13 - matlab m_map地学绘图工具基础函数 - 介绍创建管理颜色映射的函数m_colmap和轮廓图绘制颜色条的函数m_contfbar-1. 关于m_colmap

时间:2024-07-14 07:12:43



% m_colmap  Useful colormaps
%   m_colmap(NAME) returns an M-by-3 matrix containing the NAME colormap
%   where NAME is one of:
%     'jet' : a perceptually uniform variation of the JET colormap. It
%             contains the multiple colours which make JET useful, while
%             avoiding the weird highlighting especially around yellow and
%             cyan. The colors begin with dark blue, range through shades
%             of blue, green, orange and red, and ends with dark red.
%     'mBOD' : a modified blue/orange diverging colormap without white,
%              useful as a colorblind-friendly jet alternative
%     'diverging' : a blue/red diverging colormap
%     'BOD' : a blue/orange diverging colormap
%     'rBOD' : a different blue/orange colormap with gray in the middle
%     'odv'  : an isoluminant map 
%     'cyclic2': a cyclic colormap (for angles) with two dark regions
%     'cyclic1': a cyclic colormap (for angles) with one dark region
%     'land' : a topographic height (green-brown-white) shading
%     'water' : blue shading for water (goes with 'land').
%     'gland' : a topographic height  shading with more green
%     'bland' : a topographic height shading with browns only.
%     'blue' : a perceptually useful blue shading (good for bathymetry)
%     'green' : a perceptually useful green shading
%     'chlorophyll': Enhanced green for chlorophyll (to red)
%     'CBchlorophyll': Enhanced green for chlorophyll (to magenta)
%                               <-colorblind friendly
%     'EK80' : a standard echo-sounder map.
%     'chart':  the standard chart colour (single color)
%   and M is the same length as the current figure's colormap. If no
%   figure exists, the length of the default colormap is used. The
%   length can be explicitly specified with s_colmap(NAME,M).
%   m_colmap('demo') demonstrates the colormaps.
%   m_colmap(NAME,'step') returns a 256-color map in which colours are
%   perceptually bunched into 16 separate colours. This is useful
%   if you want to see "edges" in what would be an otherwise
%   smooth gradation (i.e. approaching the look of contouring).
%   m_colmap(NAME,'demo') Gives a demo of this behavior
%   m_colmap(NAME,'step',M) bunches into M colours.

  其中,nme 选择一种颜色类型;m 颜色长度,不设置就自动用默认的,设置了就颜色条按区间进行分段;


m_colmap demo


%% m_colormap
ncFilePath = 'GLDAS_NOAH10_M.A200602.021.nc4';
lon = ncread(ncFilePath,'lon');
lat = ncread(ncFilePath,'lat');    
soilmoi_data = ncread(ncFilePath,'SoilMoi0_10cm_inst'); 


m_proj('mercator','long',[69.5 105.5],'lat',[24.5 40.5]);
% 在地图上绘制伪彩色图
m_pcolor(LN,LT, soilmoi_data');

colormap( m_colmap('jet') );
%colormap( m_colmap('jet',10) );

% 添加地图边界、标签和色标
m_gshhs('ic','color',[.5 .5 .5]) % 中等分辨率海岸线
m_gshhs('ir2','color','k')   % 中等分辨率河流
