2018 nature - Developmental diversification of cortical inhibitory interneurons : ENSEMBL release 84 Mus musculus genome
2017 Molecular Cell - Single-Cell Alternative Splicing Analysis with Expedition Reveals Splicing Dynamics during Neuron Differentiation : STAR, human genome (hg19), using GENCODE (v19) gene annotations; sailfish - GENCODE v19 protein-coding and long non-coding RNA annotation. Outrigger
2017 - Science - Single-cell RNA-seq reveals new types of human blood dendritic cells, monocytes, and progenitors : UCSC hg19 transcriptome; RSEM; TPM; 可行但是不完美,建议用count
2017 - Cell - Single-Cell Analysis of Human Pancreas Reveals Transcriptional Signatures of Aging and Somatic Mutation Patterns : cutadapt; hg19;
2015 - Cell Stem Cell - Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Dynamic Changes in lncRNA Expression during Reprogramming : TopHat; mm9; Cufflinks; DESeq
2017 - Nature - : UCSC mm10 mouse transcriptome using Bowtie; RSEM
QC: cutadaptb不错哦
如果想要Reads count,那还是用FeatureCounts吧。(网上貌似说FeatureCounts比HTseq算法更好一些,但是HTseq2015年发表以来,引用了3000多次了,真是纠结选哪个!!!)
参考:Compariosn Htseq And Feature Count