it.


Whatever you do, be sure to document it. Perhaps if you use a demo project, write a postmortem for future reference.




I dont´t know ASP.NET MVC, but I am very familiar with MVC pattern. I don´t see another way to build professional applications without MVC. And it has to be MVC model 2, like Spring or Struts. By the way, how you people were building web applications without MVC? When you have a situation that some kind of validation is necessary on every request, as validating if user is authenticated, what is your solution? Some kind of include(validate.aspx) in every page?

我不´t知道ASP。NET MVC,但是我非常熟悉MVC模式。我觉得´t没有MVC构建专业的应用程序的另一种方法。它必须是MVC模型2,像Spring或Struts。顺便问一下,你们是怎么在没有MVC的情况下构建web应用的?当您遇到需要对每个请求进行某种验证的情况时,比如验证用户是否通过了身份验证,您的解决方案是什么?是不是每个页面都包含(validate.aspx) ?



No, you shouldn't. Feel free to try it out on a new project, but a lot of people familiar with ASP.NET webforms aren't loving it yet, due to having to muck around with raw HTML + lots of different concepts + pretty slim pickings on documentation/tutorials.

不,你不能。可以在一个新项目上试用它,但是很多人都熟悉ASP。NET webforms还不喜欢它,因为它需要处理原始的HTML、大量不同的概念、文档和教程等。



Is the fact that ASP.net MVC is only in 'Preview 5' be a cause for concern when looking into it?

ASP.net MVC只在“Preview 5”中这一事实是否值得关注?

I know that * was created using it, but is there a chance that Microsoft could implement significant changes to the framework before it is officially out of beta/alpha/preview release?




If you are dead set on using an MVC framework, then I would rather set out to use Castle project's one...

如果您非常喜欢使用MVC框架,那么我宁愿使用Castle project的框架……

When that's said I personally think WebControls have a lot of advantages, like for instance being able to create event driven applications which have a stateful client and so on. Most of the arguments against WebControls are constructed because of lack of understanding the WebControl model etc. And not because they actually are truly bad...


MVC is not a Silver Bullet, especially not Microsoft MVC...

MVC并不是万能的,尤其是Microsoft MVC…



I have seen some implementation of MVC framework where for the sake of testability, someone rendered the whole HTML in code. In this case the view is also a testable code. But I said, my friend, putting HTML in code is a maintenance nightmare and he said well I like everything compiled and tested. I didn't argue, but later found that he did put this HTML into resource files and the craziness continued...


Little did he realized that the whole idea of separating View also solved the maintenance part. It outweighs the testability in some applications. We do not need to test the HTML design if we are using WYSWYG tool. WebForms are good for that reason.


I have often seen people abusing postback and viewstate and blaming it on the ASP .NET model.


Remember the best webpages are still the .HTMLs and that's where is the Power of ASP .NET MVC.

记住,最好的网页仍然是。htmls,这就是asp.net MVC的强大之处。



If you are quite happy with WebForms today, then maybe ASP.NET MVC isn't for you.

如果你对现在的网络表单很满意,那么也许是ASP吧。NET MVC不适合你。

I have been frustrated with WebForms for a really long time. I'm definitely not alone here. The smart-client, stateful abstraction over the web breaks down severely in complex scenarios. I happen to love HTML, Javascript, and CSS. WebForms tries to hide that from me. It also has some really complex solutions to problems that are really not that complex. Webforms is also inherently difficult to test, and while you can use MVP, it's not a great solution for a web environment...(compared to MVC).


MVC will appeal to you if... - you want more control over your HTML - want a seamless ajax experience like every other platform has - want testability through-and-through - want meaningful URLs - HATE dealing with postback & viewstate issues

如果…MVC会吸引你。你想要对你的HTML有更多的控制——想要一个无缝的ajax体验,就像所有其他平台一样——想要通过和通过——想要有意义的url——讨厌处理postback & viewstate问题。

And as for the framework being Preview 5, it is quite stable, the design is mostly there, and upgrading is not difficult. I started an app on Preview 1 and have upgraded within a few hours of the newest preview being available.

而对于框架的预览5,它是相当稳定的,设计大部分在那里,并且升级并不困难。我在Preview 1上启动了一个应用程序,并在最新的预览版本发布后的几个小时内进行了升级。



It's important to keep in mind that MVC and WebForms are not competing, and one is not better than the other. They are simply different tools. Most people seem to approach MVC vs WebForms as "one must be a better hammer than the other". That is wrong. One is a hammer, the other is a screwdriver. Both are used in the process of putting things together, but have different strengths and weaknesses.


If one left you with a bad taste, you were probably trying to use a screwdriver to pound a nail. Certain problems are cumbersome with WebForms that become elegant and simple with MVC, and vice-versa.




I have used ASP.NET MVC (I even wrote a HTTPModule that lets you define the routes in web.config), and I still get a bitter taste in my mouth about it.

我已经使用ASP。NET MVC(我甚至编写了一个HTTPModule,允许您在web.config中定义路由),我仍然对它耿耿于怀。

It seems like a giant step backwards in organization and productivity. Maybe its not for some, but I've got webforms figured out, and they present no challenge to me as far as making them maintainable.


That, and I don't endorse the current "TEST EVERYTHING" fad...




ASP.NET MVC basically allows you to separate the responsibility of different sections of the code. This enable you to test your application. You can test your Views, Routes etc. It also does speed up the application since now there is no ViewState or Postback.

ASP。NET MVC允许您分离代码的不同部分的职责。这使您能够测试应用程序。您可以测试您的视图、路由等。它还可以加速应用程序,因为现在没有ViewState或回发。

BUT, there are also disadvantages. Since, you are no using WebForms you cannot use any ASP.NET control. It means if you want to create a GridView you will be running a for loop and create the table manually. If you want to use the ASP.NET Wizard in MVC then you will have to create on your own.


It is a nice framework if you are sick and tired of ASP.NET webform and want to perform everything on your own. But you need to keep in mind that would you benefit from creating all the stuff again or not?

如果您厌倦了ASP,这是一个很好的框架。NET webform,并希望自己执行所有内容。但是你需要记住,你是否会从重新创造这些东西中获益?

In general I prefer Webforms framework due to the rich suite of controls and the automatic plumbing.




I would create a test site first, and see what the team thinks, but for me I wouldn't go back to WebForms after using MVC.


Some people don't like code mixed with HTML, and I can understand that, but I far prefer the flexibility over things like Page Lifecycle, rendering HTML and biggy for me - no viewstate cruft embedded in the page source.

有些人不喜欢将代码与HTML混合在一起,我可以理解这一点,但相对于页面生命周期、呈现HTML和对我来说更喜欢灵活性——没有嵌入在页面源代码中的viewstate cruft。

Some people prefer MVC for better testibility, but personally most of my code is in the middle layer and easily tested anyway...




@Jonathan Holland I saw that you were voted down, but that is a VERY VALID point. I have been reading some posts around the intertubes where people seem to be confusing ASP.NET MVC the framework and MVC the pattern.

@Jonathan Holland我看到你被否决了,但这是一个非常有效的观点。我一直在网上看到一些文章,人们似乎对ASP很困惑。NET MVC框架和MVC模式。

MVC in of itself is a DESIGN PATTERN. If all you are looking for is a "separation of concerns" then you can certainly achieve that with webforms. Personally, I am a big fan of the MVP pattern in a standard n-tier environment.


If you really want TOTAL control of your mark-up in the ASP.NET world, then MVC the ramework is for you.

如果你真的想要在ASP中完全控制你的标记。NET world,那么MVC模式就是为您服务的。



@Juan Manuel Did you ever work in classic ASP? When you had to program all of your own events and "viewstatish" items (like a dropdown recalling its selected value after form submission)?

@Juan Manuel你曾经在经典ASP中工作过吗?当您必须为您自己的所有事件和“viewstatish”项编写程序时(比如在提交表单后回顾其选定值的下拉菜单)?

If so, then ASP.NET MVC will not feel that awkward off the bat. I would check out Rob Conery's Awesome Series "MVC Storefront" where he has been walking through the framework and building each expected component for a storefront site. It's really impressive and easy to follow along (catching up is tough because Rob has been reall active and posted A LOT in that series).

如果是这样,那么ASP。NET MVC不会立刻感到尴尬。我想去看看Rob Conery的《MVC店面》系列,他一直在浏览框架,并为店面站点构建每个预期的组件。这真的很让人印象深刻,也很容易跟进(追上来很困难,因为罗伯在这个系列里一直都很活跃,而且发了很多帖子)。

Personally, and quite contrary to Jeff Atwood's feelings on the topic, I rather liked the webform model. It was totally different than the vbscript/classic ASP days for sure but keeping viewstate in check and writing your own CSS friendly controls was enjoyable, actually.

就我个人而言,与杰夫·阿特伍德对这个话题的看法截然相反,我更喜欢webform模型。它与vbscript/classic ASP完全不同,但是保持viewstate处于受控状态并编写自己的CSS友好控件实际上是很有趣的。

Then again, note that I said "liked". ASP.NET MVC is really awesome and more alike other web technologies out there. It certainly is easier to shift from ASP.NET MVC to RAILS if you like to or need to work on multiple platforms. And while, yes, it is very stable obviously (this very site), if your company disallows "beta" software of any color; implementing it into production at the this time might be an issue.

然后,注意我说的“喜欢”。ASP。NET MVC非常棒,和其他web技术一样。它当然更容易从ASP转移。NET MVC到RAILS,如果您喜欢或需要在多个平台上工作。当然,如果你的公司不允许任何颜色的“beta”软件,它显然是非常稳定的。此时将其实现到生产中可能是一个问题。



If you are a professional ASP.NET developer, and have some time to spare on learning new stuff, I would certainly recommend that you spend some time trying out ASP.NET MVC. It may not be the solution to all your problems, and there are lots of projects that may benefit more from a traditional webform implementation, but while trying to figure out MVC you will certainly learn a lot, and it might bring up lots of ideas that you can apply on your job.

如果你是一个专业的ASP。NET developer,并且有一些时间来学习新的东西,我当然建议您花一些时间尝试ASP。净MVC。它可能不是解决你所有的问题,有很多的项目,可以造福更多从传统webform实现,虽然试图找出MVC你肯定会学到很多东西,可能会带来很多的想法,您可以应用在你的工作。

One good thing that I noticed while going through many blog posts and video tutorials while trying to develop a MVC pet-project is that most of them follow the current best practices (TDD, IoC, Dependency Injection, and to a lower extent POCO), plus a lot of JQuery to make the experience more interesting for the user, and that is stuff that I can apply on my current webform apps, and that I wasn't exposed in such depth before.


The ASP.NET MVC way of doing things is so different from webforms that it will shake up a bit your mind, and that for a developer is very good!

ASP。NET MVC做事的方式与webforms是如此的不同,它会让你产生一些想法,对于开发人员来说是非常好的!

OTOH for a total beginner to web development I think MVC is definitely a better start because it offers a good design pattern out of the box and is closer to the way that the web really works (HTML is stateless, after all). On MVC you decide on every byte that goes back and forth on the wire (at least while you don't go crazy on html helpers). Once the guy gets that, he or she will be better equipped to move to the "artificial" facilities provided by ASP.NET webforms and server controls.

OTOH对于一个完全入门的web开发来说,我认为MVC绝对是一个更好的开始,因为它提供了一种良好的开箱即用的设计模式,并且更接近于web真正的工作方式(毕竟HTML是无状态的)。在MVC中,您决定在连接上来回切换的每一个字节(至少在使用html helper时,您不会发疯)。一旦这个人得到这个,他或她将会更好地装备到ASP提供的“人工”设施。NET webforms和服务器控件。



If you like to use server controls which do a lot of work for you, you will NOT like MVC because you will need to do a lot of hand coding in MVC. If you like the GridView, expect to write one yourself or use someone else's.


MVC is not for everyone, specially if you're not into unit testing the GUI part. If you're comfortable with web forms, stay with it. Web Forms 4.0 will fix some of the current shortcomings like the ID's which are automatically assigned by ASP.NET. You will have control of these in the next version.

MVC并不适合所有人,特别是如果您不喜欢单元测试GUI部分的话。如果你喜欢网络表单,那就继续。Web Forms 4.0将修复一些当前的缺点,比如ASP.NET自动分配的ID。在下一个版本中,您将控制这些内容。



Unless the developers you are working with are familiar with MVC pattern I wouldn't. At a minimum I'd talk with them first before making such a big change.




I'm trying to make that same decision about ASP.NET MVC, Juan Manuel. I'm now waiting for the right bite-sized project to come along with which I can experiment. If the experiment goes well--my gut says it will--then I'm going to architect my new large projects around the framework.


With ASP.NET MVC you lose the viewstate/postback model of ASP.NET Web Forms. Without that abstraction, you work much more closely with the HTML and the HTTP POST and GET commands. I believe the UI programming is somewhat in the direction of classic ASP.

ASP。你失去了ASP的viewstate/postback模型。净Web表单。没有了抽象,您就可以更紧密地使用HTML和HTTP POST并获取命令。我认为UI编程在某种程度上是向经典ASP方向发展的。

With that inconvenience, comes a greater degree of control. I've very often found myself fighting the psuedo-session garbage of ASP.NET and the prospect of regaining complete control of the output HTML seems very refreshing.


It's perhaps either the best--or the worst--of both worlds.





I dont´t know ASP.NET MVC, but I am very familiar with MVC pattern. I don´t see another way to build professional applications without MVC. And it has to be MVC model 2, like Spring or Struts. By the way, how you people were building web applications without MVC? When you have a situation that some kind of validation is necessary on every request, as validating if user is authenticated, what is your solution? Some kind of include(validate.aspx) in every page?

我不´t知道ASP。NET MVC,但是我非常熟悉MVC模式。我觉得´t没有MVC构建专业的应用程序的另一种方法。它必须是MVC模型2,像Spring或Struts。顺便问一下,你们是怎么在没有MVC的情况下构建web应用的?当您遇到需要对每个请求进行某种验证的情况时,比如验证用户是否通过了身份验证,您的解决方案是什么?是不是每个页面都包含(validate.aspx) ?

Have you never heard of N-Tier development?




Ajax, RAD (webforms with ajax are anti-RAD very often), COMPLETE CONTROL (without developing whole bunch of code and cycles). webforms are good only to bind some grid and such and not for anything else, and one more really important thing - performance. when u get stuck into the web forms hell u will switch on MVC sooner or later.




I wouldn't recommend just making the switch on an existing project. Perhaps start a small "demo" project that the team can use to experiment with the technology and (if necessary) learn what they need to and demonstrate to management that it is worthwhile to make the switch. In the end, even the dev team might realize they aren't ready or it's not worth it.


Whatever you do, be sure to document it. Perhaps if you use a demo project, write a postmortem for future reference.




I dont´t know ASP.NET MVC, but I am very familiar with MVC pattern. I don´t see another way to build professional applications without MVC. And it has to be MVC model 2, like Spring or Struts. By the way, how you people were building web applications without MVC? When you have a situation that some kind of validation is necessary on every request, as validating if user is authenticated, what is your solution? Some kind of include(validate.aspx) in every page?

我不´t知道ASP。NET MVC,但是我非常熟悉MVC模式。我觉得´t没有MVC构建专业的应用程序的另一种方法。它必须是MVC模型2,像Spring或Struts。顺便问一下,你们是怎么在没有MVC的情况下构建web应用的?当您遇到需要对每个请求进行某种验证的情况时,比如验证用户是否通过了身份验证,您的解决方案是什么?是不是每个页面都包含(validate.aspx) ?



No, you shouldn't. Feel free to try it out on a new project, but a lot of people familiar with ASP.NET webforms aren't loving it yet, due to having to muck around with raw HTML + lots of different concepts + pretty slim pickings on documentation/tutorials.

不,你不能。可以在一个新项目上试用它,但是很多人都熟悉ASP。NET webforms还不喜欢它,因为它需要处理原始的HTML、大量不同的概念、文档和教程等。



Is the fact that ASP.net MVC is only in 'Preview 5' be a cause for concern when looking into it?

ASP.net MVC只在“Preview 5”中这一事实是否值得关注?

I know that * was created using it, but is there a chance that Microsoft could implement significant changes to the framework before it is officially out of beta/alpha/preview release?




If you are dead set on using an MVC framework, then I would rather set out to use Castle project's one...

如果您非常喜欢使用MVC框架,那么我宁愿使用Castle project的框架……

When that's said I personally think WebControls have a lot of advantages, like for instance being able to create event driven applications which have a stateful client and so on. Most of the arguments against WebControls are constructed because of lack of understanding the WebControl model etc. And not because they actually are truly bad...


MVC is not a Silver Bullet, especially not Microsoft MVC...

MVC并不是万能的,尤其是Microsoft MVC…



I have seen some implementation of MVC framework where for the sake of testability, someone rendered the whole HTML in code. In this case the view is also a testable code. But I said, my friend, putting HTML in code is a maintenance nightmare and he said well I like everything compiled and tested. I didn't argue, but later found that he did put this HTML into resource files and the craziness continued...


Little did he realized that the whole idea of separating View also solved the maintenance part. It outweighs the testability in some applications. We do not need to test the HTML design if we are using WYSWYG tool. WebForms are good for that reason.


I have often seen people abusing postback and viewstate and blaming it on the ASP .NET model.


Remember the best webpages are still the .HTMLs and that's where is the Power of ASP .NET MVC.

记住,最好的网页仍然是。htmls,这就是asp.net MVC的强大之处。