
时间:2022-01-23 08:56:06

I'm looking for a way to check if a server is still available. We have a offline application that saves data on the server, but if the serverconnection drops (it happens occasionally), we have to save the data to a local database instead of the online database. So we need a continues check to see if the server is still available.


We are using C# for this application


The check on the sqlconnection.open is not really an option because this takes about 20 sec before an error is thrown, we can't wait this long + I'm using some http services as well.


6 个解决方案


Just use the System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping class. If you server does not respond to ping (for some reason you decided to block ICMP Echo request) you'll have to invent you own service for this. Personally, I'm all for not blocking ICMP Echo requests, and I think this is the way to go. The ping command has been used for ages to check reachability of hosts.

只需使用System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping类。如果您的服务器没有响应ping(由于某种原因您决定阻止ICMP Echo请求),您将必须为此创建自己的服务。就个人而言,我完全没有阻止ICMP Echo请求,我认为这是要走的路。 ping命令已经使用了很长时间来检查主机的可达性。

using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
var ping = new Ping();
var reply = ping.Send("google.com", 60 * 1000); // 1 minute time out (in ms)
// or...
reply = ping.Send(new IPAddress(new byte[]{127,0,0,1}), 3000);


If the connection is as unreliable as you say, I would not use a seperate check, but make saving the data local part of the exception handling. I mean if the connection fails and throws an exception, you switch strategies and save the data locally.


If you check first and the connection drops afterwards (when you actually save data), then you still would still run into an exception you need to handle. So the initial check was unnecessary. The check would only be useful if you can assume that after a succesfull check the connection is up and stays up.



From your question it appears the purpose of connecting to the server is to use its database. Your priority must be to check whether you can successfully connect to the database. It doesn't matter if you can PING the server or get an HTTP response (as suggested in other answers), your process will fail unless you successfully establish a connection to the database. You mention that checking a database connection takes too long, why don't you just change the Connection Timeout setting in your application's connection string to a more impatient value such as 5 seconds (Connection Timeout=5)?

从您的问题看来,连接到服务器的目的是使用其数据库。您的首要任务是检查是否可以成功连接到数据库。如果您可以PING服务器或获得HTTP响应(如其他答案中所建议的那样)并不重要,除非您成功建立与数据库的连接,否则您的进程将失败。您提到检查数据库连接时间过长,为什么不将应用程序连接字符串中的“连接超时”设置更改为更加不耐烦的值(例如5秒(连接超时= 5))?


If this is an sql server then you can just try to open a new connection to it. If the SqlConnection.Open method fails then you can check the error message to determine if the server is unavailable.

如果这是一个SQL Server,那么你可以尝试打开一个新的连接。如果SqlConnection.Open方法失败,则可以检查错误消息以确定服务器是否不可用。


What you are doing now is:


  • use distant server
  • 使用远程服务器

  • if distant server fails, resort to local cache
  • 如果远程服务器出现故障,请使用本地缓存

How to determine if the server is available? Use a catch block. That's the simplest to code.


If you actually have a local database (and not, for example, a list of transactions or data waiting to be inserted), I would turn the design around:


  • use the local database
  • 使用本地数据库

  • regularly synchronize the local database and the distant database
  • 定期同步本地数据库和远程数据库

I'll let you be the judge on concurrency constraints and other stuff related to your application to pick a solution.



Since you want to see if the database server is there either catch any errors when you attempt to connect to the database or use a socket and attempt a raw connection to the server on some service, I'd suggest the database as that is the resource you need.



Just use the System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping class. If you server does not respond to ping (for some reason you decided to block ICMP Echo request) you'll have to invent you own service for this. Personally, I'm all for not blocking ICMP Echo requests, and I think this is the way to go. The ping command has been used for ages to check reachability of hosts.

只需使用System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping类。如果您的服务器没有响应ping(由于某种原因您决定阻止ICMP Echo请求),您将必须为此创建自己的服务。就个人而言,我完全没有阻止ICMP Echo请求,我认为这是要走的路。 ping命令已经使用了很长时间来检查主机的可达性。

using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
var ping = new Ping();
var reply = ping.Send("google.com", 60 * 1000); // 1 minute time out (in ms)
// or...
reply = ping.Send(new IPAddress(new byte[]{127,0,0,1}), 3000);


If the connection is as unreliable as you say, I would not use a seperate check, but make saving the data local part of the exception handling. I mean if the connection fails and throws an exception, you switch strategies and save the data locally.


If you check first and the connection drops afterwards (when you actually save data), then you still would still run into an exception you need to handle. So the initial check was unnecessary. The check would only be useful if you can assume that after a succesfull check the connection is up and stays up.



From your question it appears the purpose of connecting to the server is to use its database. Your priority must be to check whether you can successfully connect to the database. It doesn't matter if you can PING the server or get an HTTP response (as suggested in other answers), your process will fail unless you successfully establish a connection to the database. You mention that checking a database connection takes too long, why don't you just change the Connection Timeout setting in your application's connection string to a more impatient value such as 5 seconds (Connection Timeout=5)?

从您的问题看来,连接到服务器的目的是使用其数据库。您的首要任务是检查是否可以成功连接到数据库。如果您可以PING服务器或获得HTTP响应(如其他答案中所建议的那样)并不重要,除非您成功建立与数据库的连接,否则您的进程将失败。您提到检查数据库连接时间过长,为什么不将应用程序连接字符串中的“连接超时”设置更改为更加不耐烦的值(例如5秒(连接超时= 5))?


If this is an sql server then you can just try to open a new connection to it. If the SqlConnection.Open method fails then you can check the error message to determine if the server is unavailable.

如果这是一个SQL Server,那么你可以尝试打开一个新的连接。如果SqlConnection.Open方法失败,则可以检查错误消息以确定服务器是否不可用。


What you are doing now is:


  • use distant server
  • 使用远程服务器

  • if distant server fails, resort to local cache
  • 如果远程服务器出现故障,请使用本地缓存

How to determine if the server is available? Use a catch block. That's the simplest to code.


If you actually have a local database (and not, for example, a list of transactions or data waiting to be inserted), I would turn the design around:


  • use the local database
  • 使用本地数据库

  • regularly synchronize the local database and the distant database
  • 定期同步本地数据库和远程数据库

I'll let you be the judge on concurrency constraints and other stuff related to your application to pick a solution.



Since you want to see if the database server is there either catch any errors when you attempt to connect to the database or use a socket and attempt a raw connection to the server on some service, I'd suggest the database as that is the resource you need.
