Meeting up with your friends in an unfamiliar spot is a pain. Once you get away from rigid grids, finding a location becomes a challenge. The best thing to do, rather than sharing an address, is to actually share your exact GPS location. Here’s how to do it with WhatsApp.
在陌生的地方与您的朋友见面是一种痛苦。 一旦您摆脱了刚性网格,找到位置就成为了挑战。 最好是共享您的确切GPS位置,而不是共享地址。 这是使用WhatsApp的方法。
Open a WhatsApp chat with the person you want to share your location with, tap the + icon and select Location.

The simplest option is just to send where you are right now. Either select your Current Location or one of the Nearby Place suggestions.
最简单的选择就是发送您现在的位置。 选择您的“当前位置”或“附近位置”建议之一。

If you’re planning to move around, or for safety reasons want to someone to always know where you are, select Share Live Location. You’ll get a warning making sure you’re aware that you’ll be sharing your live location even if you leave the app, so tap OK.
如果您打算四处走走,或者出于安全原因希望某人始终知道您在哪里,请选择“共享实时位置”。 您将收到一条警告,以确保您知道即使离开应用程序也将共享您的实时位置,因此请点按确定。

Next select how long you want to share your Live Location for. The options are 15 Minutes, 1 Hour, or 8 Hours. Add a comment if you want, then tap the Send button.
接下来,选择您要共享实时位置的时间。 选项是15分钟,1小时或8小时。 如果需要,添加评论,然后点击发送按钮。

At any point you can tap Stop Sharing to stop sending your location. Otherwise, until the time expires, they’ll be able to see your location even if you move somewhere totally different.
您随时可以点按“停止共享”以停止发送您的位置。 否则,直到时间到期,即使您移到完全不同的地方,他们也可以看到您的位置。