ROS进阶学习笔记(11)- Turtlebot Navigation and SLAM - ROSMapModify - ROS地图修改

时间:2021-12-30 23:03:29

ROS进阶学习笔记(11)- Turtlebot Navigation and SLAM - 2 - MapModify地图修改

We can use gmapping model to generate the map file: **.pgm and **.amcl, the latter is just a refer to the **.pgm map file.

Here I introduce how to use the image editor "" to modify the **.pgm file to meet our requirment.

We just used gimp. It's just a bitmap, so we drew some extra black on there with the paintbrush. You may think that gimp is too big size.↓

Here is some substitutions of the big-sized pgm file editor gimp:


It's in universe ubuntu repos and is lighter than gimp. I recommend.


Inkscape which seems to support .pgm extension (disclaimer: I haven't tested it). Install it with

sudo apt install inkscape


This page reports that netpbm can be a cli solution for *.pgm extensions too. Try it. This is the homepage of Netpbm.

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