apple tv设置
Your Apple TV can automatically turn your television on, switch to the right HDMI input, and even control the volume. Read on as we show you how to teach your Apple TV to control your TV.
您的Apple TV可以自动打开电视,切换到正确的HDMI输入,甚至控制音量。 在我们向您展示如何教您的Apple TV如何控制电视时,请继续阅读。
我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)
Several years ago a new HDMI-related control standard was introduced known as as HDMI-CEC. The CEC stands for Consumer Electronics Control and it allows HDMI-CEC compliant devices to use one of the wires in the HDMI cable as a communication relay to issue commands between the devices.
几年前,一种称为HDMI-CEC的新HDMI相关控制标准被引入。 CEC代表“消费电子控制”,它允许符合HDMI-CEC的设备使用HDMI电缆中的一根电线作为通信中继,以在设备之间发出命令。
Because of the magic of CEC we now have AV receivers, for example, that will automatically turn the attached television on when you turn the attached Blu-ray player on and TV remotes that include pause/play type buttons that can control attached devices like the aforementioned Blu-ray player.
The new 4th generation Apple TV, unlike prior iterations of the Apple TV, includes support for HDMI-CEC which greatly extends the functionality of the Apple TV remote. Now instead of simply controlling the Apple TV itself you can, through the remote and the HDMI-CEC connection, have your television automatically turn on when you pick up the Apple TV remote and press a button (including switching it to the right HDMI input if it wasn’t already on it) and the volume button on the remote will control the volume of the television or media receiver.
与Apple TV的先前版本不同,新的第四代Apple TV包括对HDMI-CEC的支持,这大大扩展了Apple TV遥控器的功能。 现在,您不仅可以简单地控制Apple TV本身,还可以通过遥控器和HDMI-CEC连接,在拿起Apple TV遥控器并按一个按钮(包括将其切换到正确的HDMI输入)时自动打开电视。 (尚未安装),遥控器上的音量按钮将控制电视或媒体接收器的音量。
So what do you need to take advantage of this neat trick? First, you need a television that is HDMI-CEC compliant. Second, you need to toggle the setting on in the Apple TV.
那么,您需要什么才能利用这个巧妙的技巧? 首先,您需要一台兼容HDMI-CEC的电视。 其次,您需要在Apple TV中切换设置。
Note: If the first time you set up your Apple TV you hooked it up to an HDMI-CEC compliant TV with the CEC settings turned on it should have auto-detected it and turned the CEC support on; following along with out tutorial will allow you to check if it is on, modify it, or update it if you moved it to a new TV.
注意:如果您是第一次设置Apple TV,并且将其连接到启用了CEC设置的HDMI-CEC兼容电视,则它应该已经自动检测到它并打开了CEC支持。 以下内容以及教程将使您能够检查它是否已打开,对其进行修改或在将其移至新电视时对其进行更新。
配置高清电视 (Configuring Your HDTV)
HDMI-CEC was introduced back with the HDMI 1.3 revision in 2006 and most televisions from major brands began including it shortly thereafter (and nowadays practically all HDTVs come with it). Our 2008-era bring screen Samsung HDTV shipped with it and all our newer HDTVs have it as well.
HDMI-CEC于2006年推出HDMI 1.3修订版,此后不久,大多数主要品牌的电视都开始包括它(如今,几乎所有HDTV都随附了它)。 我们带有2008年时代的屏幕带三星高清电视,我们所有的新高清电视也都有。
That said it would be wise to double check if you television set has it to avoid any hair pulling moments. Many sets have it on by default but some need to turned on in the settings menu. To that end we recommend you check out our article How to Enable HDMI-CEC on Your TV and Why You Should for the full rundown on the subject including the marketing terms used by different companies (hardly anyone just called it HDMI-CEC but instead they use a marketing term like AnyLink+).
话虽如此,但仔细检查一下电视机是否有避免头发掉落的时间是明智的。 许多设置默认情况下处于启用状态,但有些需要在设置菜单中打开。 为此,我们建议您查看我们的文章如何在电视上启用HDMI-CEC以及为什么要全面了解该主题,包括不同公司使用的市场营销术语(几乎没有人将其称为HDMI-CEC,而是使用诸如AnyLink +之类的营销术语。
In short, check your HDTV model number, search for the manual or support pages online and double check that your HDTV has it (and how to turn it on) before proceeding.
配置您的Apple TV (Configuring Your Apple TV)
Compared to digging through the documentation for and the menus on your HDTV, setting things up on the Apple TV side of things is trivial. In fact, as we mentioned above, if your HDTV is HDMI-CEC compliant and the HDMI-CEC functionality was turned on at the time you set up your Apple TV then everything should already be configured.
与在HDTV上查找文档和菜单相比,在Apple TV方面进行设置非常简单。 事实上,正如我们上面提到的,如果你的高清晰度电视是兼容HDMI-CEC和HDMI-CEC功能,在您设置您的Apple TV然后一切都应该已经被配置的时间开启。
Whether you just want to check the settings or something isn’t working the the way it should, you can find the appropriate menu by selecting the “Settings” icon from the main screen on your Apple TV.
无论您是只想检查设置还是无法正常工作,都可以通过从Apple TV主屏幕上选择“设置”图标来找到合适的菜单。
Then, within the main Settings menu, select “Remotes and Devices”.
Within the “Remotes and Devices” menu, look for the section at the bottom labeled “Home Theater Control”. You want to ensure that “Control TVs and Receivers” is toggled “On”. If this section is grayed out then it means that either your HDTV is not HDMI-CEC compliant, the HDMI-CEC functionality is off, or some component in your media center setup is not HDMI-CEC compliant or failing to pass the HDMI-CEC signal along (it could be that you’re using an older HDMI receiver, that you have an HDMI splitter that is out of spec, or some such thing).
在“远程和设备”菜单中,找到底部标有“家庭影院控制”的部分。 您要确保将“控制电视和接收器”切换为“开”。 如果此部分显示为灰色,则表明您的HDTV不兼容HDMI-CEC,HDMI-CEC功能已关闭,或者媒体中心设置中的某些组件不兼容HDMI-CEC或无法通过HDMI-CEC信号(可能是您使用的是较旧的HDMI接收器,您的HDMI分配器不符合规格或类似的东西)。
The Volume Control section should default automatically to the correct control scheme once HDMI-CEC is detected but on the off chance it doesn’t you can click on it and make a new selection. If, for example, you want to control your volume via your TV and not your Receiver (or the reverse) you can switch the volume control scheme here as well as program your Apple Remote to mimic the volume signals from one of your existing remotes.
一旦检测到HDMI-CEC,“音量控制”部分应自动默认为正确的控制方案,但是如果您没有选择,则不能单击它并进行新选择。 例如,如果您想通过电视而不是接收器(或相反)来控制音量,则可以在此处切换音量控制方案,并对Apple Remote进行编程以模仿来自现有遥控器之一的音量信号。
That’s all there is to it! Once you’ve done the footwork of identifying your HDTV model, turning on the HDMI-CEC (if necessary), and making a little tweak on your Apple TV, then you’re all set and ready to enjoy the benefits of HDMI-CEC like turning your TV and media center on and off with a touch of the Apple TV remote.
这里的所有都是它的! 一旦确定了HDTV型号,打开HDMI-CEC(如有必要)并在Apple TV上进行了一些微调之后,便一切就绪,准备享受HDMI-CEC的好处就像通过触摸Apple TV遥控器打开和关闭电视和媒体中心一样。
Have pressing question about the Apple TV or other media center device? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.
对Apple TV或其他媒体中心设备有紧迫的疑问吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。
apple tv设置