Are you looking for a quick no-fuss way to translate webpages? Then you will want to take a good look at the Translate extension for Firefox.
您是否正在寻找一种快速简便的方法来翻译网页? 然后,您将需要很好地了解Firefox的Translate扩展。
It can be kind of frustrating if you know of a great website or blog but are unable to read the language used to write it. While you could manually copy and paste the weblink (or a selected portion of the text) into Google Translate, being able to click a button is much simpler.
如果您知道一个不错的网站或博客,却无法阅读编写该语言所用的语言,可能会感到沮丧。 虽然您可以手动将网络链接(或文本的选定部分)复制并粘贴到Google翻译中,但是单击按钮要简单得多。
Once you have installed the extension the only options to make adjustments to are for the “From & To Languages”. Use the drop-down menus to select the appropriate languages.
一旦安装了扩展程序,唯一可以调整的选项就是“从&到语言”。 使用下拉菜单选择适当的语言。
Note: The “From Language Menu” has an “Auto-Detect Option” available…

For the first part of our test we selected a portion of the text from the webpage. We decided to choose our language selections in the “Status Bar” access area…
在测试的第一部分中,我们从网页中选择了一部分文本。 我们决定在“状态栏”访问区域中选择我们的语言选择…
Once you have made your language selections you will need to click on the “Translate to: Language Button” as shown below. Since we selected only part of the webpage the translation was opened in a separate pop-up window.
选择语言后,您将需要单击“翻译为:语言按钮”,如下所示。 由于我们只选择了部分网页,因此在单独的弹出窗口中打开了翻译。
For the second part of our test we decided to have the whole webpage translated. As before choose the appropriate languages and click on the “Translate to: Language Button”. The translation will be opened in a new tab (or window depending on your personalized settings)…
对于测试的第二部分,我们决定将整个网页进行翻译。 和以前一样,选择适当的语言,然后单击“翻译为:语言按钮”。 翻译将在新标签页(或窗口,取决于您的个性化设置)中打开…
And here is the result of the “whole page” translation. Not bad at all…
这是“整个页面”翻译的结果。 一点也不差…
If you are wanting a quick and easy way to translate text or whole webpages, then the Translate extension makes it very simple to do.
Download the Translate extension (Mozilla Add-ons)
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/6946/add-google-translation-power-to-firefox/