pachi 学习

时间:2022-04-29 09:50:03


  DCNN=1  -> DCNN=0 // 禁用DCNN
  #BOARD_SIZE=19  -> BOARD_SIZE=19 // 棋盘大小19x19
  OPT ?= -O3  -> OPT ?= -O0 // 优化gcc编译选项
运行参数: prior=eqex=0,dynkomi=none
  int debug_level = 3; -> int debug_level = 5;  // 内部debug等级,主要用来打印相关信息
  u->fast_alloc = true; -> u->fast_alloc = false; // 不预先生成树节点 方法:
  if(size % 2){
   board->symmetry.d = 1;
   board->symmetry.x1 = board->symmetry.y1 = board_size(board) / 2;
   board->symmetry.x2 = board->symmetry.y2 = board_size(board) - 1;
   board->symmetry.type = SYM_FULL;
  if(size % 2){
  board->symmetry.d = 0;
   board->symmetry.x1 = board->symmetry.y1 = 1;
   board->symmetry.x2 = board->symmetry.y2 = board_size(board) - 1;
   board->symmetry.type = SYM_NONE;
  joseki19.pdict -> joseki19.pdict.bak





命令 gtp.c

gogui-best_moves gfx/gfx Best Moves
gogui-winrates gfx/gfx Winrates
gogui-ownermap gfx/gfx Influence
gogui-score_est gfx/gfx Score Est
gogui-livegfx best_moves gfx/Live gfx = Best Moves
gogui-livegfx best_seq gfx/Live gfx = Best Sequence
gogui-livegfx winrate gfx/Live gfx = Winrates/gogui-livegfx winrates
gogui-livegfx gfx/Live gfx = None
final_score string/Final Score



/* How many games to consider at minimum before judging groups. */
#define GJ_MINGAMES 500


// Maximal simulation length
#define MAX_GAMELEN 600 struct playout_policy {
int debug_level; //
// We call setboard when we start new playout
// We call choose when we ask policy about next move
// We call assess when we ask policy about how good given move is.
// We call permit when we ask policy if we can make a randomly chosen move
playoutp_setboard setboard;
playoutp_choose choose;
playoutp_assess assess;
playoutp_permit permit;
playoutp_done done;
// By default,with setboard set we will refuse to make(random)
// moves outside of the *choose routine in order not to mess up
// state tracking.If you use *setboard but do not track state
// (e.g. you just initialize some per-playout data,like the Moggy policy),set setboard_randomok too.
bool setboard_randomok;
// particular playout policy's internal data
void *data;
}; struct playout_amafmap{
  // We keep record of the game so tha we can examine nakade moves;really going out of our way to
// implement nakade AMAF properly turns out to be crucial when reading some tactical positions in
// depth(even if they are just one-stone-snapback)
  coord_t game[MAX_GAMELEN];
  bool is_ko_capture[MAX_GAMELEN];
  int gamelen;
  // Our current position in the game sequence;in AMAF, we search the range [game_baselen,gamelen[
  int game_baselen;
}; struct playout_setup {
  unsigned int gamelen; // Maximal # of moves in playout
  int mercymin; //Minimal difference between captures to terminate the playout.0 means don't check
  void *hook_data; // for hook to reference its state
  playouth_prepolicy prepolicy_hook;
  playouth_postpolicy postpolicy_hook;


// 棋子
enum stone {
S_NONE=; // 没有棋子
S_WHITE=; // 白棋
S_BLACK=; // 黑棋
S_OFFBOARD=; // 边缘
S_MAX=; //


// 围棋规则
enum go_ruleset{
RULES_CHINESE=0; // 默认规则
}; //
enum e_sym{
}; //
struct group {
  coord_t lib[10];  // 气上限
int libs;
}; //
struct board_symmetry{
int x1,x2,y1,y2;
int d;
enum e_sym type;
}; // board
struct board{
  int size;  // 棋盘大小包含边缘 21
int size2;  // 21*21
int bits2;  //
int captures[4];  //
float komi;  // 贴目
  int handicap;  // 让子
enum go_ruleset rules; // 围棋规则 char *fbookfile;  //
struct fbook *fbook;  // int moves;  // 走了多少步
struct move last_move;
struct move last_move2;
struct move last_move3;
struct move last_move4; _Bool superko_violation
// 初始化 x=S_OFFBOARD,0=S_NONE
// x(420) x x x(440)
// x 0(400) 0(418) x
// x 0(22) 0(40) x
// x(0) x x x(20)
enum stone b[441];  // stones played on the board // 初始化
// 0(420) 0 0(440)
// 0 0 0
// 0(0) 0 0(20)
group_t g[441];  // 围棋所属的groupid,为0表示没有group // 初始化
// 0(420) 0 0(440)
// 0 0 0
// 0(0) 0 0(20)
coord_t p[441];  // Positions of next stones in the stone group; 0 == last stone // 初始化 0=S_NONE,1=S_BLACK,2=S_WHITE,3=S_OFFBOARD
// [0,0,0,0](420) [0,0,0,0] [0,0,0,0] [0,0,0,0](440)
// [0,0,0,0] [2,0,0,2] [2,0,0,2] [0,0,0,0]
// [0,0,0,0] [3,0,0,1] [3,0,0,1] [0,0,0,0]
// [0,0,0,0] [2,0,0,2] [2,0,0,2] [0,0,0,0]
// [0,0,0,0](0) [0,0,0,0] [0,0,0,0] [0,0,0,0](20)
struct neighbor_colors n[441];  // 上下左右 邻居的不同颜色的棋子的个数 0:没有,1:黑,2:白,3:边缘 hash3_t pat3[441];  // pat3 格式化 struct group gi[441];  // // 初始化
// 0(361) 0(440)
// 418(360)
// 22(0) 42(20)
coord_t f[441];  // 可以移动的位置 [0]=22,[360]=418 int flen;  // 19x19 = 361 // 初始化
// 0(420) 0 0 0(440)
// 0 359 360 0
// 0 0 1 0
// 0(0) 0 0 0(20)
   int fmap[441];  // 将可以移动的位置映射到列表索引 边缘为0,其余 0~360 group_t c[240];  // 可以捕捉的group队列
   int clen; struct board_symmetry symmetry;  // struct move last_ko;  // 最后一个劫
int last_ko_age;  // struct move ko;  // 劫 void *es;  // Engine-specific state;
void *ps;  // Playout-specific state; hash_t history_hash[4096];
hash_t hash;  // Hash of current board position;
hash_t qhash[4];  // Hash of current board position quadrants
}; // 邻居颜色
struct neighbor_colors {
char colors[S_MAX];
}; struct board_statics{
  int size;
  int nei8[8],dnei[4];
  hash_t h[BOARD_MAX_COORDS][2];    // zobrist hash 黑,白
  unit8 coord[BOARD_MAX_COORDS][2];  // x,y 坐标 0,0 ~ 20,20


#define pass -1
#define resign -2 // 落子
struct move {
coord_t coord;
enum stone color;


/* Move statistics; we track how good value each move has. */
/* These operations are supposed to be atomic - reasonably
* safe to perform by multiple threads at once on the same stats.
* What this means in practice is that perhaps the value will get
* slightly wrong, but not drastically corrupted. */ // 移动统计
struct move_stats{
floating_t value; // BLACK wins/playouts;
int playouts; // # of playouts


// 树节点
struct tree_node{
hash_t hash;  // hash is used only for debugging. it is very likely(but not guaranteed) to be unique
struct tree_node *parent,*sibling,*children;
struct move_stats u;
struct move_stats prior;
struct move_stats amaf;
struct move_stats pu;
struct move_stats winner_owner;  // owner == winner
struct move_stats black_owner;  // owner == black
short coord;
unsigned short depth;  //
signed char descents;  // 下降 Number of parallel descents going through this node at the moment.Used for virtual loss computation.
unsigend char d;  //
unsigend char hints;  // /* In case multiple threads walk the tree, is_expanded is set
   * atomically. Only the first thread setting it expands the node.
* The node goes through 3 states:
* 1) children == null, is_expanded == false: leaf node
* 2) children == null, is_expanded == true: one thread currently expanding
* 2) children != null, is_expanded == true: fully expanded node */
bool is_expaned;  //
}; // 树
struct tree{
  struct board *board;
struct tree_node *root;
struct board_symmetry root_symmetry;
enum stone root_color;  // 树根上的旗子状态
bool use_extr_komi;  // /* A single-move-valid flag that marks a tree that is potentially
* badly skewed and should be used with care. Currently, we never
* resign on untrustworthy_tree and do not reuse the tree on next
* move. */
bool untrustworthy_tree;  // 不值得信任的树 floating_t extra_komi;  // struct move_stats avg_score;  // 平均分 // We merge local (non-tenuki) sequences for both colors,occuring anywhere in the tree;nodes are created on-demand,special 'pass' nodes
// represent tenuki.Only u move_stats are used,prior and amaf is ignored.Values in root node are ignored   // The value corresponds to black-to-play as usual;i.e. if white succeeds in its replies,the values will be low
struct tree_node *ltree_black;
// ltree_white has white-first sequences as children
  struct tree_node *ltree_white;
// Aging factor; 2 means halve all playout values after each turn.1 means don't age at all
  floating_t ltree_aging;   /* Hash table used when working as slave for the distributed engine.
* Maps coordinate path to tree node. */
struct tree_hash *htable;
int hbits; int max_depth;
volatile size_t nodes_size;  // byte size of all allocated nodes
  size_t max_tree_size;  // maximum byte size for entire tree, > 0 only for fast_alloc
size_t max_pruned_size;
size_t pruning_threshold;
void *nodes;  // nodes buffer,only for fast_alloc


#define MC_GAMELEN MAX_GAMELEN // MAximal simulation length


struct uct {
int debug_level; // debug等级
enum uct_reporting {
} reporting; //
int reportfreq; //
int games; //
int gamelen; //
float resign_threshold; //
float sure_win_threshold; //
double best2_ratio; //
double bestr_ratio; //
float max_maintime_ratio; //
_Bool pass_all_alive; //
_Bool allow_losing_pass; //
_Bool territory_scoring; //
int expand_p; //
_Bool playout_amaf; //
_Bool amaf_prior; //
int playout_amaf_cutoff; //
double dumpthres; //
int force_seed; //
_Bool no_tbook; //
_Bool fast_alloc; //
size_t max_tree_size; //
size_t max_pruned_size; //
size_t pruning_threshold;
int mercymin;
int significant_threshold; int threads;
enum uct_thread_model {
TM_TREE,  // Tree parallelization w/o virtual loss
TM_TREEVL, // Tree parallelization with virtual loos.
} thread_model;
int virtual_loss;
bool pondering_opt;  // User wants pondering
bool pondering;  // Actually pondering now
bool slave;  // act as slave in distributed engine
int max_slaves; // optional, -1 if not set
enum stone my_color; int fuseki_end;
int yose_start; int dynkomi_mask;
int dynkomi_interval;
struct uct_dynkomi *dynkomi;
floating_t initial_extra_komi; floating_t val_scale;
int val_points;
bool val_extra;
bool val_byavg;
bool val_bytemp;
floating_t val_bytemp_min; int random_policy_chance;
bool local_tree;
int tenuki_d;
floating_t local_tree_aging;
floating_t local_tree_depth_decay;
bool local_tree_allseq;
bool local_tree_neival;
enum {
} local_tree_eval;
bool local_tree_rootchoose; struct {
int level;
int playouts;
} debug_after;

    char *banner;

    struct uct_policy *policy;
struct uct_policy *random_policy;
struct playout_policy *playout;
struct uct_prior *prior;
struct uct_pluginset *plugins;
struct joseki_dict *jdict; struct pattern_setup pat;
bool want_pat; // Various modules (prior,policy,...) set this if they want pattern database to be loaded

    // used within frame of single genmove
  struct board_ownermap ownermap;

   int stas_hbits;  // Used for coordination among slaves of the distributed engine. 未用到
int shared_nodes;
int shared_levels;
double stats_delay;
int played_own;
int played_all; // Saved dead groups,for final_status_list dead;
  struct move_queue dead_groups;
  int dead_groups_move; struct tree *t;  // Game State - maintained by setup_state(),reset_state();
struct uct_policy {
struct uct *uct;
uctp_choose choose;
uctp_winner winner;
uctp_evaluate evaluate;
uctp_descend descend;
uctp_update update;
uctp_prior prior;
uctp_done done;
bool wants_amaf;
void *data;
}; // This is the state used for descending the tree;we use this wrapper
// structure in order to be able to easily descend in multiple trees
// in parallel(e.g. main tree and local tree) or compute cummulative
// "path value" throughout the tree descent
struct uct_descend {
// Active tree nodes
struct tree_node *node; // Main tree
struct tree_node *lnode // local tree
// Value of main tree node (with all value factors,but unbiased -
// without exploration factor),from black's perspective
struct move_stats value;


struct board_ownermap {
sig_atomic_t playouts;
sig_atomic_t map[][];



// Move queue tags.Some may be even undesirable - these moves then receive
// a penalty;penalty tags should be used only when it is certain the move would
// be considered anyway
enum mq_tag {
}; #define PAT3_N 15 struct moggy_policy {
unsigend int lcapturerate,atarirate,nlibrate,ladderrate,capturerate,patternrate,korate,josekirate,nakaderate,eyefixrate;
unsigned int selfatarirate,eyefillrate,alwaysccapture;
unsigned int fillboardtries;
int koage;
// whether to look for patterns around second-to-last move
bool pattern2;
// whether,when self-atari attempt is detected, to play the other group's liberty if that is non-self-atari
bool selfatari_other;
// whether to read out ladders elsewhere than near the board in the playouts.note that such ladder testing is currently a fairly expensive operation
bool middle_ladder;
// 1lib settings:
// whether to always pick from moves capturing all groups in global_atari_check()
bool capcheckall;
// Prior stone weighting. weight of each stone between cap_stone_min and cap_stone_max is (assess*100)/cap_stone_denom
int cap_stone_min,cap_stone_max;
int cap_stone_denom;
// 2lib settings
bool atari_def_no_hopeless;
bool atari_miaisafe;
// nlib settings
int nlib_count; struct joseki_dict *jdict;
struct pattern3s patterns;

double pat3_gammas[PAT3_N]; bool fullchoose;
double mq_prob[MQ_MAX], tenuki_prob; };


struct uct_prior{
// Equivalent experience for prior knowledge. MoGo paper recommands
// 50 playouts per source;in practice, esp. with RAVE, about 6 playouts
// per source seems best
int eqex;
int even_eqex,policy_eqex,b19_eqex,eye_eqex,ko_eqex,plugin_eqex,joseki_eqex,pattern_eqex;
int dcnn_eqex;
int cfgdn;
int *cfgd_eqex;
bool prune_ladders;
}; struct prior_map {
  struct board *b;
  enum stone to_play;
  int parity;
  // [board_size2(b)] array,move_stats are the prior values to be assigned to individual moves;
  // move_stats.value is not updated
  struct move_stats *prior;
  // [board_size2(b)] array,whether to compute prior for the given value.
  bool *consider;
  // [board_size2(b)] array from cfg_distances()
  int *distances;


// This implements the UCB1 policy with an extra AMAF heuristics
struct ucb1_policy_amaf {
// this is what the modification of UCT with patterns in monte carlo go paper
// calls 'p'. Original UCB has this on 2,but this seems to produce way too
// wide searches; reduce this to get deeper and narrower readouts - try 0.2
floating_t explore_p;
// rescale virtual loss value to square root of #threads. This mitigates the number
// of virtual losses added in case of a large amount of threads; it seems that with
// linear virtual losses, overly diverse exploration caused by this may cause a wrong
// mean value computed for the parent node.
bool vloss_sqrt;
// in distributed mode,encourage different slaves to work on different parts of the
// tree by adding virtual wins to different nodes
int virtual_win;
int root_virtual_win;
int vwin_min_playouts;
// First Play Urgency - if set to less than infinity( the MoGo paper above reports 1.0 as
// the best), new branches are explored only if none of the existing ones has higher
// urgency than fpu.
floating_t fpu;
unsigned int equiv_rave;
bool sylvain_rave;
/* Give more weight to moves played earlier */
int distance_rave;
// Give 0 or negative rave bonus to ko threats before taking the ko.
// 1=normal bonus, 0= no bonus,-1= invert rave bonus,-2= double penalty
int threat_rave;
// Coefficient of local tree values embedded in RAVE
floating_t ltree_rave;
// Coefficient of criticality embedded in RAVE
floating_t crit_rave;
int crit_min_playouts;
floating_t crit_plthres_coef;
bool crit_negative;
bool crit_negflip;
bool crit_amaf;
bool crit_lvalue;


struct pattern_config {

    unsigned int bdist_max;
unsigned int spat_min,spat_max;
bool spat_largest;
struct spatial_dict *spat_dict;  // the spatial patterns dictionary used by FEAT_SPATIAL


// Maximum spatial pattern diameter
// Maximum number of points in spatial pattern(upper bound)
// Gridcular radius of matched pattern
unsigned char dist;
unsigned char points[MAX_PATTERN_AREA/];
}; struct spatial_dict {
unsigned int nspatials;
struct spatial *spatials;
uint32 hash[1 << spatial_hash_bits];
int fills,collisions;


struct uct_dynkomi {
struct uct *uct;
uctd_permove permove;
uctd_persim persim;
uctd_done done;
void *data; // Game state for dynkomi use:
// Information on average score at the simulation end (black's perspective)
// since last dynkomi adjustment
struct move_stats score;
// Information on average winrate of simulations since last dynkomi adjustment
struct move_stats value;


// single joseki situation - moves for S_BLACK-1,S_WHITE-1
struct joseki_pattern {
coord_t *moves[]; // moves[] is a pass-terminated list or NULL
}; struct joseki_dict {
int bisze;
#define joseki_hash_bits 20 // 8M w/ 32-bit pointers
#define joseki_hash_maks ((1 << joseki_hash_bits) - 1)
struct joseki_pattern *patterns;


/* Hash table entry mapping path to node */
struct tree_hash{
path_t coord_path;
struct tree_node *node;


struct fbook{
int bsize;
int handicap;
int movecnt;
coord_t moves[];
hash_t hashes[];


// likely(x)等价于x,即if(likely(x))等价于if(x),但是它告诉gcc,x取1的可能性比较大。
// unlikely(x)等价于x,即if(unlikely(x))等价于if(x),但是它告诉gcc,x取0的可能性比较大
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x),1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x),0)



static struct engine *init_engine(enum engine_id engine,char *e_arg,struct board *b);


struct board *board_init(char *fbookfile);
static void board_setup(struct board *b);
void board_clear(struct board *board);
void board_done_noalloc(struct board *board);
static void board_init_data(struct board *board); static void board_statics_init(struct board *board); int board_play(struct board *board,struct move *m);
static int board_play_(struct board *board,struct move *m,struct board_undo *u);
static int __attribute__((flatten)) board_play_f(struct board *board,struct move *m,int f,struct board_undo *u);
static group_t profiling_noinline board_play_outside(struct board *board,struct move *m,int f,struct board_undo *u);
static inline void board_rmf(struct board *b,int f);
static group_t profiling_noinline new_group(struct board *board,coord_t coord,struct board_undo *u);
static void profiling_noinline board_hash_update(struct board *board,coord_t coord,enum stone color); static inline bool board_is_eyelike(struct board *board,coord_t coord,enum stone eye_color);


struct engine *engine_uct_init(char *arg,struct board *b);
struct uct *uct_state_init(char *arg,struct board *b); static char *uct_notify_play(struct engine *e,struct board *b,struct move *m,char *enginearg);
void uct_prepare_move(struct uct *u,struct board *b,enum stone color);
// 主要设置 uct->t
// uct->t = tree_init;
static void setup_state(struct uct *u,struct board *b,enum stone color); static void uct_board_print(struct engine *e,struct board *b,FILE *f);
static char *uct_notify_play(struct engine *e,struct board *b,struct move *m,char *enginearg); static char *uct_undo(struct engine *e,struct board *b);
static char *uct_result(struct engine *e,struct board *b);
static coord_t uct_genmove(struct engine *e,struct board *b,struct time_info *ti,enum stone color,bool pass_all_alive);
char *uct_genmoves(struct engine *e,struct board *b,struct time_info *ti,enum stone_color,char *args,bool pass_all_alive,void **stats_buf,int *stats_size);
void uct_evaluate(struct engine *e,struct board *b,struct time_info *ti,floating_t *vals,enum stone color);
static void uct_dead_group_list(struct engine *e,struct board *b,struct move_queue *mq);
static void uct_stop(struct engine *e);
static void uct_done(struct engine *e);
static struct board_ownermap *uct_ownermap(struct engine *e,struct board *b);


// 创建一个新的树

struct tree *tree_init(struct board *board,enum stone color,size_t max_tree_size,size_t max_pruned_size,size_t pruning_threshold,floating_t ltree_aging,int hbits);

static struct tree_node *tree_init_node(struct tree *t,coord_t coord,int depth,bool fast_alloc);
static struct tree_node *tree_alloc_node(struct tree *t,int count,bool fast_alloc);
static void tree_setup_node(struct tree *t,struct tree_node *n,coord_t coord,int depth); bool tree_promote_at(struct tree *tree,struct board *b,coord_t c);
void tree_promote_node(struct tree *tree,struct tree_node **node); static void tree_fix_symmetry(struct tree *tree,struct board *b,coord_t c);
static void tree_fix_node_symmetry(struct board *b,struct tree_node *node,bool flip_horiz,bool flip_vert,int flip_diag);


struct tree_node *uctp_generic_choose(struct uct_policy *p,struct tree_node *node,struct board *b,enum stone color,coord_t exclude);
void uctp_generic_winner(struct uct_policy *p,struct tree *tree,struct uct_descent *descent);


void ucb1amaf_done(struct uct_policy *p);
static inline foating_t ucb1rave_evaluate(struct uct_policy *p,struct tree *tree,struct uct_descent *descent,int parity);
void ucb1rave_descend(struct uct_policy *p,struct tree *tree,struct uct_descent *descent,int parity,bool allow_pass);
void ucb1amaf_update(struct uct_policy *p,struct tree *tree,struct tree_node *node,enum stone node_color,enum stone player_color,struct playout_amafmap *map,struct board *final_board,floating_t result);


struct playout_policy *playout_moggy_init(char *arg,struct board *b,struct joseki_dict *jdict);
static void playout_moggy_setboard(struct playout_policy *playout_policy,struct board *b);
static coord_t playout_moggy_seqchoose(struct playout_policy *p,struct playout_setup *s,struct board *b,enum stone to_play);
static void playout_moggy_assess(struct playout_policy *p,struct prior_map *map,int games);
static bool playout_moggy_permit(struct playout_policy *p,struct board *b,struct move *m,bool alt);


static inline hash3_t pattern3_hash(struct board *b,coord_t c);


struct joseki_dict *joseki_load(int bsize);



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    2015年9月,一个叫Livecoding.tv的网站在互联网上引起了编程界的注意.缘于Pingwest品玩的一位编辑在上网时无意中发现了这个网站,并写了一篇文章<一个比直播睡觉更奇怪的网站:直 ...

  4. Angular2学习笔记(1)

    Angular2学习笔记(1) 1. 写在前面 之前基于Electron写过一个Markdown编辑器.就其功能而言,主要功能已经实现,一些小的不影响使用的功能由于时间关系还没有完成:但就代码而言,之 ...

  5. ABP入门系列(1)——学习Abp框架之实操演练

    作为.Net工地搬砖长工一名,一直致力于挖坑(Bug)填坑(Debug),但技术却不见长进.也曾热情于新技术的学习,憧憬过成为技术大拿.从前端到后端,从bootstrap到javascript,从py ...

  6. 消息队列——RabbitMQ学习笔记

    消息队列--RabbitMQ学习笔记 1. 写在前面 昨天简单学习了一个消息队列项目--RabbitMQ,今天趁热打铁,将学到的东西记录下来. 学习的资料主要是官网给出的6个基本的消息发送/接收模型, ...

  7. js学习笔记:webpack基础入门(一)

    之前听说过webpack,今天想正式的接触一下,先跟着webpack的官方用户指南走: 在这里有: 如何安装webpack 如何使用webpack 如何使用loader 如何使用webpack的开发者 ...

  8. Unity3d学习 制作地形

    这周学习了如何在unity中制作地形,就是在一个Terrain的对象上盖几座小山,在山底种几棵树,那就讲一下如何完成上述内容. 1.在新键得项目的游戏的Hierarchy目录中新键一个Terrain对 ...

  9. 《Django By Example》第四章 中文 翻译 (个人学习,渣翻)

    书籍出处: 原作者:Antonio Melé (译者注:祝大家新年快乐,这次带来<D ...


  1. mysql快速导入大量数据问题

    今天需要把将近存有一千万条记录的*.sql导入到mysql中.使用navicate导入,在导入100万条之后速度就明显变慢了, 导入五百万条数据的时候用了14个小时,且后面的数据导入的越来越慢. 后来 ...

  2. Add Binary

    Add Binary Given two binary strings, return their sum (als ...

  3. Thrift搭建分布式微服务(四)

      第一篇 <连接配置> 第二篇 <连接池> 第三篇 <标准通信> 第四篇 快速暴露接口 之前的文章,我们介绍了如何使用连接池管理Thrift节点,以及使用Thri ...

  4. Linux常用命令大杂烩(持续更新)

    1.vimn,$s/findstr/targetstr/g #替换n到文档末尾的所有字符串:% s/^.\{4\}//g #将当前缓冲区的所有行的前4个字符删除 2.每周日早上3:30删除日志30 3 ...

  5. js实现雪花飘落效果的代码

    使用js实现雪花飘落的效果,用html5绘布加js写的雪花飘效果 . 代码: <html> <head> <script> /** * js与html5实现的雪花飘 ...

  6. android 9Path图片的使用

    Android UI设计时,经常会使用图片作为背景,比如给按钮设置背景图片时,图片会默认缩放来适应整个按钮.但是有时这种缩放效果并不是我们所需求的.而我们只是希望缩放图片的特定位置,以此来保证按钮的视 ...

  7. 如何调试MFC中的内存泄漏

    转载地址: 首先,应该是MFC报告我们发现内存泄漏.注意:要多运行几次,以确定输出 ...

  8. error C2871&colon; &amp&semi;&num;39&semi;std&amp&semi;&num;39&semi; &colon; does not exist or is not a namespace

    #include <iostream.h> using namespace std; 然后编译时出现 error C2871: 'std' : does not exist or is n ...

  9. maven的项目目录解析


  10. iOS---------如何搭建ipv6环境

    第一步:首先打开共享 第二步:点击互联网共享,然后按option键.会出现创建NAT64网络 第三步:点击Wi-Fi共享,设置网络名称,频段:11.安全性:WPA2个人级.密码设置8位就可以了.然后在 ...