apple tv设置
If there’s an Apple TV compatible version of your favorite iPhone or iPad app, but it never makes it to your Apple TV, that doesn’t do you a lot of good. Fortunately, with a simple tweak, you can ensure you’re getting the best apps on both your phone and your TV.
如果您喜欢的iPhone或iPad应用程序有Apple TV兼容版本,但从未在Apple TV上实现,那对您没有多大好处。 幸运的是,通过一个简单的调整,您就可以确保在手机和电视上都能获得最佳的应用程序。
Now that Apple TV and the underlying tvOS have started to mature, there are tons of crossover apps that bring your favorite iOS apps to your TV. In fact, there are so many tvOS apps now, it’s easy to overlook them and not even realize that your favorite time-wasting iPad game or iPhone media app is available on the Apple TV. Thankfully, since the introduction of tvOS 10, you can configure your Apple TV to automatically grab the tvOS versions of iOS apps installed on iPhones and iPads that share the same Apple ID. The feature is off by default, however, so let’s take a moment to flip it on.
现在,Apple TV和基本的tvOS已经开始成熟,大量的交叉应用程序将您喜欢的iOS应用程序带到电视上。 实际上,现在有很多tvOS应用程序,很容易忽略它们,甚至没有意识到Apple TV上提供了您最喜欢的浪费时间的iPad游戏或iPhone媒体应用程序。 幸运的是,自从tvOS 10推出以来,您可以将Apple TV配置为自动获取共享相同Apple ID的iPhone和iPad上安装的iOS应用程序的tvOS版本。 不过,该功能默认情况下处于关闭状态,因此让我们花点时间将其启用。
Open up the Settings app on your Apple TV and select the “Apps” category.
在Apple TV上打开“设置”应用,然后选择“应用”类别。
Toggle “Automatically Install Apps” on (and, if for some reason “Automatically Update Apps” is off, turn that on also).
Now, whenever you install an app on an iOS device that uses the same Apple ID as your Apple TV, if there is a compatible app for tvOS it will be automatically loaded on your Apple TV. While that was simple enough, our work here isn’t quite done. Turning the “Automatically Install Apps” function on doesn’t retroactively apply the feature to iOS apps you’ve already downloaded. So you’ll need to manually add apps to your Apple TV that predate this setting change.
现在,每当您在使用与Apple TV相同的Apple ID的iOS设备上安装应用程序时,如果有适用于tvOS的兼容应用程序,它将自动加载到Apple TV上。 尽管这很简单,但是我们在这里的工作还没有完成。 开启“自动安装应用程序”功能不会将该功能追溯应用到您已经下载的iOS应用程序中。 因此,您需要在此设置更改之前手动将应用添加到Apple TV。
Thankfully, it’s super easy to see which apps are missing. Open up the App Store app on your Apple TV and navigate to the “Purchased” tab, as seen below. There you can select “Not on This Apple TV” and see all the apps you’ve purchased on your mobile device that have companion tvOS apps.
幸运的是,查看缺少哪些应用程序非常容易。 如下所示,在Apple TV上打开App Store应用并导航到“已购买”标签。 在这里,您可以选择“不在此Apple TV上”,并查看您在移动设备上购买的所有带有tvOS配套应用程序的应用程序。
Simply select the apps you want on your Apple TV and install them. Don’t worry if you find yourself buried under new apps—it’s very simple to rearrange your apps for a more user-friendly experience and delete apps to free up space
只需在Apple TV上选择所需的应用程序并安装它们即可。 如果您发现自己陷入新的应用程序之内,请不要担心- 重新排列应用程序以获得更用户友好的体验并删除应用程序以释放空间非常简单
From this point forward, the only time you’ll need to manually install apps on your Apple TV is if you are either a) installing a tvOS only application that won’t be automatically installed as a companion app, or b) installing an app purchased by a member of your “Family Sharing” family.
从现在开始,您唯一需要在Apple TV上手动安装应用程序的情况是:a)安装不会自动作为配套应用程序安装的仅tvOS应用程序,或b)安装应用程序由您的“家庭共享”家庭的成员购买。
If, for example, your daughter bought a TV-worthy game on her iPad, like Transistor or Lumino City, and either of you want to play it on the Apple TV, you’ll have to manually install it by opening up the App Store app, selecting “Family Sharing” and then selecting the user that purchased the app. There you can browse their purchased apps and download them to your Apple TV just like we browsed the “Not on This Apple TV” category above.
例如,如果您的女儿在她的iPad上购买了电视上值得玩的游戏,例如晶体管或Lumino City ,而您想在Apple TV上玩该游戏,则必须通过打开App Store手动安装它应用程序,选择“家庭共享”,然后选择购买该应用程序的用户。 在这里,您可以浏览他们购买的应用程序并将其下载到Apple TV,就像我们浏览了上面的“不在此Apple TV上”类别一样。
Other than the minor hiccup of manually installing old and shared apps, the process is very smooth and all your apps will automatically make the jump from your iPhone to your Apple TV without a hitch.
除了手动安装旧的和共享的应用程序稍有麻烦之外,该过程非常顺利,所有应用程序都将自动从iPhone跳到Apple TV,而不会造成麻烦。
apple tv设置