
时间:2022-04-17 19:15:13

I have two files and I want to see if the first 40 bytes are similar. How can I do this using hex dump?

我有两个文件,我想看看前40个字节是否相似。我怎么能用hex dump做到这一点?

3 个解决方案



If you are using the BSD hexdump utility (which will also be installed as hd, with a different default output format) then you can supply the -n40 command line parameter to limit the dump to the first 40 bytes:

如果您正在使用BSD hexdump实用程序(它也将安装为hd,具有不同的默认输出格式),那么您可以提供-n40命令行参数以将转储限制为前40个字节:

hexdump -n40 filename

If you are using the Posix standard od, you need a capital N. You might find the following invocation useful:


od -N40 -w40 -tx1 -Ax filename

(You can do that with hexdump, too, but the format string is more work to figure out :) ).




Try this:

head -c 40 myfile | hexdump



Not sure why you need hexdump here,


diff <(dd bs=1 count=40 if=file1) <(dd bs=1 count=40 if=file2)

with hexdump:

diff <(dd bs=1 count=40 if=file1|hexdump) <(dd bs=1 count=40 if=file2|hexdump)



If you are using the BSD hexdump utility (which will also be installed as hd, with a different default output format) then you can supply the -n40 command line parameter to limit the dump to the first 40 bytes:

如果您正在使用BSD hexdump实用程序(它也将安装为hd,具有不同的默认输出格式),那么您可以提供-n40命令行参数以将转储限制为前40个字节:

hexdump -n40 filename

If you are using the Posix standard od, you need a capital N. You might find the following invocation useful:


od -N40 -w40 -tx1 -Ax filename

(You can do that with hexdump, too, but the format string is more work to figure out :) ).




Try this:

head -c 40 myfile | hexdump



Not sure why you need hexdump here,


diff <(dd bs=1 count=40 if=file1) <(dd bs=1 count=40 if=file2)

with hexdump:

diff <(dd bs=1 count=40 if=file1|hexdump) <(dd bs=1 count=40 if=file2|hexdump)