我如何授予文件Preferences.sublime-settings的写权限,并使用Elementary OS Luna找到Sublime Text 3的这个文件?

时间:2022-03-21 20:53:44

I cannot grant write permission to the file Preferences.sublime-settings in Sublime Text on Elementary OS Luna 3. If someone went through it, can you help me? There is no way to go to the directory where it is because it simply is not in the way I get by clicking with the right button of mouse > Copy File Path.

我无法授予对Submentary OS Luna 3 Sublime Text中Preferences.sublime-settings文件的写入权限。如果有人通过它,你能帮助我吗?没有办法转到它所在的目录,因为它只是通过鼠标右键单击>复制文件路径而不是我得到的方式。

I get this path:



In the directory Packages i just have the directories User and the link of current directory (.) and level return link (..).


I sailed across the directory tree for the Sublime Text 3, via bash, listing including hidden directories, nothing positive. I tried to grant permissions recursively to the for the whole Sublime Text 3 directory and even the innermost level that I can access and should contain the file Preferences.sublime-settings, I haven't success.

我在Sublime Text 3的目录树中航行,通过bash,列出包括隐藏目录,没有任何正面。我尝试递归地授予整个Sublime Text 3目录的权限,甚至我可以访问的最里层,并且应该包含文件Preferences.sublime-settings,我没有成功。

I did the install from the .deb package obtained on the official website.


PS: I want grant write permission, but I force give to the whole directory full permition - sudo chmod -R 777 sublime-text-3, that inside on .config directory

PS:我想要授予写权限,但我强制给整个目录完全permition - sudo chmod -R 777 sublime-text-3,在.config目录里面

1 个解决方案



In ST3, plugins/packages are run directly from the .sublime-package file. For most things, you don't actually need the contents of those files. For instance, you can create a Preferences.sublime-settings in the user folder, and it will be merged properly. That being said, ST3 does allow you to override files. To make things easier, you can use the plugin PackageResourceViewer. I wrote it to assist with viewing default files. Again, you don't need to do this for your particular case though. In the menu, go to Preferences -> Settings - User. This will create a preferences file in the user directory. When merged, the values in the User directory will be used rather than those in Default.

在ST3中,插件/包直接从.sublime-package文件运行。对于大多数情况,您实际上并不需要这些文件的内容。例如,您可以在用户文件夹中创建Preferences.sublime-settings,它将正确合并。话虽这么说,ST3确实允许你覆盖文件。为了简化操作,您可以使用插件PackageResourceViewer。我写它是为了帮助查看默认文件。同样,您不需要为您的特定情况执行此操作。在菜单中,转到首选项 - >设置 - 用户。这将在用户目录中创建首选项文件。合并时,将使用User目录中的值而不是Default中的值。



In ST3, plugins/packages are run directly from the .sublime-package file. For most things, you don't actually need the contents of those files. For instance, you can create a Preferences.sublime-settings in the user folder, and it will be merged properly. That being said, ST3 does allow you to override files. To make things easier, you can use the plugin PackageResourceViewer. I wrote it to assist with viewing default files. Again, you don't need to do this for your particular case though. In the menu, go to Preferences -> Settings - User. This will create a preferences file in the user directory. When merged, the values in the User directory will be used rather than those in Default.

在ST3中,插件/包直接从.sublime-package文件运行。对于大多数情况,您实际上并不需要这些文件的内容。例如,您可以在用户文件夹中创建Preferences.sublime-settings,它将正确合并。话虽这么说,ST3确实允许你覆盖文件。为了简化操作,您可以使用插件PackageResourceViewer。我写它是为了帮助查看默认文件。同样,您不需要为您的特定情况执行此操作。在菜单中,转到首选项 - >设置 - 用户。这将在用户目录中创建首选项文件。合并时,将使用User目录中的值而不是Default中的值。