Originally, Dropbox offered a simple folder that allowed you to easily share files between machines. Now, Dropbox wants you to use its own full-blown file manager named the “Dropbox desktop app.” Here’s how to get the old Dropbox folder back.
最初,Dropbox提供了一个简单的文件夹,使您可以轻松地在计算机之间共享文件。 现在,Dropbox希望您使用其自己的功能完善的文件管理器,名为“ Dropbox桌面应用程序”。 这是恢复旧的Dropbox文件夹的方法。
First, open Dropbox. Click the Dropbox icon in the Windows taskbar system tray or on the Mac menubar. The Dropbox window will pop up. Click on your account’s avatar (which may also look like a circle with your initials in it).
首先,打开Dropbox。 单击Windows任务栏系统任务栏中或Mac菜单栏上的Dropbox图标。 将弹出“保管箱”窗口。 点击您帐户的头像(也可能看起来像是带有缩写的圆圈)。

In the menu that pops up, select “Preferences.”

In the Preferences window that opens, look for the “Open folders in” option at the bottom of the General panel.
Click this box and set it to “File Explorer” (on Windows 10 PCs) or “Finder” (on Macs.) If it’s set to “Dropbox desktop app,” then the Dropbox folder opens in Dropbox’s desktop file manager instead of a standard folder.
单击此框并将其设置为“文件资源管理器”(在Windows 10 PC上)或“查找器”(在Mac上。)如果将其设置为“ Dropbox桌面应用程序”,则Dropbox文件夹将在Dropbox的桌面文件管理器中而不是标准文件夹中打开。夹。
After making the selection, click “OK” to save your changes and close the window (on PCs) or simply close the Preferences window (on Mac).

From now on, whenever you open the Dropbox folder in Finder or File Explorer (or click on the Dropbox icon in your taskbar or menu bar), you will see your Dropbox files as if they were in an ordinary folder.
When Dropbox first launched, it was one of the few services that made sharing files between PCs and other devices as easy as dragging-and-dropping into a folder. Now, there are several Dropbox alternatives for Windows PCs and Macs that work just as well.
Dropbox首次启动时,它是使PC与其他设备之间共享文件像拖放到文件夹一样容易的少数服务之一。 现在,有多种适用于Windows PC和Mac的Dropbox替代品。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/669125/how-to-open-dropbox-folders-in-file-explorer-or-finder/