Android四大组件:Activity、Service、Broadcast receiver、Content provider
Activity的生命周期指Activity从启动到销毁的过程,Activity有4种状态 :
2. Activity的生命周期
3. Activity的启动模式
(2)singleTop:检查是否已经存在一个实例位于Activity Stack的顶部,如果存在就不产生新的实例,否则调用Activity的newInstance()方法产生一个新实例。
Class Overview
A Service is an application component representing either anapplication's desire to perform a longer-running operation while notinteracting with the user or to supply functionality for other applications touse. Each service class must have a corresponding
<service>declaration inits package's AndroidManifest.xml. Services can be started withContext.startService() and Context.bindService().
Note that services, like other application objects, run in the mainthread of their hosting process. This means that, if your service is going todo any CPU intensive (such as MP3 playback) or blocking (such as networking)operations, it should spawn its own
thread in which to do that work. Moreinformation on this can be found in Processes and Threads. The IntentServiceclass is available as a standard implementation of Service that has its ownthread where it schedules its work to be done.
1. 本地服务:Local Service用于应用程序内部。在Service可以调用Context.startService()启动,调用Context.stopService()结束。在内部可以调用Service.stopSelf()或Service.stopSelfResult()来自己停止。无论调用了多少次startService(),都只需调用一次stopService()来停止。
2. 远程服务:Remote Service用于android系统内部的应用程序之间。可以定义接口并把接口暴露出来,以便其他应用进行操作。客户端建立到服务对象的连接,并通过那个连接来调用服务。调用Context.bindService()方法建立连接,并启动,以调用
Service Lifecycle
There are two reasons that a service can be run by the system. Ifsomeone calls Context.startService() then the system will retrieve the service(creating it and calling its onCreate() method if needed) and then call itsonStartCommand(Intent, int, int) method
with the arguments supplied by theclient. The service will at this point continue running untilContext.stopService() or stopSelf() is called. Note that multiple calls toContext.startService() do not nest (though they do result in multiplecorresponding calls
to onStartCommand()), so no matter how many times it isstarted a service will be stopped once Context.stopService() or stopSelf() iscalled; however, services can use their stopSelf(int) method to ensure theservice is not stopped until started intents have
been processed.
For started services, there are two additional major modes ofoperation they can decide to run in, depending on the value they return fromonStartCommand(): START_STICKY is used for services that are explicitly startedand stopped as needed, while START_NOT_STICKY
orSTART_REDELIVER_INTENT are usedfor services that should only remain running while processing any commands sentto them. See the linked documentation for more detail on the semantics.
Clients can also use Context.bindService() to obtain a persistentconnection to a service. This likewise creates the service if it is not alreadyrunning (calling onCreate() while doing so), but does not callonStartCommand(). The client will receive the IBinder
object that the servicereturns from its onBind(Intent) method, allowing the client to then make callsback to the service. The service will remain running as long as the connectionis established (whether or not the client retains a reference on the service'sIBinder).
Usually the IBinder returned is for a complex interface that has beenwritten in aidl.
A service can be both started and have connections bound to it. Insuch a case, the system will keep the service running as long as either it isstarted or there are one or more connections to it with theContext.BIND_AUTO_CREATE flag. Once neither of these
situations hold, theservice's onDestroy() method is called and the service is effectivelyterminated. All cleanup (stopping threads, unregistering receivers) should becomplete upon returning from onDestroy().
三、Broadcast receiver
broadcase receiver不执行任何任务,仅仅是接受并响应广播通知的一类组件。大部分广播通知是由系统产生的,例如改变时区,电池电量低,用户选择了一幅图片或者用户改变了语言首选项。应用程序同样也可以发送广播通知,例如通知其他应用程序某些数据已经被下载到设备上可以使用。
一个应用程序可以包含任意数量的boradcase reveiver来响应它认为很重要的通知。所有的broadcast receiver都扩展自类BroadcastReceiver。
broadcast receiver不包含任何用户界面。然而它们可以启动一个activity以响应接受到的信息,或者通过NotificationManager通知用户。可以通过多种方式使用户知道有新的通知产生:闪动背景灯、震动设备、发出声音等等。通常程序会在状态栏上放置一个持久的图标,用户可以打开这个图标并读取通知信息。
Base class for code that will receive intents sent bysendBroadcast().
If you don't need to send broadcasts across applications, considerusing this class with LocalBroadcastManager instead of the more generalfacilities described below. This will give you a much more efficient implementation(no cross-process communication needed)
and allow you to avoid thinking aboutany security issues related to other applications being able to receive or sendyour broadcasts.
You can either dynamically register an instance of this class withContext.registerReceiver() or statically publish an implementation through the<receiver> tag in your AndroidManifest.xml.
Note: If registering a receiverin your Activity.onResume() implementation, you should unregister it in Activity.onPause().(You won't receive intents when paused, and this will cut down on unnecessarysystem overhead). Do not unregister in
Activity.onSaveInstanceState(), becausethis won't be called if the user moves back in the history stack.
Thereare two major classes of broadcasts that can be received:
Normal broadcasts (sent with Context.sendBroadcast) are completely asynchronous. Allreceivers of the broadcast are run in an undefined order, often at the sametime. This is more efficient, but means that receivers cannot use the result orabort
APIs included here.
Ordered broadcasts (sent with Context.sendOrderedBroadcast) are delivered to one receiverat a time. As each receiver executes in turn, it can propagate a result to thenext receiver, or it can completely abort the broadcast so that it won't
bepassed to other receivers. The order receivers run in can be controlled withthe android:priority attribute of the matching intent-filter; receivers withthe same priority will be run in an arbitrary order.
四、Content provider
应用程序可以通过contentprovider访问其它应用程序的一些私有数据,这是Android提供的一种标准的共享数据的机制。共享的数据可以是存储在文件系统中、SQLite数据库中或其它的一些媒体中。content provider扩展自ContentProvider类,通过实现此类的一组标准的接口可以使其它应用程序存取由它控制的数据。然而应用程序并不会直接调用ContentProvider中的方法,而是通过类ContentResolver。ContentResolver能够与任何一个ContentProvider通信,它与ContentProvider合作管理进程间的通信。
1. query(Uri uri, String[] projection, Stringselection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder):通过Uri进行查询,返回一个Cursor。
2. insert(Url url, ContentValues values):将一组数据插入Uri指定的地方。
3. update(Uri uri, ContentValues values,String where, String[] selectionArgs):更新Uri指定位置的数据。
4. delete(Uri uri, String where, String[]selectionArgs):删除指定Uri并且符合一定条件的数据。
1. query(Uri uri, String[] projection, Stringselection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder):通过Uri进行查询,返回一个Cursor。
2. insert(Url url, ContentValues values):将一组数据插入Uri指定的地方。
3. update(Uri uri, ContentValues values,String where, String[] selectionArgs):更新Uri指定位置的数据。
4. delete(Uri uri, String where, String[]selectionArgs):删除指定Uri并且符合一定条件的数据。
Resource Identifier),用来定位任何远程或本地的可用资源。