
时间:2021-11-07 12:12:17

I need help with a architectural problem that im working with. The user enters a position and a radius (e.g. distance). The software searches in a (giant = couple of 100k posts) database table for posts where the users location and the "posts" distance to each other is less than the entered distance.


It's kind of hard for me to explain, but imagine a table with two posts, point a and point c, point U is the user location. The user has entered a position and a radius, and the position and radius for a and c is predefined (stored in a database).



In this case i would only be interested in the point A, because the two areas intersect with each other. How should i transform this into doing in a database with a couple of hundred thousand posts in an effective way? In the database i shall store longitude,latitude and radius.


1 个解决方案



Depends on which database server you're using, but look into the GIS capabilities that might be included. For example, MS SQL Server 2008 has a built-in geometry type, and PostgreSQL has PostGIS. Oracle has something like this too. Anyhow - these native GIS formats come with spacial querying functions that do the sort of thing you're talking about - searching for matches within given distances, etc... It is pretty simple to accomplish once to switch to the proper datatype.

取决于您正在使用的数据库服务器,但请查看可能包含的GIS功能。例如,MS SQL Server 2008具有内置几何类型,PostgreSQL具有PostGIS。 Oracle也有类似的东西。无论如何 - 这些本地GIS格式带有空间查询功能,可以完成你所讨论的事情 - 在给定距离内搜索匹配等等......一旦切换到正确的数据类型,完成一次非常简单。


Since you're using SQL 2008, and your data is lat/long, I suggest the "geography" rather than the "geometry" datatype. Take a look here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc280766.aspx

由于您使用的是SQL 2008,并且您的数据是纬度/经度,因此我建议使用“地理”而不是“几何”数据类型。看看这里:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc280766.aspx



Depends on which database server you're using, but look into the GIS capabilities that might be included. For example, MS SQL Server 2008 has a built-in geometry type, and PostgreSQL has PostGIS. Oracle has something like this too. Anyhow - these native GIS formats come with spacial querying functions that do the sort of thing you're talking about - searching for matches within given distances, etc... It is pretty simple to accomplish once to switch to the proper datatype.

取决于您正在使用的数据库服务器,但请查看可能包含的GIS功能。例如,MS SQL Server 2008具有内置几何类型,PostgreSQL具有PostGIS。 Oracle也有类似的东西。无论如何 - 这些本地GIS格式带有空间查询功能,可以完成你所讨论的事情 - 在给定距离内搜索匹配等等......一旦切换到正确的数据类型,完成一次非常简单。


Since you're using SQL 2008, and your data is lat/long, I suggest the "geography" rather than the "geometry" datatype. Take a look here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc280766.aspx

由于您使用的是SQL 2008,并且您的数据是纬度/经度,因此我建议使用“地理”而不是“几何”数据类型。看看这里:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc280766.aspx