
时间:2022-02-03 08:34:22

I have two models which I want to relate: User and Group. Each user belongs to a group. I've tried to create a default user by using in get_or_create():


group = models.ForeignKey(Group.objects.get_or_create(name="Free")[0])

But it raises the following error:


(fields.E300) Field defines a relation with model 'Group', which is either not installed, or is abstract.


What can I do to fix this issue?


Each user must have a non-null group value. So I've read about this get_or_create() method. But I've also seen that it can return more than one object... and I don't want it to happen. I thought about creating a unique name parameter but is there a better solution for it?


Can you help me, please? I appreciate your help.


2 个解决方案



A more comprehensive answer can be found here: How to set a Django model field's default value to a function call / callable (e.g., a date relative to the time of model object creation)


You need to specifify the related Model and set the default.


class User(models.Model):
    def default_group(self):
        return Group.objects.get_or_create(name="Free")[0]

    group = models.ForeignKey('app_name.Group', default=default_group)

Your default value would be evaluated at model definition time, but Django allows you to provide a callable as default, which is called for each instance creation.




To explain the error - code that is not inside a function, such as the line in your question, is executed as soon as your models.py file is loaded by Python. This happens early in the start-up of your Django process, when Django looks for a models.py file in each of the INSTALLED_APPS and imports it. The problem is that you don't know which other models have been imported yet. The error here is because the Group model (from django.auth.models) has not been imported yet, so it is as if it doesn't exist (yet).

要解释错误 - 一旦函数内部的代码(如问题中的行),就会在Python加载models.py文件后立即执行。这种情况发生在Django进程的早期阶段,当时Django在每个INSTALLED_APPS中查找一个models.py文件并将其导入。问题是您还不知道还导入了哪些其他模型。这里的错误是因为尚未导入Group模型(来自django.auth.models),所以它就好像它还不存在一样。

Others have suggested you could put the Group.objects.get_or_create(name="Free")[0] in a function so that it is not executed immediately, Django will instead call the function only when it needs to know the value. At this point all the models in your project, and Django's own models, will have been imported and it will work.

其他人建议你可以将Group.objects.get_or_create(name =“Free”)[0]放在一个函数中,这样它就不会立即执行,Django只会在需要知道值时调用该函数。此时,项目中的所有模型和Django自己的模型都将被导入,并且它将起作用。

Regarding the second part of your question... yes, any time you use get or get_or_create methods you need to query on a unique field otherwise you may get MultipleObjectsReturned exception.


In fact I think you should not use get_or_create for what you are trying to do here. Instead you should use an initial data fixture:
...to ensure that the default group already exists (and with a known primary key value) before you run your site.

事实上,我认为你不应该使用get_or_create来做你想做的事情。相反,您应该使用初始数据夹具:https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/howto/initial-data/ ...以确保默认组已存在(并且具有已知的主键值)你运行你的网站。

That way you will know the unique pk of the default Group and you can do a get query:


def default_group():
    return Group.objects.get(pk=1)

class YourModel(models.model):
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, default=default_group)



A more comprehensive answer can be found here: How to set a Django model field's default value to a function call / callable (e.g., a date relative to the time of model object creation)


You need to specifify the related Model and set the default.


class User(models.Model):
    def default_group(self):
        return Group.objects.get_or_create(name="Free")[0]

    group = models.ForeignKey('app_name.Group', default=default_group)

Your default value would be evaluated at model definition time, but Django allows you to provide a callable as default, which is called for each instance creation.




To explain the error - code that is not inside a function, such as the line in your question, is executed as soon as your models.py file is loaded by Python. This happens early in the start-up of your Django process, when Django looks for a models.py file in each of the INSTALLED_APPS and imports it. The problem is that you don't know which other models have been imported yet. The error here is because the Group model (from django.auth.models) has not been imported yet, so it is as if it doesn't exist (yet).

要解释错误 - 一旦函数内部的代码(如问题中的行),就会在Python加载models.py文件后立即执行。这种情况发生在Django进程的早期阶段,当时Django在每个INSTALLED_APPS中查找一个models.py文件并将其导入。问题是您还不知道还导入了哪些其他模型。这里的错误是因为尚未导入Group模型(来自django.auth.models),所以它就好像它还不存在一样。

Others have suggested you could put the Group.objects.get_or_create(name="Free")[0] in a function so that it is not executed immediately, Django will instead call the function only when it needs to know the value. At this point all the models in your project, and Django's own models, will have been imported and it will work.

其他人建议你可以将Group.objects.get_or_create(name =“Free”)[0]放在一个函数中,这样它就不会立即执行,Django只会在需要知道值时调用该函数。此时,项目中的所有模型和Django自己的模型都将被导入,并且它将起作用。

Regarding the second part of your question... yes, any time you use get or get_or_create methods you need to query on a unique field otherwise you may get MultipleObjectsReturned exception.


In fact I think you should not use get_or_create for what you are trying to do here. Instead you should use an initial data fixture:
...to ensure that the default group already exists (and with a known primary key value) before you run your site.

事实上,我认为你不应该使用get_or_create来做你想做的事情。相反,您应该使用初始数据夹具:https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/howto/initial-data/ ...以确保默认组已存在(并且具有已知的主键值)你运行你的网站。

That way you will know the unique pk of the default Group and you can do a get query:


def default_group():
    return Group.objects.get(pk=1)

class YourModel(models.model):
    group = models.ForeignKey(Group, default=default_group)