If your mods are not functioning properly in Sims 4, there are some free tools created by the modding community that will help you find and delete the files. The process can be tedious, but the best way is using Sims 4 Studio (a free tool for making custom content) and Sims 4 Tray Importer.
如果您的MODS的是不属于S正常IMS 4,存在由插件社区,这将有助于你找到并删除文件创建一些免费工具。 该过程可能很繁琐,但是最好的方法是使用Sims 4 Studio (用于制作自定义内容的免费工具)和Sims 4 Tray Importer 。
国防部造成问题吗? (Are Mods Causing the Problem?)
There are a few tell-tale signs if mods are creating problems in your game. If you’re running mods in your game, you should always launch and test The Sims 4 with mods disabled after an update. If the game works smoothly with mods disabled but something appears to be wrong after you’ve enabled mods, then it’s time to do some digging in your Mods folder.
如果mod在您的游戏中造成问题,则有一些明显的迹象。 如果您在游戏中运行mod,则应始终在更新后启动并测试禁用了mod 的Sims 4 。 如果在禁用mods的情况下游戏能够顺利运行,但是在启用mods后似乎出现了问题,那么该是在Mods文件夹中进行一些挖掘的时候了。
For example, I downloaded a mod for The Sims 4 University that made tuition cost more, while also forcing some careers in-game to require certain degrees. It was Zero’s University Costs More mod in addition to her Required Degree mod.
例如,我为《模拟人生4》大学下载了一个mod,这使学费增加了,同时也迫使游戏中的某些职业需要一定的学位。 除了她的必修学位模块,这是零的大学费用增加模块。
After Electronic Arts released an update to the game, my Sims that were attending university for the second time graduated and lost their previous degree. At first, I started poking around to learn if Sims are able to have more than one degree, and it turns they can. That’s when I started to suspect that the mod was causing my game to behave incorrectly.
电子艺界发布了游戏的更新后,我第二次上大学的模拟人生毕业并失去了以前的学位。 一开始,我开始四处寻找模拟市民是否可以拥有一个以上的学位,而事实证明他们可以做到。 从那时起,我开始怀疑mod导致我的游戏行为不正确。
The madness didn’t stop there. My university Sims’ performance bar suddenly changed, and when I enrolled them for their next semester, I discovered that courses didn’t count, and I had to retake the semester over.
疯狂并不止于此。 我的大学模拟人生的成绩标准突然发生了变化,当我将其注册为下个学期的课程时,我发现课程没有意义,因此我不得不重新上学期。
This is really common for mods, as they can become outdated with most recent game patches. If the game works when the Mods folder is removed, then one or more of the mods and/or custom content have become outdated and will need to be removed or replaced. EA/Maxis isn’t responsible for broken mods/cc. It is up to the individual creators to fix their own mods.
对于mod来说,这确实很常见,因为它们在最新的游戏补丁中可能已经过时。 如果在删除Mods文件夹后游戏正常运行,则其中一个或多个Mod和/或自定义内容已过时,需要删除或替换 。 EA / Maxis对损坏的mod / cc概不负责。 由各个创作者来修复自己的mod。
Mod破坏您的游戏时该怎么办 (What to Do When Mods Are Breaking Your Game)
The first method is tedious if you have a large amount of custom content, but it’s also incredibly reliable when you’re trying to single out broken mods in your game. Usually, custom content like CAS (Create a Sim) items (hair, clothes, etc.) won’t entirely break your game because they’re not game-play mods.
如果您有大量的自定义内容,第一种方法很乏味,但是当您尝试在游戏中挑选出损坏的模组时,第一种方法也非常可靠。 通常,自定义内容(例如CAS(创建Sim))(头发,衣服等)不会完全破坏您的游戏,因为它们不是游戏玩法。
If CAS items are broken, your Sims may show up bald, naked, or slightly disfigured, but it won’t cause your game to crash. So, we’ll talk about removing CAS and Build/Buy items later. For now, we’ll talk about removing the larger game-play mods, like the University mod I mentioned earlier.
如果CAS项目损坏,则您的模拟人生可能会出现秃头,裸露或略有容貌的痕迹,但这不会导致游戏崩溃。 因此,我们稍后将讨论删除CAS和“构建/购买”项目。 现在,我们将讨论删除较大的游戏模式,如我之前提到的大学模式。
备份您的Mods文件夹 (Back Up Your Mods Folder)
Close your game first and then move your Mods folder to the desktop.
首先关闭游戏,然后将“ Mods”文件夹移动到桌面。
一对一地移回您的Mod (Move Your Mods Back One-By-One)
Method 1: After you have closed the game client and moved the Mods folder to your desktop, begin moving the files back to the Mods folder in your game directory one at a time. You should be moving game-play mods out of your Mods folder, not CAS or Build/Buy items.
方法1:在您关闭游戏客户端和移动MODS的文件夹到您的桌面,开始你的游戏目录下一个移动的文件传回MODS的文件夹在同一时间 。 您应该将游戏机mod移出Mods文件夹,而不是CAS或Build / Buy项目。
Luckily for me, I knew it was Zero’s University Cost More mod because it was the only University game-play mod that I had installed. When I downloaded her mod originally, it went into its own folder so that I could easily locate it later. This is why it’s important to keep files in your Mods folder organized.
对我来说幸运的是,我知道这是Zero的University Cost More模块,因为它是我安装的唯一的University game-mod。 当我最初下载她的mod时,它进入了自己的文件夹,以便以后可以轻松找到它。 这就是为什么将Mods文件夹中的文件井井有条很重要的原因。
Eventually, you’ll single out the broken mod, and you can delete it from your Mods folder. It’s a good idea to reach out to the mod creator for future updates and utilizing the MCCC Discord Channel to infer about finding similar mods.
最终,您将挑选出损坏的mod,然后可以从Mods文件夹中将其删除。 最好与mod创作者联系以进行将来的更新,并利用MCCC Discord频道推断出是否找到类似的mod。
Note: If you follow this process of elimination, you should start with the most recent mod and move backward, if possible.
Method 2: Start by moving all of the mods out. Make two subfolders in your backup mods directory and move half of the mods to one, and half to the other (doesn’t matter which goes where, just try to make it a roughly even division). Pick one of the folders to try first and move it to your game directory.
方法2:首先将所有mod移出。 在您的备份mod目录中创建两个子文件夹,然后将一半的mod移到另一个,然后将另一半移到另一个目录(无论哪个位置都行,只要尝试使其大致相等即可)。 选择一个文件夹首先尝试,然后将其移动到您的游戏目录。
Launch the game. If the error is gone, then the problematic mod is in the other half folder. If the error is present, then the problematic mod is somewhere in the set you moved back into the Mods folder. Whichever set of mods has the bad mod, you can just repeat the process again: subdivide the remaining mods into two halves and try each one in turn.
启动游戏。 如果错误消失,则说明问题的mod位于另一半文件夹中。 如果存在错误,则说明有问题的mod位于您移回“ Mods”文件夹中的集合中的某个位置。 无论哪一组Mod的Mod不好,您都可以再次重复该过程:将其余的Mod细分为两半,然后依次尝试每个。
如何查找和删除其他模组 (How to Find and Delete Other Mods)
Let’s say you have downloaded a ton of Build/Buy custom content and you’ve decided you no longer want it in your game, but you just can’t seem to figure out what the file is called in your mods folder. With the use of a few free tools from the modding community, we can easily locate and delete these mods.
假设您已经下载了大量的“构建/购买”自定义内容,但您决定不再在游戏中使用它,但是似乎无法弄清mods文件夹中该文件的名称。 通过使用Modding社区的一些免费工具,我们可以轻松找到并删除这些Mod。
We’ve downloaded some Build/Buy items to help create a step-by-step process of how this tool works. Both of these mods are base-game compatible.
我们已经下载了一些“构建/购买”项目,以帮助创建有关此工具如何工作的逐步过程。 这两个mod都与基础游戏兼容。
Also, the Simkea set has a “separated” download version, which allows us to pick and choose which mods to keep. If you think you like the whole set, just download the “merged” set; if not, choose the “separated” download file. For this tutorial, download the “separated” file.
另外,Simkea套件具有“单独的”下载版本,使我们可以选择保留的Mod。 如果您认为自己喜欢整套设备,只需下载“合并的”设备即可; 如果没有,请选择“分隔的”下载文件。 对于本教程,请下载“分隔”文件。
Sims 4托盘导入器 (Sims 4 Tray Importer)
This is the best tool for locating files and deleting them from your Mods folder. First, download the Sims 4 Tray Importer, then follow the instructions.
这是查找文件并将其从Mods文件夹中删除的最佳工具。 首先, 下载 Sims 4 Tray Importer,然后按照说明进行操作。
将Mod移至您的Mods文件夹 (Move the Mods to Your Mods Folder)
We created a Mods Tutorial Folder within the Mods directory and placed the “Simkea Pack” and “Harrie’s Plants” mods within.
我们在Mods目录中创建了一个Mods教程文件夹,并在其中放置了“ Simkea Pack”和“ Harrie's Plants” mod。
启动游戏并删除所有不需要的模组 (Launch the Game and Remove Any Unwanted Mods)
Next, launch The Sims 4. Now ask yourself, “What mods do I want to discard?” To figure out which mods you want to keep from these packs, find an empty lot on the world menu and select “Build.” It can be any empty lot. Once loaded into your empty lot, start placing the custom content onto the lot.
接下来,启动Sims 4 。 现在问问自己:“我想丢弃哪些mod?” 要弄清楚您想从这些包中保留哪些mod,请在world菜单上找到一个空白,然后选择“ Build”。 可以是任何空白。 装入空批次后,开始将自定义内容放到该批次中。
Go through the pack and select the items you don’t like. Remember, you can filter all of your custom content in Build/Buy mode on the lower right-hand side of your screen, just look for the small arrow for filter options.
仔细检查并选择您不喜欢的物品。 请记住,您可以在屏幕右下角的“构建/购买”模式下过滤所有自定义内容,只需寻找用于过滤选项的小箭头即可。
Once you’ve decided which items you want to remove from your game, remove the items you want to keep from the lot so that the only items placed are the items you wish to remove from your game. Next, click the “Save To My Library” button on the bar at the top of the screen.
确定要从游戏中删除的物品后,请从批次中删除要保留的物品,以便放置的唯一物品是希望从游戏中删除的物品。 接下来,点击屏幕顶部栏中的“保存到我的媒体库”按钮。

A small drop-down will appear, and you’ll want to click the icon that looks like a house. A new screen will appear that shows a preview of the lot. At the bottom right of this screen, you’ll find a download button that says “Save Lot to My Library.”
将会出现一个小的下拉菜单,您需要单击看起来像房子的图标。 将出现一个新屏幕,显示该批次的预览。 在该屏幕的右下角,您会找到一个下载按钮,上面显示“将批次保存到我的图书馆”。

Click this button, and it will close the lot detail screen. A notification will appear in the upper right that the lot has been saved to your library. Next, save and exit The Sims 4.
单击此按钮,它将关闭批次详细信息屏幕。 通知将显示在右上方,该批次已保存到您的图书馆。 接下来,保存并退出Sims 4 。
After The Sims 4 game client has closed, open The Sims 4 Tray Importer. The Sims 4 Tray Importer is defaulted to load items that you’ve saved to your Library. On the left side of the program, all of your Library items will appear. Look for the saved item at the very top of this list—this is your most recent upload, which should be the lot you just placed custom content.
关闭Sims 4游戏客户端后,打开Sims 4 Tray Importer。 Sims 4托盘导入器默认情况下会加载已保存到媒体库的项目。 在程序的左侧,将显示所有“库”项目。 在此列表的最顶部查找保存的项目-这是您最近上传的内容,应该是您刚刚放置自定义内容的内容。
On the right side of the screen, there will be three categories: “General”, “Files”, and “CC.” Click “CC” and every item left on the lot will appear here. Hopefully, you only left items that you wanted to delete. But if not, that’s fine, because there is a preview dialog box of each item just below the file names.
在屏幕的右侧,将有三个类别:“常规”,“文件”和“抄送”。 点击“ CC”,剩下的所有物品都会出现在这里。 希望您只留下了要删除的项目。 但是,如果没有,那很好,因为在文件名的下面有每个项目的预览对话框。
Next, right-click each item and then select “Show Containing Folder.”
This will open the Mods folder and automatically highlight the file you selected in Sims 4 Tray Importer. Just right-click the file and delete it. The Sims 4 Tray Importer will automatically delete the files in your Mods folder for you, but only if you downloaded the separated .package
file instead of the merged file. If you downloaded the merged .package
file, all of the mods will be deleted.
这将打开Mods文件夹,并自动突出显示您在Sims 4 Tray Importer中选择的文件。 只需右键单击该文件并将其删除。 Sims 4 Tray Importer将自动为您删除Mods文件夹中的文件,但.package
文件而不是合并文件。 如果下载了合并的.package
如何在Sims 4托盘导入器中删除CAS项目 (How to Delete CAS Items in The Sims 4 Tray Importer)
To delete CAS items like hair, clothes, etc., launch The Sims 4, and select “Create A New Household.” Filter your custom content, and choose the items you want to delete from your Mods folder, including any broken mods in your game. To make this super easy, make sure to only dress your Sim in items that you want to delete.
要删除CAS项目,例如头发,衣服等,请启动Sims 4,然后选择“创建新家庭”。 过滤您的自定义内容,然后从Mods文件夹中选择要删除的项目,包括游戏中所有损坏的Mod。 要使此超级简单,请确保仅将Sim穿在要删除的项目中。
Save your household to your library using the same method as above (there is a folder at the top of the “Create a Sim” screen), and then save and exit the game. When you launch The Sims 4 Tray Importer, the household you created will show at the top bar on the left.
使用与上述相同的方法将您的家庭保存到图书馆(“创建Sim”屏幕顶部有一个文件夹),然后保存并退出游戏。 当您启动Sims 4 Tray Importer时,您创建的家庭将显示在左侧的顶部栏中。
Click the household and the “CC” tab and then the files will display just like the image listed above. When you click on a file, it will preview the item at the bottom of the dialog box. Next, right-click to open the file folder and delete it.
单击住户和“ CC”选项卡,然后文件将显示如上图所示。 当您单击文件时,它将预览对话框底部的项目。 接下来,右键单击以打开文件夹并将其删除。
如何使用Sims 4托盘导入器删除损坏的自定义内容 (How to Delete Broken Custom Content Using The Sims 4 Tray Importer)
If custom content has made your Sim disappear, or if they turn into a demonic pit of darkness with a question mark on their forehead, chances are you’ve equipped them with broken custom content.
There’s a simple fix for this using The Sims 4 Tray Importer. First, go to “Create a Sim” screen and remove everything from the same category on every outfit. Our goal is to only have equipped default items. By clicking “X” on each clothing category, you can remove all equipped items from the Sim.
使用Sims 4 Tray Importer可以解决此问题。 首先,转到“创建模拟人生”屏幕,然后从每件服装的同一类别中删除所有内容。 我们的目标是仅配备默认项。 通过在每个服装类别上单击“ X”,您可以从Sim中删除所有配备的物品。
After that, locate the broken items, and put as many as you can on one Sim. This should be a random Sim, one you just generated. If any part of your Sim disappears when you put a piece of CC on, leave it on.
之后,找到损坏的物品,并在一个Sim卡上放置尽可能多的物品。 这应该是您刚刚生成的一个随机Sim。 如果您在放置CC时Sim的任何部分消失了,请保留它。
Use the instructions from the previous section to launch The Sims 4 Tray Importer, and remove the broken content from your game.
使用上一部分中的说明启动Sims 4 Tray Importer,并从游戏中删除损坏的内容。
模拟人生4 Studio (The Sims 4 Studio)
An alternative method to The Sims 4 Tray Importer is the Sims 4 Studio. This tool will upload all custom content that you’ve downloaded and will allow you to preview items and delete them. First, download the Sims 4 Studio, then follow the instructions.
Sims 4 Studio导入器是Sims 4 Tray Importer的另一种方法。 该工具将上传您下载的所有自定义内容,并允许您预览和删除项目。 首先, 下载Sims 4 Studio,然后按照说明进行操作。

The application will install an update, and once that’s completed, click “My CC.” If you have a lot of custom content in your Mods folder, this may take some time to load.
该应用程序将安装一个更新,完成后,单击“我的CC”。 如果您的Mods文件夹中有很多自定义内容,则可能需要一些时间来加载。
Note: The Sims 4 Studio will not launch “My CC” unless your game is closed.
注意:除非您的游戏关闭,否则Sims 4 Studio不会启动“ My CC”。

This will open a screen with a list of everything in The Sims 4 Mods folder. Navigate to the Mods folder, and click the expand arrow. Every item can be clicked to be previewed on the right. On the preview, you can rotate the item around.
这将打开一个屏幕,其中包含Sims 4 Mods文件夹中所有内容的列表。 导航到Mods文件夹,然后单击展开箭头。 可以单击每个项目以在右侧进行预览。 在预览中,您可以旋转项目。

The Sims 4 Studio also gives you the option of removing swatch colors for individual mods. On the right side of the screen, the swatch colors appear, and you can delete these individually.
Sims 4 Studio还为您提供了删除单个模块的色板颜色的选项。 在屏幕的右侧,显示色样的颜色,您可以单独删除它们。
The description box contains information like the creator name, the price of the item, and more. The price of the item can be changed here, and if you wish to move the item to a different Build/Buy category in the game, that can be changed here, too.
描述框包含诸如创建者名称,商品价格等信息。 物品的价格可以在这里更改,如果您希望将物品移动到游戏中的其他“构建/购买”类别,也可以在此处更改。

If you want to delete the item, click the “Delete” button at the bottom. Click “Yes”, and the Sims 4 Studio will remove the item from your Mods folder.
如果要删除该项目,请单击底部的“删除”按钮。 单击“是”,Sims 4 Studio将从您的Mods文件夹中删除该项目。
As always, remember to back-up your Sims 4 folder periodically, especially before installing an update to the game.
与往常一样,请记住定期备份您的Sims 4文件夹,尤其是在安装游戏更新之前。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/656497/how-to-delete-broken-mods-from-your-sims-4-mods-folder/