
时间:2022-01-24 17:33:35

If I have a credit number that is an int and I just want to display the last 4 numbers with a * on the left, how would I do this in C#?


For example, 4838382023831234 would shown as *1234

例如,4838382023831234将显示为* 1234

7 个解决方案


// assumes that ccNumber is actually a string
string hidden = "*" + ccNumber.Substring(ccNumber.Length - 4);


If it's an integer type?


Where i is the int


string maskedNumber = string.Format("*{0}", i % 10000)

This will get the modulus of 10,000 which will return the last four digits of the int



string myCc = myCc.ToString().Substring(12).PadLeft(1, '*');


A credit card number will overflow an int32 and just like phone numbers it doesn't make any sense to think about adding, subtractings, or multiplying credit card numbers. Also string inputs can handle formatting because some users will write in the hyphens. For those reasons, its a lot better to store these objects as strings and reserve numeric value types for data that you actually intend to perform arithmetic on.



I'm not satisfied.


binaryworrier: Mind that if you use modulo, you will get fewer digits for numbers such as 1234123412340001


sshow: mind that, if you use substring(12), you will get fewer digits for numbers such as 0000123412341234


solution would be:


UInt64 ccNumber;
string s = ccNumber.ToString().Text.PadLeft(15, 'myString');
string last = "*"+s.Substring(s.Length-4);

But on a more abstract note, is a credit card number actually a number? I think not; much more likely that you are going to want to manipulate it digit by digit than perform arithmetic on it. Your advantage of converting char[16] to UInt64 cuts storage space by 50%. No wait, 75% - stupid two-byte-chars!

但从更抽象的角度来看,信用卡号码实际上是一个数字吗?我想不是;更有可能的是,你想要逐位操作它而不是对其进行算术运算。将char [16]转换为UInt64的优势在于将存储空间减少了50%。没有等待,75% - 愚蠢的双字节字符!


If the number is stored as a string then this will do it


    string ccNumber = "4242424242424242";
    string modifiedCCNumber = "*" + ccNumber.Substring(ccNumber.Length - 4);


string cardNo = "1234567890123456";
string maskedNo = "*" + cardNo.Substring(12,4);


// assumes that ccNumber is actually a string
string hidden = "*" + ccNumber.Substring(ccNumber.Length - 4);


If it's an integer type?


Where i is the int


string maskedNumber = string.Format("*{0}", i % 10000)

This will get the modulus of 10,000 which will return the last four digits of the int



string myCc = myCc.ToString().Substring(12).PadLeft(1, '*');


A credit card number will overflow an int32 and just like phone numbers it doesn't make any sense to think about adding, subtractings, or multiplying credit card numbers. Also string inputs can handle formatting because some users will write in the hyphens. For those reasons, its a lot better to store these objects as strings and reserve numeric value types for data that you actually intend to perform arithmetic on.



I'm not satisfied.


binaryworrier: Mind that if you use modulo, you will get fewer digits for numbers such as 1234123412340001


sshow: mind that, if you use substring(12), you will get fewer digits for numbers such as 0000123412341234


solution would be:


UInt64 ccNumber;
string s = ccNumber.ToString().Text.PadLeft(15, 'myString');
string last = "*"+s.Substring(s.Length-4);

But on a more abstract note, is a credit card number actually a number? I think not; much more likely that you are going to want to manipulate it digit by digit than perform arithmetic on it. Your advantage of converting char[16] to UInt64 cuts storage space by 50%. No wait, 75% - stupid two-byte-chars!

但从更抽象的角度来看,信用卡号码实际上是一个数字吗?我想不是;更有可能的是,你想要逐位操作它而不是对其进行算术运算。将char [16]转换为UInt64的优势在于将存储空间减少了50%。没有等待,75% - 愚蠢的双字节字符!


If the number is stored as a string then this will do it


    string ccNumber = "4242424242424242";
    string modifiedCCNumber = "*" + ccNumber.Substring(ccNumber.Length - 4);


string cardNo = "1234567890123456";
string maskedNo = "*" + cardNo.Substring(12,4);