Recursively collapses selected nodes in the Solution Explorer tool window.
A collection of tools to automate the process of downloading, installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing packages from a VS Project.
已更新 2013/11/12
已发布 2010/10/16
6,930,709 下载
AnkhSVN open source (free) Subversion SourceControl Provider.
已更新 2013/10/31
已发布 2008/2/20
1,016,310 点击量
Visual Studio示例代码浏览器为开发人员提供了一个在Visual Studio 2012和Visual Studio 2010中快速搜索、下载和浏览多达3500个示例代码的方式。该示例代码浏览器由微软一站式示例代码库项目组研发,并与Visual Studio产品组、MSDN Samples Gallery部门共同发布。
已更新 2013/4/20
已发布 2011/5/12
299,395 下载
Adds many useful features to Visual Studio for web developers.
已更新 2013/11/4
已发布 2013/6/29
52,142 下载
An extension for Team Explorer to provide source control integration for Git. Enables integration with local Git repositories and provides tools to work with remote repositories.
已更新 2013/10/29
已发布 2013/1/31
211,463 下载
Adds vertical lines at each indent level.
已更新 2013/10/27
已发布 2011/4/12
438,496 下载
Adds many useful features to Visual Studio for web developers.
已更新 2013/10/6
已发布 2012/8/7
746,054 下载
Popular productivity tool that helps C/C++ and C# developers refactor code, write faster, decipher easily, and navigate more efficiently.
已更新 2013/10/5
已发布 2008/2/27
309,494 下载
An editor extension that checks the spelling of comments, strings, and plain text as you type or interactively with a tool window. Copyright © 2013, Eric Woodruff, All Rights Reserved. http://VSSpellChecker.CodePlex.com
已更新 2013/9/3
已发布 2013/6/9
47,074 下载
Visual Studio Extension to improve support for Javascript.
已更新 2013/11/5
已发布 2010/2/17
167,636 下载