
时间:2021-10-24 06:13:32

Is this possible through some tcp redirection? If so, how?


Edit: I'd like to connect to on-premises SQL from a worker role to do some custom ATS-SQL synchronization.

编辑:我想从一个worker角色连接到on-premises SQL以进行一些自定义的atm -SQL同步。

5 个解决方案



About 18 months ago, Clemens Vasters posted an article about building a Port Bridge over the Service Bus, which demonstrates how to connect to an on-premises SQL Server database. No use of Azure Connect. The article is here.

大约18个月前,克莱门斯•弗斯特(Clemens Vasters)发表了一篇关于在服务总线上构建端口桥接的文章,文中演示了如何连接到本地SQL Server数据库。不使用Azure Connect。这篇文章在这里。

This is just a sample, and not necessarily considered production-ready, but should hopefully get you going in the right direction.




You can try out the new Service Bus EAI & EDI Labs Release. It provides connectivity to various on-premise systems including SQL Server. The connectivity is provided using Service Bus Relay, and may be exactly what you are asking for. In the process, we can do transformations of the data on the cloud etc.

您可以尝试新的服务总线EAI和EDI实验室版本。它提供到各种内部系统的连接,包括SQL Server。连接是使用服务总线中继提供的,并且可能正是您所要求的。在这个过程中,我们可以对云上的数据进行转换等。

It is not in production yet, but we would like to get feedback on this. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazure/archive/2011/12/16/announcing-the-service-bus-eai-amp-edi-labs-release.aspx


Thanks, Sameer [MSFT] sameerch @ microsft.com

谢谢,Sameer [MSFT] sameerch @ microsft.com



Have you looked at the Sync Framework to synchronise your data?


Sync Framework: SQL Server to SQL Azure Synchronization

同步框架:SQL Server到SQL Azure同步



Much as I love the idea of routing raw TCP traffic through the service bus the performance is going to be pants (sorry Clemens...)


Have you taken a look at WIndows Azure COnnect http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/home/tour/virtual-network/

你看过WIndows Azure COnnect http://www.windowsazure.com/en- us/home/tour/virtualnetwork/吗

This will basically give you a VPN like connection back to your on-premise SQL Server. If you can make it work (i.e. can install the agent locally) then this is probably the best approach.




If all you need is data sync, have you looked at SQL Azure data sync?

如果您需要的只是数据同步,那么您看过SQL Azure数据同步吗?





About 18 months ago, Clemens Vasters posted an article about building a Port Bridge over the Service Bus, which demonstrates how to connect to an on-premises SQL Server database. No use of Azure Connect. The article is here.

大约18个月前,克莱门斯•弗斯特(Clemens Vasters)发表了一篇关于在服务总线上构建端口桥接的文章,文中演示了如何连接到本地SQL Server数据库。不使用Azure Connect。这篇文章在这里。

This is just a sample, and not necessarily considered production-ready, but should hopefully get you going in the right direction.




You can try out the new Service Bus EAI & EDI Labs Release. It provides connectivity to various on-premise systems including SQL Server. The connectivity is provided using Service Bus Relay, and may be exactly what you are asking for. In the process, we can do transformations of the data on the cloud etc.

您可以尝试新的服务总线EAI和EDI实验室版本。它提供到各种内部系统的连接,包括SQL Server。连接是使用服务总线中继提供的,并且可能正是您所要求的。在这个过程中,我们可以对云上的数据进行转换等。

It is not in production yet, but we would like to get feedback on this. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazure/archive/2011/12/16/announcing-the-service-bus-eai-amp-edi-labs-release.aspx


Thanks, Sameer [MSFT] sameerch @ microsft.com

谢谢,Sameer [MSFT] sameerch @ microsft.com



Have you looked at the Sync Framework to synchronise your data?


Sync Framework: SQL Server to SQL Azure Synchronization

同步框架:SQL Server到SQL Azure同步



Much as I love the idea of routing raw TCP traffic through the service bus the performance is going to be pants (sorry Clemens...)


Have you taken a look at WIndows Azure COnnect http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/home/tour/virtual-network/

你看过WIndows Azure COnnect http://www.windowsazure.com/en- us/home/tour/virtualnetwork/吗

This will basically give you a VPN like connection back to your on-premise SQL Server. If you can make it work (i.e. can install the agent locally) then this is probably the best approach.




If all you need is data sync, have you looked at SQL Azure data sync?

如果您需要的只是数据同步,那么您看过SQL Azure数据同步吗?

