Powershell script to install Windows Updates (msu) from folder

时间:2023-07-29 10:16:32
# Name: InstallWindowsUpdates.ps1
# Author: Tony Murray
# Version: 1.0
# Date: 16/11/2010
# Comment: PowerShell script to install
# Windows Update files
######################################################### # Specify the location of the *.msu files
$updatedir = "C:\E2010 SP1 Prereqs\"
### $files = Get-ChildItem $updatedir -Recurse
$msus = $files | ? {$_.extension -eq ".msu"} foreach ($msu in $msus)
write-host "Installing update $msu ..."
$fullname = $msu.fullname
# Need to wrap in quotes as folder path may contain spaces
$fullname = "`"" + $fullname + "`""
# Specify the command line parameters for wusa.exe
$parameters = $fullname + " /quiet /norestart"
# Start wusa.exe and pass in the parameters
$install = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start( "wusa",$parameters )
write-host "Finished installing $msu"
} write-host "Restarting Computer"