如何连接sql azure与android app和sql server

时间:2022-07-03 17:24:32

Wanna know how to connect sql azure with android app and sql server?

想知道如何连接sql azure与Android应用程序和SQL服务器?

STEP 1: I want to use real-time sync between exist database (dbo schema and other) in sql server and azure mobile services/azure sql database.

第1步:我想在sql server和azure mobile services / azure sql database中使用现有数据库(dbo schema和其他)之间的实时同步。

  • If I use Microsoft SQL Data Sync Agent to connect it, What do I have to do? e.g. add an id column to an existing table.
  • 如果我使用Microsoft SQL数据同步代理连接它,我该怎么办?例如将id列添加到现有表。

  • Do you have other way better than this or any other suggestions ?
  • 你有其他方式比这个或任何其他建议更好吗?

STEP 2: I want to connect android app to azure mobile services or azure sql database.

第2步:我想将android应用程序连接到azure移动服务或azure sql数据库。

  • How to connect android app to an existing Azure SQL table (from previous step) with Windows Azure Mobile Services.
  • 如何使用Windows Azure移动服务将Android应用程序连接到现有的Azure SQL表(来自上一步)。

  • I'm trying to connecting SQL Azure from my android application with jdbc and jtds, But it doesn't work. Do you have other way or any other suggestions ?
  • 我正在尝试使用jdbc和jtds连接我的Android应用程序中的SQL Azure,但它不起作用。你有其他方式或任何其他建议吗?

1 个解决方案



You are working with Android . So, you need to go as:-

您正在使用Android。所以,你需要去: -

switch to Android Studio , if you already did it then it's fine. Use tutorials provided by Microsoft Azure Mobile Services. Here is the link to get started for Android :-

切换到Android Studio,如果你已经做到了,那就没事了。使用Microsoft Azure Mobile Services提供的教程。以下是Android入门的链接: -

For brand new DataBase and new Mobile Services :-

对于全新的DataBase和新的移动服务: -


For existing DataBase and Mobile Services :-

对于现有的数据库和移动服务: -




You are working with Android . So, you need to go as:-

您正在使用Android。所以,你需要去: -

switch to Android Studio , if you already did it then it's fine. Use tutorials provided by Microsoft Azure Mobile Services. Here is the link to get started for Android :-

切换到Android Studio,如果你已经做到了,那就没事了。使用Microsoft Azure Mobile Services提供的教程。以下是Android入门的链接: -

For brand new DataBase and new Mobile Services :-

对于全新的DataBase和新的移动服务: -


For existing DataBase and Mobile Services :-

对于现有的数据库和移动服务: -
