i am able to read a particular pixel at given CGPoint but i have been looking to change the color of a pixel and it would be highly appreciated if anyone can help me out with a code snippet.
My Code is:
unsigned char* data = CGBitmapContextGetData (cgctx);
if (data != NULL) {
offset = 4*((w*round(point.y))+round(point.x));
alpha = data[offset];
red = data[offset+1];
green = data[offset+2];
blue = data[offset+3];
color = [UIColor colorWithRed:(red/255.0f)
green:(green/255.0f) blue:(blue/255.0f)
1 个解决方案
It's not clear what you are trying to do. If you want to change the pixel's color in the original CGImageRef then you would use something like:
// Set the color of the pixel to 50% grey + 50% alpha
data[offset+0] = 128;
data[offset+1] = 128;
data[offset+2] = 128;
data[offset+3] = 128;
// Create a CGBitmapImageContext
CGContextRef bitmapContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(data, width, height, CGImageGetBitsPerComponent(), width * 4, CGImageGetColorSpace(), kCGImageAlphPremultipliedFirst);
// Draw the bitmap context back to your original context
CGContextDrawImage(bitmapContext, CGMakeRect(...), cgctx);
You should make all of your changes to the data* at once and then write the modified bitmap buffer back to the original context.
It's not clear what you are trying to do. If you want to change the pixel's color in the original CGImageRef then you would use something like:
// Set the color of the pixel to 50% grey + 50% alpha
data[offset+0] = 128;
data[offset+1] = 128;
data[offset+2] = 128;
data[offset+3] = 128;
// Create a CGBitmapImageContext
CGContextRef bitmapContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(data, width, height, CGImageGetBitsPerComponent(), width * 4, CGImageGetColorSpace(), kCGImageAlphPremultipliedFirst);
// Draw the bitmap context back to your original context
CGContextDrawImage(bitmapContext, CGMakeRect(...), cgctx);
You should make all of your changes to the data* at once and then write the modified bitmap buffer back to the original context.