为什么修改控制器后不需要重新启动rails? Python Web框架中是否存在此类问题?

时间:2022-06-30 11:56:48

Rails does not need to be restarted after I modify the codes in views and controllers. Do such features also exist in Python web framework?

修改视图和控制器中的代码后,不需要重新启动Rails。 Python Web框架中是否也存在此类功能?

I tried Flask and Pyramid before. I know they don't need to be restarted if I only changed the template, but have to be restarted if I changed the views(which are similar to controllers in rails). And the restart takes a few seconds to finish.


As I remember, rails doesn't need to be restarted even when I changed codes in controllers. Does anyone have ideas about whether such feature also exists in Python web framework?

我记得,即使我在控制器中更改了代码,也不需要重新启动rails。有没有人有关于这个功能是否也存在于Python Web框架中的想法?

2 个解决方案



Rails implements development-time reloading as follows. There are two mechanisms at work.


  1. Whenever the code references a class that does not exist, a callback (const_missing) can be called. Rails installs such a callback. In this callback it checks whether there is a corresponding class in one of the application load paths (e.g. in app/models), loads it and carries on. This mechanism is called "Rails autoloading" (not to be confused to Ruby autoloading which is something different).
  2. 只要代码引用了不存在的类,就可以调用回调(const_missing)。 Rails安装了这样的回调。在此回调中,它检查其中一个应用程序加载路径中是否存在相应的类(例如,在app / models中),加载它并继续。这种机制称为“Rails自动加载”(不要混淆Ruby自动加载,这是不同的东西)。
  3. Rails tracks which classes have been autoloaded. At the end of the request, it removes all those classes from memory.
  4. Rails跟踪哪些类已自动加载。在请求结束时,它会从内存中删除所有这些类。

Obviously this has some limitations. If your code stores stuff in global variables then Rails will not clear them at the end of the request, so if you global variables keep growing you will leak memory during development. Reloading also causes subtle differences in semantics between development in production. Whereas something like


scope :older_than_one_year, where('date < ?', 1.year.ago)

works as intended in development (because the model is reloaded on each request, causing 1.year.ago to be constantly re-evaluated), it doesn't work as intended in production (because the 1.year.ago is only evaluated once, so if your app has been running for a year then that scope actually translates to 2 years ago).


I don't know whether something can be implemented in Python, I'm not familiar with Python's on-the-fly class creation/modification/removal capabilities or whether it has any hooks similar to const_missing.




Pyramid has an option to automatically restart the server after changing a file:


pserve development.ini --reload

pserve development.ini --reload

I'm sure each projects documentation provides an anser to your question


Django does as well (which you didn't ask for in your question)




Rails implements development-time reloading as follows. There are two mechanisms at work.


  1. Whenever the code references a class that does not exist, a callback (const_missing) can be called. Rails installs such a callback. In this callback it checks whether there is a corresponding class in one of the application load paths (e.g. in app/models), loads it and carries on. This mechanism is called "Rails autoloading" (not to be confused to Ruby autoloading which is something different).
  2. 只要代码引用了不存在的类,就可以调用回调(const_missing)。 Rails安装了这样的回调。在此回调中,它检查其中一个应用程序加载路径中是否存在相应的类(例如,在app / models中),加载它并继续。这种机制称为“Rails自动加载”(不要混淆Ruby自动加载,这是不同的东西)。
  3. Rails tracks which classes have been autoloaded. At the end of the request, it removes all those classes from memory.
  4. Rails跟踪哪些类已自动加载。在请求结束时,它会从内存中删除所有这些类。

Obviously this has some limitations. If your code stores stuff in global variables then Rails will not clear them at the end of the request, so if you global variables keep growing you will leak memory during development. Reloading also causes subtle differences in semantics between development in production. Whereas something like


scope :older_than_one_year, where('date < ?', 1.year.ago)

works as intended in development (because the model is reloaded on each request, causing 1.year.ago to be constantly re-evaluated), it doesn't work as intended in production (because the 1.year.ago is only evaluated once, so if your app has been running for a year then that scope actually translates to 2 years ago).


I don't know whether something can be implemented in Python, I'm not familiar with Python's on-the-fly class creation/modification/removal capabilities or whether it has any hooks similar to const_missing.




Pyramid has an option to automatically restart the server after changing a file:


pserve development.ini --reload

pserve development.ini --reload

I'm sure each projects documentation provides an anser to your question


Django does as well (which you didn't ask for in your question)
