Discord is all fun and games until your account is stolen. Make sure no one can access your account, even if they steal your password, by implementing two-factor authentication. Don’t forget to regularly update your password and privacy settings.
在您的帐户被盗之前,Discord都是有趣的游戏。 通过实施两步验证 ,确保即使有人窃取了您的密码,也没有人可以访问您的帐户。 不要忘记定期更新您的密码和隐私设置。
如何在Discord中设置两因素身份验证 (How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication in Discord)
Discord‘s two-factor authentication (2FA) uses Google Authenticator or Authy to send a temporary code to your smartphone every time you log in. Discord won’t let you access your account until you enter this code, thereby confirming your identity.
每次登录时, Discord的两因素身份验证(2FA)都会使用Google Authenticator或Authy向您的智能手机发送临时代码。在您输入此代码以确认您的身份之前,Discord不允许您访问您的帐户。
To set up 2FA in Discord, open the Settings menu by clicking on the cog icon in the bottom left next to your name and avatar.

In the Settings menu, under My Account, select “Enable Two-Factor Auth”.

Next, you’ll need to set up either Google Authenticator or Authy on your smartphone or tablet. In either app, use the “Scan a Barcode” feature to scan the QR code in Discord. Alternatively, you can use the “Enter a Provided Key” feature in either app to enter the 2FA key in Discord.
接下来,您需要在智能手机或平板电脑上设置Google Authenticator或Authy。 在任何一个应用程序中,使用“扫描条形码”功能扫描Discord中的QR码。 或者,您可以在两个应用程序中使用“输入提供的**”功能在Discord中输入2FA**。

Once you scan the QR code or enter the 2FA key into Google Authenticator or Authy, that app will present you with a six-digit verification code. Enter that code into Discord now to activate 2FA.
扫描QR码或在Google Authenticator或Authy中输入2FA**后,该应用将为您提供六位数的验证码。 立即将代码输入Discord以**2FA。
Once 2FA is activated, you can add a phone number to your account to use SMS Authentication, or you can download static backup codes to use whenever you need to verify your identity later. You can always perform these actions later.
**2FA后,您可以在帐户中添加电话号码以使用SMS身份验证,也可以下载静态备份代码以供以后需要验证身份时使用。 您以后总是可以执行这些操作。

如何保护您的不一致密码 (How to Secure Your Discord Password)
A secure password is always vital to maintaining healthy security. You shouldn’t reuse the same password you use elsewhere on Discord or any other service. We recommend using a password manager to generate and store these unique passwords.
安全密码对于保持健康的安全始终至关重要。 您不应该重复使用与Discord或任何其他服务上的其他地方相同的密码。 我们建议使用密码管理器来生成和存储这些唯一的密码。
To change your password in Discord, start by accessing the Settings menu. As before, click on the cog icon next to your name and avatar in the bottom left. On the My Account page, click “Edit”.
要在Discord中更改密码,请先访问“设置”菜单。 和以前一样,单击您的名称和头像左下方的齿轮图标。 在“我的帐户”页面上,单击“编辑”。

Select “Change Password?”.

Enter your current password and a new password. Click “Save”.
输入您的当前密码和新密码。 点击“保存”。
如何更新Discord的隐私设置 (How to Update Discord’s Privacy Settings)
Discord also features a wide range of immensely useful but incredible simple privacy tools. To access these settings, open the Settings menu as before. Under User Settings, click “Privacy & Safety”.
Discord还具有多种非常有用但令人难以置信的简单隐私工具。 要访问这些设置,请像以前一样打开“设置”菜单。 在“用户设置”下,单击“隐私和安全”。

This tab provides controls for who can contact you, what content others can send you, and how Discord tracks and uses the data you generate. You can even request all of your data from Discord by scrolling down in this menu and selecting “Request Data”.
此选项卡提供控件,用于控制哪些人可以与您联系,其他人可以向您发送哪些内容以及Discord如何跟踪和使用您生成的数据。 您甚至可以通过在此菜单中向下滚动并选择“请求数据”来从Discord请求所有数据。
Through 2FA, proper password management, and precise privacy and security settings, you can make sure that your Discord experience is secure, reliable, and safe.
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/663215/how-to-secure-your-discord-account/