
时间:2022-09-16 20:04:17

I'm writing a program that implements SCVT (Spherical Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation). I start with a set of points distributed over the unit sphere (I have an option for random points or an equal-area spiral). There will be from a several hundred to maybe 64K points.

我正在编写一个实现SCVT(Spherical Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation)的程序。我从分布在单位球体上的一组点开始(我有随机点或等面积螺旋的选项)。将有几百到64K点。

I then need to produce probably several million random sample points, for each sample find the nearest point in the set, and use that to calculate a "weight" for that point. (This weigh may have to be looked up from another spherical set, but that set will stay static for any given run of the algorithm.)

然后我需要产生几百万随机样本点,每个样本找到集合中最近的点,并用它来计算该点的“权重”。 (这个权重可能必须从另一个球形集中查找,但是对于任何给定的算法运行,该集合将保持静态。)

Then I move the original points to the calculated points, and iterate the process, probably 10 or 20 times. This will give me the centers of the Voronoi tiles for subsequent use.


Later I will need to find a given point's nearest neighbor, to see what tile the user clicked on. This is trivially solved within the above problem, and doesn't need to be super-fast anyway. The part I need to be efficient is all those millions of nearest neighbors on the unit sphere. Any pointers?


Oh, I'm using x, y, z coordinates, but that's not set in stone. It just looks like it will simplify things. I'm also using C as I'm most familiar with it, but not wedded to that choice either. :)

哦,我正在使用x,y,z坐标,但这并不是一成不变的。看起来它会简化一些事情。我也使用C,因为我最熟悉它,但也没有坚持这个选择。 :)

I've considered using the spiral pattern for the sample points, as that gives me at least the last point's found neighbor as a good starting point for the next search. But if I do that, it looks like it would make any sort of tree search useless.


edit: [I'm sorry, I thought I was clear with the title and tags. I can generate random points easily. The issue is the nearest neighbor search. What's an efficient algorithm when all the points are on the unit sphere?]


7 个解决方案


Your points are uniformly distributed over the sphere. Therefore, it would make a lot of sense to convert them to spherical coordinates and discretize. Searching the 2D grid first would narrow down the choice of nearest neighbour to a small part of the sphere in constant time.



I have devised a curve (I'm sure I'm not the 1st) that spirals along the sphere from pole to pole. It remains a constant distance from neighboring windings (if I did it right). For z (-1 at south pole to +1 at north pole):


n = a constant defining a given spiral
k = sqrt(n * pi)

r = sqrt(z^2)
theta = k * asin(z)
x = r * cos(theta)
y = r * sin(theta)

It makes k/2 revolutions around the sphere, with each winding sqrt(4pi/n) from adjacent windings, while the slope dz/d(x,y) is 1/k.

它围绕球体进行k / 2转,每个绕组sqrt(4pi / n)来自相邻绕组,而斜率dz / d(x,y)为1 / k。

Anyway, set k such that the inter-winding distance covers the largest tile on the sphere. For every point in the main set, calculate the theta of the nearest point on the curve, and index the list of points by those numbers. For a given test point, calculate it's (theta of the nearest point on the curve), and find that in the index. Search outward (in both directions) from there, to theta values that are as far away as your current nearest neighbor. After reaching that limit, if the distance to that neighbor is less than the distance from the test point to the next adjacent winding, you've found the nearest neighbor. If not, jump the theta value by 2pi and search that winding the same way.




Here is the article on neighbor search: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest_neighbor_search In my understanding you can use trivial algorithm of going through all Voronoi centers and calculate 3d distance between your point and center point.


distance_2 = (x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2

where (x_0, y_0, z_0) is the point of interest (click) for you and {(x, y, z)} are Voronoi centers. The smallest distance will give you the nearest center.



Using a KD Trie is a good way to speed up the search. You can also get significantly better performance if you can tolerate some error. The ANN library will give you the result within an ε of your choosing.

使用KD Trie是加速搜索的好方法。如果您可以容忍某些错误,您还可以获得明显更好的性能。 ANN库将根据您选择的ε给出结果。


OK. NEARPT3 http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/nearpt3/nearpt3.pdf algorithm could be helpful in your case. And it all depends on how many space you can afford to use for your N points. If it is O(N*logN) then there are algorithms like kD-tree based (http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching/courses/inf2b/learnnotes/inf2b-learn06-lec.pdf) which would work for O(logN) to find nearest point. In case of 64K point Nlog_2 N = about 10^6 which is easily can fit into memory of modern computer.

好。 NEARPT3 http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/nearpt3/nearpt3.pdf算法可能对您的情况有所帮助。这一切都取决于你能为N点使用多少空间。如果它是O(N * logN),则有基于kD树的算法(http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching/courses/inf2b/learnnotes/inf2b-learn06-lec.pdf)适用于O(logN)以找到最近的点。在64K点的情况下,Nlog_2 N =约10 ^ 6,这很容易适应现代计算机的存储器。


You may find that organising your points into a data structure called an Octree is useful for efficient search for nearby points. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octree



Another possibility, simpler than creating a quad-tree, is using a neighborhood matrix.


First place all your points into a 2D square matrix (by converting the points to polar coordinates). Then you can run a full or partial spatial sort, so points will became ordered inside the matrix.


Points with small Y (or phi) could move to the top rows of the matrix, and likewise, points with large Y would go to the bottom rows. The same will happen with points with small X (or theta) coordinates, that should move to the columns on the left. And symmetrically, points with large X value will go to the right columns.


After you did the spatial sort (there are many ways to achieve this, both by serial or parallel algorithms) you can lookup the nearest points of a given point P by just visiting the adjacent cells where point P is actually stored in the neighborhood matrix.


You can read more details for this idea in the following paper (you will find PDF copies of it online): Supermassive Crowd Simulation on GPU based on Emergent Behavior.


The sorting step gives you interesting choices. You can use just the even-odd transposition sort described in the paper, which is very simple to implement (even in CUDA). If you run just one pass of this, it will give you a partial sort, which can be already useful if your matrix is near-sorted. That is, if your points move slowly, it will save you a lot of computation.


If you need a full sort, you can run such even-odd transposition pass several times (as described in the following Wikipedia page):




Your points are uniformly distributed over the sphere. Therefore, it would make a lot of sense to convert them to spherical coordinates and discretize. Searching the 2D grid first would narrow down the choice of nearest neighbour to a small part of the sphere in constant time.



I have devised a curve (I'm sure I'm not the 1st) that spirals along the sphere from pole to pole. It remains a constant distance from neighboring windings (if I did it right). For z (-1 at south pole to +1 at north pole):


n = a constant defining a given spiral
k = sqrt(n * pi)

r = sqrt(z^2)
theta = k * asin(z)
x = r * cos(theta)
y = r * sin(theta)

It makes k/2 revolutions around the sphere, with each winding sqrt(4pi/n) from adjacent windings, while the slope dz/d(x,y) is 1/k.

它围绕球体进行k / 2转,每个绕组sqrt(4pi / n)来自相邻绕组,而斜率dz / d(x,y)为1 / k。

Anyway, set k such that the inter-winding distance covers the largest tile on the sphere. For every point in the main set, calculate the theta of the nearest point on the curve, and index the list of points by those numbers. For a given test point, calculate it's (theta of the nearest point on the curve), and find that in the index. Search outward (in both directions) from there, to theta values that are as far away as your current nearest neighbor. After reaching that limit, if the distance to that neighbor is less than the distance from the test point to the next adjacent winding, you've found the nearest neighbor. If not, jump the theta value by 2pi and search that winding the same way.




Here is the article on neighbor search: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest_neighbor_search In my understanding you can use trivial algorithm of going through all Voronoi centers and calculate 3d distance between your point and center point.


distance_2 = (x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2 + (z - z_0)^2

where (x_0, y_0, z_0) is the point of interest (click) for you and {(x, y, z)} are Voronoi centers. The smallest distance will give you the nearest center.



Using a KD Trie is a good way to speed up the search. You can also get significantly better performance if you can tolerate some error. The ANN library will give you the result within an ε of your choosing.

使用KD Trie是加速搜索的好方法。如果您可以容忍某些错误,您还可以获得明显更好的性能。 ANN库将根据您选择的ε给出结果。


OK. NEARPT3 http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/nearpt3/nearpt3.pdf algorithm could be helpful in your case. And it all depends on how many space you can afford to use for your N points. If it is O(N*logN) then there are algorithms like kD-tree based (http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching/courses/inf2b/learnnotes/inf2b-learn06-lec.pdf) which would work for O(logN) to find nearest point. In case of 64K point Nlog_2 N = about 10^6 which is easily can fit into memory of modern computer.

好。 NEARPT3 http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/nearpt3/nearpt3.pdf算法可能对您的情况有所帮助。这一切都取决于你能为N点使用多少空间。如果它是O(N * logN),则有基于kD树的算法(http://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/teaching/courses/inf2b/learnnotes/inf2b-learn06-lec.pdf)适用于O(logN)以找到最近的点。在64K点的情况下,Nlog_2 N =约10 ^ 6,这很容易适应现代计算机的存储器。


You may find that organising your points into a data structure called an Octree is useful for efficient search for nearby points. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octree



Another possibility, simpler than creating a quad-tree, is using a neighborhood matrix.


First place all your points into a 2D square matrix (by converting the points to polar coordinates). Then you can run a full or partial spatial sort, so points will became ordered inside the matrix.


Points with small Y (or phi) could move to the top rows of the matrix, and likewise, points with large Y would go to the bottom rows. The same will happen with points with small X (or theta) coordinates, that should move to the columns on the left. And symmetrically, points with large X value will go to the right columns.


After you did the spatial sort (there are many ways to achieve this, both by serial or parallel algorithms) you can lookup the nearest points of a given point P by just visiting the adjacent cells where point P is actually stored in the neighborhood matrix.


You can read more details for this idea in the following paper (you will find PDF copies of it online): Supermassive Crowd Simulation on GPU based on Emergent Behavior.


The sorting step gives you interesting choices. You can use just the even-odd transposition sort described in the paper, which is very simple to implement (even in CUDA). If you run just one pass of this, it will give you a partial sort, which can be already useful if your matrix is near-sorted. That is, if your points move slowly, it will save you a lot of computation.


If you need a full sort, you can run such even-odd transposition pass several times (as described in the following Wikipedia page):

