开源项目学习asp.net mvc 3

时间:2022-09-11 10:31:52

I have basic knowledge of Java and some experience with MVC pattern. I have followed asp.net mvc 3 tutorials and video's from The official Microsoft ASP.NET site and now want to move permanently to asp.net mvc 3.

我有基本的Java知识和一些MVC模式的经验。我已经关注了来自官方Microsoft ASP.NET站点的asp.net mvc 3教程和视频,现在想永久移动到asp.net mvc 3。

Personally i think one of the best ways doing this is to contribute in an opensource project to learn from. But don't know how to achieve this.


For example how can i register for opensource project ? Does someone know an opensource project where i can leran from ? Specifically asp.net MVC.

例如,我如何注册开源项目?有人知道我可以从哪个开源项目?特别是asp.net MVC。



3 个解决方案



I think this topic is more suited for programmers.stack-exchange. Anyhow you usually do not need to register for open source projects. You simply fork your version of the code add features and then send a patch/pull request to the owners. One of the better ways to start contributing to an opensource project is to go over the bug list and see what can you help fixing, this will teach you a lot about the codebase.


To find opensource projects you can scout this places:


Good luck :-)

祝你好运 :-)



You can refer the free chapter release by :Free — Scott Guthrie's (ScottGu) NerdDinner.com chapter! you can also find code related to this...

您可以参考免费章节发布:免费 - Scott Guthrie(ScottGu)NerdDinner.com章节!你也可以找到与此相关的代码......



If you haven't tried MVC 3 before, then I would start by working on examples from here This will give you enough insight. You may want to look at Orchard CMS - but I think that it'll be an overkill as it's quite complex.

如果您之前没有尝试过MVC 3,那么我将从这里开始研究示例这将为您提供足够的洞察力。你可能想看看Orchard CMS - 但我认为这样做太过分了,因为它非常复杂。



I think this topic is more suited for programmers.stack-exchange. Anyhow you usually do not need to register for open source projects. You simply fork your version of the code add features and then send a patch/pull request to the owners. One of the better ways to start contributing to an opensource project is to go over the bug list and see what can you help fixing, this will teach you a lot about the codebase.


To find opensource projects you can scout this places:


Good luck :-)

祝你好运 :-)



You can refer the free chapter release by :Free — Scott Guthrie's (ScottGu) NerdDinner.com chapter! you can also find code related to this...

您可以参考免费章节发布:免费 - Scott Guthrie(ScottGu)NerdDinner.com章节!你也可以找到与此相关的代码......



If you haven't tried MVC 3 before, then I would start by working on examples from here This will give you enough insight. You may want to look at Orchard CMS - but I think that it'll be an overkill as it's quite complex.

如果您之前没有尝试过MVC 3,那么我将从这里开始研究示例这将为您提供足够的洞察力。你可能想看看Orchard CMS - 但我认为这样做太过分了,因为它非常复杂。