Are you wanting to add a bit of eye candy to Firefox while browsing? Now you can enjoy animation and fading effects while opening and closing tabs using the Liquid Tabs extension.
您是否要在浏览时向Firefox添加一点吸引人的东西? 现在,您可以在使用Liquid Tabs扩展程序打开和关闭标签时享受动画和淡入淡出的效果。
Note: The extension creator has noted that animation may appear jerky or fail to work on some extension-heavy Firefox profiles.
空白标签和带有活动内容的标签 (Blank Tabs and Tabs with Active Content)
For our first example we opened a blank tab. As you can see here our cursor is still where the new tab button was while our blank tab is “growing” into existence.
对于第一个示例,我们打开了一个空白标签。 如您所见,我们的光标仍然位于新选项卡按钮所在的位置,而空白选项卡则在“增长”。
Note: The Fade in option was not activated during our tests but is very easy to activate (see Options below).

You can see the blank tab fading out here as it grows shorter in length. The first tab came back into focus very quickly for us as the second tab was closing.
您可以看到此处的空白标签随着长度的增加而逐渐消失。 当第二个选项卡关闭时,第一个选项卡很快就成为我们关注的焦点。
For our second example we opened a tab with active content from the Context Menu. You can see the webpage title appearing as the tab “grows” into place.
对于第二个示例,我们打开了一个上下文菜单中带有活动内容的选项卡。 您可以看到网页标题出现在“增长”选项卡中。
Closing the tab once again brought our first tab back into focus very quickly as the other faded out. Liquid Tabs definitely adds a fun element to opening and closing tabs while browsing.
关闭另一个标签后,另一个标签逐渐淡出,很快使我们的第一个标签重新聚焦。 液体选项卡无疑为浏览时打开和关闭选项卡增加了一个有趣的元素。
选件 (Options)
The options are very easy to sort through. Just choose the desired animation speed for opening/closing tabs, enable/disable the Fade function, and set the animation quality.
这些选项很容易进行排序。 只需为打开/关闭选项卡选择所需的动画速度,启用/禁用淡入淡出功能并设置动画质量即可。
Note: Tab Fade in is disabled by default. We recommend enabling it for the full fun effect.
注意:默认情况下,“选项卡淡入”处于禁用状态。 我们建议启用它以获得完全有趣的效果。

Download the Liquid Tabs extension (Mozilla Add-ons)
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/26723/add-opening-and-closing-animation-to-firefox-tabs/