还有什么方法可以让我继续使用app_offline ?htm ASP。净MVC 2项目?如果没有,有没有其他的方法?

时间:2023-01-17 14:30:35

I loved the features of using app_offline.htm on my ASP.NET WebForm based sites.
Upload the file and your app is immediately "offline". Snappy.

我喜欢使用app_offline的特性。htm ASP。基于净WebForm网站。上传文件,你的应用程序立即“脱机”。时髦的。

Now that I'm using MVC 2, I noticed that this no longer works.
Is there a way to get this behavior in ASP.NET MVC 2 like it did in WebForms?
If not, what alternative do you prefer?

现在我正在使用MVC 2,我注意到它已经不能工作了。是否有一种在ASP中获得这种行为的方法。NET MVC 2就像WebForms一样?如果没有,你更喜欢什么?

1 个解决方案



app_offline.htm works on MVC sites. You need to make sure it's 512 bytes or larger. I use it all the time when updating a couple of MVC sites.




app_offline.htm works on MVC sites. You need to make sure it's 512 bytes or larger. I use it all the time when updating a couple of MVC sites.
