来自存储过程的IQueryable (实体框架)

时间:2021-09-03 21:48:01

I want to get IQueryable<> result when executing stored procedure.

我想在执行存储过程时获得IQueryable <>结果。

Here is peace of code that works fine:


IQueryable<SomeEntitiy> someEntities;  
var globbalyFilteredSomeEntities = 
  from se in m_Entities.SomeEntitiy
      se.GlobalFilter == 1234 
  select se;

I can use this to apply global filter, and later use result in such way


result = globbalyFilteredSomeEntities
  .OrderByDescending(se => se.CreationDate)

What I want to do - use some stored procedures in global filter.
I tried:

我想做什么 - 在全局过滤器中使用一些存储过程。我试过了:

Add stored procedure to m_Entities, but it returns IEnumerable<> and executes sp immediately:

将存储过程添加到m_Entities,但它返回IEnumerable <>并立即执行sp:

var globbalyFilteredSomeEntities = 
  from se in m_Entities.SomeEntitiyStoredProcedure(1234);

Materialize query using EFExtensions library, but it is IEnumerable<>.
If I use AsQueryable() and OrderBy(), Skip(), Take()
and after that ToList() to execute that query -
I get exception that DataReader is open and I need to close it first(can't paste error - it is in russian).

使用EFExtensions库实现查询,但它是IEnumerable <>。如果我使用AsQueryable()和OrderBy(),Skip(),Take()并在ToList()之后执行该查询 - 我得到DataReader打开的异常,我需要先关闭它(不能粘贴错误 - 这是俄语)。

var globbalyFilteredSomeEntities = 
  m_Entities.CreateStoreCommand("exec SomeEntitiyStoredProcedure(1234)")
            //.OrderByDescending(se => se.CreationDate)

Also just skipping .AsQueryable() is not helpful - same exception.
When I put ToList() query executes,
but it is too expensive to execute query without Skip(), Take().

也只是跳过.AsQueryable()没有用 - 同样的例外。当我执行ToList()查询时,如果没有Skip(),Take()执行查询太昂贵了。

3 个解决方案



You can't do what you're trying to do, for the same reason that you can't put a stored procedure in a FROM clause of a SELECT query - SQL isn't built to support this kind of operation.

您无法执行您要执行的操作,原因与您无法将存储过程放在SELECT查询的FROM子句中相同 - SQL不是为支持此类操作而构建的。

Could you put the logic you want into a view instead of a stored procedure?




You can use a project I created called LinqToAnything which lets you take a non-queryable data access method and turn it into an IQueryable.


I've got a blog post here on how to use it.




sually you can get around these issues with ToList()


var globbalyFilteredSomeEntities = m_Entities.CreateStoreCommand("exec SomeEntitiyStoredProcedure(1234)") 
                                             .ToList()  // <<-- added this.

Why can't you do the Skip() and Take() on the enumerable? Doing this will only download the results that are skipped or taken, the others won't be read.


Edit: The previous version was plain wrong in many aspects.




You can't do what you're trying to do, for the same reason that you can't put a stored procedure in a FROM clause of a SELECT query - SQL isn't built to support this kind of operation.

您无法执行您要执行的操作,原因与您无法将存储过程放在SELECT查询的FROM子句中相同 - SQL不是为支持此类操作而构建的。

Could you put the logic you want into a view instead of a stored procedure?




You can use a project I created called LinqToAnything which lets you take a non-queryable data access method and turn it into an IQueryable.


I've got a blog post here on how to use it.




sually you can get around these issues with ToList()


var globbalyFilteredSomeEntities = m_Entities.CreateStoreCommand("exec SomeEntitiyStoredProcedure(1234)") 
                                             .ToList()  // <<-- added this.

Why can't you do the Skip() and Take() on the enumerable? Doing this will only download the results that are skipped or taken, the others won't be read.


Edit: The previous version was plain wrong in many aspects.
