在更改ItemsSource后,如何让Silverlight ComboBox调整下拉列表的大小?

时间:2022-03-05 08:04:43

There are various posts on the web about this issue whereby the ComboBox only changes its dropdown height to fit the items on its very first dropdown. Any changes to the items shown doesn't cause the dropdown to resize. The various workarounds I have found don't seem to work for me, so I was wondering if anyone had found a way to solve this.


My current option is to use MinHeight and set it to a reasonable size (if I set MinHeight and MaxHeight, I get the same issue as if I set Height - no scrollbar when the items go outside the bounds.

我当前的选择是使用MinHeight并将其设置为合理的大小(如果我设置MinHeight和MaxHeight,我得到的问题就像我设置高度一样 - 当项目超出界限时没有滚动条。

I've tried changing the container for the items, but it seems they all have this issue. Any ideas?


Note that I have also tried programmatically recreating the combo whenever I change the ItemsSource as indicated on several forums, but I can't get this to work without crashing.


2 个解决方案


The 'add and remove' method works for me. Here's what I do (in case you're doing something slightly different, or anyone else wants to try this method):


  • Read and store locally all the properties you're interested in
  • 在本地读取并存储您感兴趣的所有属性

  • Remove the combo-box from the visual tree
  • 从可视树中删除组合框

  • Set the variable to null
  • 将变量设置为null

  • Create a new combo box
  • 创建一个新的组合框

  • Restore the properties you stored above
  • 恢复上面存储的属性

  • Take away the number you first thought of
  • 拿走你最初想到的数字

  • Add it back into the visual tree
  • 将其添加回可视树中

For example:

string lName = lComboBox.Name;
DataTemplate lTemplate = lComboBox.ItemTemplate;
Thickness lMargin = lComboBox.Margin;
// Other properties


lComboBox= null;
lComboBox= new ComboBox(){
    Name = lName,
    ItemTemplate = lTemplate,
    Margin = lMargin,
    ItemsSource = lList // Your datasource



I found a great solution thanks to this answer. It works great and isn't quite as hacky as other suggestions (effective as they are).


Obviously, community wiki-ing this post as it isn't my answer. Please go vote for the real answer, markti deserves double rep for this one.



The 'add and remove' method works for me. Here's what I do (in case you're doing something slightly different, or anyone else wants to try this method):


  • Read and store locally all the properties you're interested in
  • 在本地读取并存储您感兴趣的所有属性

  • Remove the combo-box from the visual tree
  • 从可视树中删除组合框

  • Set the variable to null
  • 将变量设置为null

  • Create a new combo box
  • 创建一个新的组合框

  • Restore the properties you stored above
  • 恢复上面存储的属性

  • Take away the number you first thought of
  • 拿走你最初想到的数字

  • Add it back into the visual tree
  • 将其添加回可视树中

For example:

string lName = lComboBox.Name;
DataTemplate lTemplate = lComboBox.ItemTemplate;
Thickness lMargin = lComboBox.Margin;
// Other properties


lComboBox= null;
lComboBox= new ComboBox(){
    Name = lName,
    ItemTemplate = lTemplate,
    Margin = lMargin,
    ItemsSource = lList // Your datasource



I found a great solution thanks to this answer. It works great and isn't quite as hacky as other suggestions (effective as they are).


Obviously, community wiki-ing this post as it isn't my answer. Please go vote for the real answer, markti deserves double rep for this one.
