android 如何分析卡顿问题

时间:2025-01-25 07:57:37

根据App包名 & uid 通过时间点附近的上下文找到App的pid


  1. Package [.weather2] (5c2d4cd):


  1. 08-05 12:26:47.543 10072 26818 26818 I wm_on_create_called:[0,.,performCreate,86]


查看主线程 相关时间点附近是否有耗时操作

  1. 明确的App的Activity的生命周期耗时(onCreate- onDestroy)
  • 08-04 07:53:02.665 10219 4962 4962 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity /.SetupWizardActivity onCreate took 724ms
  • 08-05 12:26:47.566 10243 26840 26840 I am_lifecycle_sample: [0,,110,3038]
  1. 主线程执行消息耗时

8-05 12:26:47.449 10072 26818 26818 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2 plan=12:26:44.465 late=5ms wall=2978ms running=109ms runnable=3ms h= H w = 110 p r o c S t a t e = 208 − 2812 : 49 : 47.2291030522812281 W L o o p e r : S l o w L o o p e r m a i n : L o n g M s g : s e q = 2362 p l a n = 12 : 49 : 39.186 l a t e = 2538 m s ∗ ∗ w a l l = 5435 m s ∗ ∗ r u n n i n g = 316 m s r u n n a b l e = 59 m s ∗ ∗ i o = 4979 m s ∗ ∗ b i n d e r = 9 m s s l o w p a t h = 1 m s h = a n d r o i d . v i e w . C h o r e o g r a p h e r H w=110 procState=2 08-28 12:49:47.229 10305 2281 2281 W Looper : Slow Looper main: Long Msg: seq=2362 plan=12:49:39.186 late=2538ms **wall=5435ms** running=316ms runnable=59ms **io=4979ms** binder=9ms slowpath=1ms h= Hw=110procState=2082812:49:47.2291030522812281WLooper:SlowLoopermain:LongMsg:seq=2362plan=12:49:39.186late=2538mswall=5435msrunning=316msrunnable=59msio=4979msbinder=9msslowpath=1msh=android.view.ChoreographerFrameHandler c=$FrameDisplayEventReceiver

  1. 主线程binder耗时
  • 05-18 07:15:08.088 10104 30177 30177 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 7742ms, interface=, code=1 oneway=false
    调用IContentProvider的transaction code为1(去中查找1 )的接口耗时7742ms
  • 03-24 09:57:04.057 1000 4243 4243 I binder_sample: [,48,**4001,**,100]
    主线程4243 执行IWifiManager code 48 耗时 4001ms
  1. 掉帧
    08-28 12:49:48.551 10305 2281 2281 I Choreographer: Skipped 602 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.

system server端dvm_lock_sample

如果客户端有与system server的binder耗时,可查看相关的system server等锁相关

  • 03-24 10:23:40.280 1000 1664 1694 I dvm_lock_sample: [system_server,1,Binder:1664_1,15987,,9978, (),-,16089,void (, int, , , boolean, int),8878]
    system server的binder 1664_1线程 在执行到() 行数为9978时一直在等待ams锁
    该锁被同一个文件的finishReceiver 的 16089行持有,导致Binder:1664_1 线程阻塞15987ms(- 代表同一个文件),最后一个8878被miui修改成了tid

  • monitor contention with owner Binder:1547_E (2818) at (, , , , , , boolean, int, boolean, int, int, , )(:213) waiters=8 in boolean () for 1420.999s