
时间:2022-09-10 23:10:08

Let's assume I'm a complete lazy bum and I don't want to invest the several dozen keystrokes needed for my own exception class (it's not utterly important which gets used, really). However, to pretend I'm following good practices here, I want a pre-existing one that best fits my situation.


Problem: I need to throw an exception when my class's constructor receives an object in its parameters that is not found within a given list I've built elsewhere.


Which exception class would be appropriate to throw for that?


5 个解决方案







Winner by Accuracy: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException




IllegalArgumentException is indeed the answer here, but I'd say you have a problem with your design. In essence, your class invariant is dependent on the state of some external object, which is a violation of encapsulation. There's no way to determine whether a call to your constructor will succeed without knowledge of some other object, which leads to a confusing and easily misused API.


This problem is mitigated somewhat if the list you refer to is a static final unmodifiable List (see java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList()) and contained within the class in question, but I still don't like it terribly much. Better is to encapsulate, if possible, the acceptable parameter values in an enum, which will eliminate the need for an exception altogether. I generally dislike exceptions thrown from constructors. If you must throw an exception, use a factory method instead.


If an option is not available to you that eliminates the need for an external list, you may need to rethink your design.




If you don't fear an explosion in the number of classes, you can extend the IllegalArgumentException for this situation.


 public class InvalidInstance extends IllegalArgumentException{
    private String[] parameter;

    public InvalidInstance (String[] param){
        this.parameter = param;

    public String getMessage()
    String msg = "YOUR_MESSAGE";
    /* I think a string as "The currente object is
       invalid for parameter "+cycle for over parameter;*/
    msg += super.geTMessage();
    return msg;

public Constructor(parameter1,...){
    String[] param = new String[number_parameters]
    throws new InvalidInstance(param);

In this way, you can log all the parameters what run the exception.


This code isn't very beautiful to read: you can use if you prefer the very structured code. A simple IllegalArgumentException is more common :)




Just in case you didn't get it, IllegalArgumentException :)

万一你没有得到它,IllegalArgumentException :)







Winner by Accuracy: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException




IllegalArgumentException is indeed the answer here, but I'd say you have a problem with your design. In essence, your class invariant is dependent on the state of some external object, which is a violation of encapsulation. There's no way to determine whether a call to your constructor will succeed without knowledge of some other object, which leads to a confusing and easily misused API.


This problem is mitigated somewhat if the list you refer to is a static final unmodifiable List (see java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList()) and contained within the class in question, but I still don't like it terribly much. Better is to encapsulate, if possible, the acceptable parameter values in an enum, which will eliminate the need for an exception altogether. I generally dislike exceptions thrown from constructors. If you must throw an exception, use a factory method instead.


If an option is not available to you that eliminates the need for an external list, you may need to rethink your design.




If you don't fear an explosion in the number of classes, you can extend the IllegalArgumentException for this situation.


 public class InvalidInstance extends IllegalArgumentException{
    private String[] parameter;

    public InvalidInstance (String[] param){
        this.parameter = param;

    public String getMessage()
    String msg = "YOUR_MESSAGE";
    /* I think a string as "The currente object is
       invalid for parameter "+cycle for over parameter;*/
    msg += super.geTMessage();
    return msg;

public Constructor(parameter1,...){
    String[] param = new String[number_parameters]
    throws new InvalidInstance(param);

In this way, you can log all the parameters what run the exception.


This code isn't very beautiful to read: you can use if you prefer the very structured code. A simple IllegalArgumentException is more common :)




Just in case you didn't get it, IllegalArgumentException :)

万一你没有得到它,IllegalArgumentException :)