
时间:2024-10-27 08:38:33
  • <?php
  • namespace frphp\lib;
  • use frphp\db\DBholder;
  • use PDO;
  • class Model {
  • protected $model;
  • protected static $table;
  • protected $primary = 'id';
  • private $db;
  • private static $instance=false;//不支持单例模式
  • public function __construct(){
  • $this->db = DBholder::getInstance();
  • }
  • public static function getInstance($table=null){
  • if(self::$instance===false){
  • self::$instance = new self($table);
  • }
  • if($table!=null){
  • self::$table = $table;
  • }
  • self::$table = DB_PREFIX.strtolower(self::$table);
  • return self::$instance;
  • }
  • //查询数据条数
  • public function getCount($conditions=null){
  • $where = '';
  • if(is_array($conditions)){
  • $conditions = $this->__prepera_format($conditions);
  • $join = array();
  • foreach( $conditions as $key => $value ){
  • $value = '\''.$value.'\'';
  • $join[] = "{$key} = {$value}";
  • }
  • if(count($join)){
  • $where = "WHERE ".join(" AND ",$join);
  • }
  • }else{
  • if(null != $conditions) $where = "WHERE ".$conditions;
  • }
  • $table = self::$table;
  • $sql = "SELECT count(*) as Frcount FROM {$table} {$where}";
  • $result = $this->db->getArray($sql);
  • return $result[0]['Frcount'];
  • }
  • //递增数据
  • public function goInc($conditions,$field,$vp=1){
  • $where = "";
  • if(is_array($conditions)){
  • $conditions = $this->__prepera_format($conditions);
  • $join = array();
  • foreach( $conditions as $key => $value ){
  • $value = '\''.$value.'\'';
  • $join[] = "{$key} = {$value}";
  • }
  • if(count($join)){
  • $where = "WHERE ".join(" AND ",$join);
  • }
  • }else{
  • if(null != $conditions)$where = "WHERE ".$conditions;
  • }
  • $values = "{$field} = {$field} + {$vp}";
  • $table = self::$table;
  • $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$values} {$where}";
  • return $this->runSql($sql);
  • }
  • //递减
  • public function goDec($conditions,$field,$vp=1){
  • return $this->goInc($conditions,$field,-$vp);
  • }
  • // 修改数据
  • public function update($conditions=null,$row=null)
  • {
  • $where = "";
  • $row = $this->__prepera_format($row);
  • if(empty($row))return FALSE;
  • if(is_array($conditions)){
  • $conditions = $this->__prepera_format($conditions);
  • $join = array();
  • foreach( $conditions as $key => $condition ){
  • $condition = '\''.$condition.'\'';
  • $join[] = "{$key} = {$condition}";
  • }
  • if(count($join)){
  • $where = "WHERE ".join(" AND ",$join);
  • }
  • }else{
  • if(null != $conditions)$where = "WHERE ".$conditions;
  • }
  • foreach($row as $key => $value){
  • if($value!==null){
  • $value = '\''.$value.'\'';
  • $vals[] = "{$key} = {$value}";
  • }else{
  • $vals[] = "{$key} = null";
  • }
  • }
  • $values = join(", ",$vals);
  • $table = self::$table;
  • $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$values} {$where}";
  • return $this->runSql($sql);
  • }
  • public function updateMuti($conditions=null,$rows=null){
  • if(count($conditions)!=count($rows)){
  • throw new Exception('数组不匹配');
  • return false;
  • }
  • $whereArr = [];
  • foreach($conditions as $condition){
  • if(is_array($condition)){
  • $condition = $this->__prepera_format($condition);
  • $join = array();
  • foreach( $condition as $key => $condit ){
  • $condit = '\''.$condit.'\'';
  • $join[] = "{$key} = {$condit}";
  • }
  • if(count($join)){
  • $where = "WHERE ".join(" AND ",$join);
  • }
  • }else{
  • if(null != $condition)$where = "WHERE ".$condition;
  • }
  • $whereArr[] = $where;
  • }
  • $valuesArr = [];
  • foreach($rows as $row){
  • $row = $this->__prepera_format($row);
  • if(!empty($row)){
  • foreach($row as $key => $value){
  • if($value!==null){
  • $value = '\''.$value.'\'';
  • $vals[] = "{$key} = {$value}";
  • }else{
  • $vals[] = "{$key} = null";
  • }
  • }
  • $values = join(", ",$vals);
  • $valuesArr[]=$values;
  • }
  • }
  • if(count($whereArr)!=count($valuesArr)){
  • throw new Exception('数组不匹配');
  • return false;
  • }
  • $sqlArr=[];
  • $table = self::$table;
  • foreach($whereArr as $k=>$where){
  • $sqlArr[] = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$valuesArr[$k]} {$where};";
  • }
  • $sql=implode('',$sqlArr);
  • return $this->runSql($sql);
  • }
  • // 查询所有
  • public function findAll($conditions=null,$order=null,$fields=null,$limit=null)
  • {
  • $where = '';
  • if(is_array($conditions)){
  • $conditions = $this->__prepera_format($conditions);
  • $join = array();
  • foreach( $conditions as $key => $value ){
  • $value = '\''.$value.'\'';
  • $join[] = "{$key} = {$value}";
  • }
  • if(count($join)){
  • $where = "WHERE ".join(" AND ",$join);
  • }
  • }else{
  • if(null != $conditions)$where = "WHERE ".$conditions;
  • }
  • if(is_array($order)){
  • $where .= ' ORDER BY ';
  • $where .= implode(',', $order);
  • }else{
  • if($order!=null)$where .= " ORDER BY ".$order;
  • }
  • if(!empty($limit)){
  • if(strpos($limit,',')===false){
  • $limit = ($limit<=0) ? 1 : $limit;
  • }
  • $where .= " LIMIT {$limit}";
  • }
  • $fields = empty($fields) ? "*" : $fields;
  • $table = self::$table;
  • $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM {$table} {$where}";
  • return $this->db->getArray($sql);
  • }
  • // 查询一条
  • public function find($where=null,$order=null,$fields=null,$limit=1)
  • {
  • if( $record = $this->findAll($where, $order, $fields, 1) ){
  • return array_pop($record);
  • }else{
  • return FALSE;
  • }
  • }
  • //获取单一字段内容
  • public function getField($where=null,$fields=null,$orders=null){
  • if( $record = $this->findAll($where, $orders, $fields, 1) ){
  • $res = array_pop($record);
  • return $res[$fields];
  • }else{
  • return FALSE;
  • }
  • }
  • //执行 SQL 语句,返回PDOStatement对象,可以理解为结果集
  • public function query($sql){
  • return $this->db->query();
  • }
  • //执行SQL语句返回影响行数
  • public function runSql($sql)
  • {
  • return $this->db->exec($sql);
  • }
  • //执行SQL语句函数
  • public function findSql($sql)
  • {
  • return $this->db->getArray($sql);
  • }
  • // 根据条件 (conditions) 删除
  • public function delete($conditions)
  • {
  • $where = "";
  • if(is_array($conditions)){
  • $conditions = $this->__prepera_format($conditions);
  • $join = array();
  • foreach( $conditions as $key => $condition ){
  • $condition = '\''.$condition.'\'';
  • $join[] = "{$key} = {$condition}";
  • }
  • if(count($join)){
  • $where = "WHERE ".join(" AND ",$join);
  • }
  • }else{
  • if(null != $conditions)$where = "WHERE ( ".$conditions. ")";
  • }
  • $table = self::$table;
  • $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table} {$where}";
  • return $this->runSql($sql);
  • }
  • // 新增数据
  • public function add($row)
  • {
  • if(!is_array($row))return FALSE;
  • $row = $this->__prepera_format($row);
  • if(empty($row))return FALSE;
  • foreach($row as $key => $value){
  • if($value!==null){
  • $cols[] = $key;
  • $vals[] = '\''.$value.'\'';
  • }
  • }
  • $col = join(',', $cols);
  • $val = join(',', $vals);
  • $table = self::$table;
  • $sql = "INSERT INTO {$table} ({$col}) VALUES ({$val})";
  • if( FALSE != $this->runSql($sql) ){
  • if( $newinserid = $this->db->lastInsertId() ){
  • return $newinserid;
  • }else{
  • $a=$this->find($row, "{$this->primary} DESC",$this->primary);
  • return array_pop($a);
  • }
  • }
  • return FALSE;
  • }
  • //预处理SQL
  • private function __prepera_format($rows)
  • {
  • $table = self::$table;
  • $stmt = $this->db->getTable($table);
  • $stmt->execute();
  • $columns = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS);
  • $newcol = array();
  • foreach ($columns as $key => $value) {
  • $field = strtolower($value->Field);
  • if(stripos($value->Type,'int')!==false || stripos($value->Type,'decimal')!==false){
  • if(isset($rows[$field])){
  • if($rows[$field]!=='' && $rows[$field]!==false){
  • $newcol[$field] = $rows[$field];
  • }else{
  • $newcol[$field] = 0;
  • }
  • }
  • }else{
  • if(isset($rows[$field])){
  • if($rows[$field]!=='' && $rows[$field]!==false ){
  • $newcol[$field] = $rows[$field];
  • }else{
  • $newcol[$field] = null;
  • }
  • }
  • }
  • }
  • return $newcol;
  • //return array_intersect_key($rows,$newcol);
  • }
  • public function __destruct()
  • {
  • $this->db = null;
  • }
  • }
  • ?>