Chapter fifty-one:A pleasant climate
Where do u come from? #相似句where are you from
I come from Greece
# what's sb/sth like句式
What's the climate like in your country? # like是介词不是动词,因为what's即有系动词Be的时候like常为介词,what是宾语
It's very plesant #plesant形容词,令人愉快的
What's the weather like in sping? #What's the weather like today常用天气询问句
It's often windy in March
It's always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes
What's it like in summer?
It's always hot in June,July and August
The sun shines every day
Is it cold or warm in autumn?
It's always warm in September and October
It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes
Is it very cold in windter?
It's often cold in December,Janauary and February
It snows sometimes

Chapter fifty-two:What nationality are the?where do they come form?


Where does he come from?He come from Brazil. What nationality is he?He is Brazilian

Where does she come from?She come from Holand. What nationality is she? She is Dutch

Where do u come from? We are come from England. What nationality are u from? we are English

Where do they come from? They are come from France.What nationality are they from?They are French

Chapter fifty-three:An interesting climate
Where do u come from? #当然也可以用系动词来造句,where are/is you/he&she from?
I come from England
What's the climate like in your country? #like是介词,因为前面有系动词be
It's mild,but it's not always pleasant #mild温暖的,先天性的那种;而gentleman是一种后天的修美,文雅的
The weather's often cold in the North and windy in the East #North/East第一个是大写,因为它是单独使用
It's ofen wet in the West and some times warm in the South
Which seasons do u like best?
I like spring and summer
The days are long and the nights are short #days/nights都后缀s代表所有的日和夜
# 下列时态是一般现在时,第三人称单数所以谓语要加s,例如rises
The sun rises early and sets late #set太阳落下,还有一个专有名词sunset
I don't like autumn and winter
The days are short and the night are long
# 下列时态是一般现在时,第三人称单数所以谓语要加s,例如rises
The sun rises late and set early
Our climate is not very good,but it's our favourite subject of conversation


Chapter fifty-four:What nationality are they? Where do they come from?


Where is he comes from?Is he Austrian? Yes,he comes from Austrian. He comes from Austrian

We're Chinese, we come from china
She is Indian,she comes from India

They are Japanese,They come from Japan

I'm Korean,I come from Korea

we are Nigerian,we come from Nigeria

They are Polish,they come from poland

Chapter fifty-five:What nationality are they? Where do they come from?
The Sawyesrs live at 87 king Street #the + 姓氏s表示...一家;The Sawyesrs指Sawyer的一家人
# at是时间的一点、时刻等,in是在某个较长的时间内,on具体的时日和一个特定的时间
In the morning,Mr.Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school #in是在某个较长的时间内,morning符合
Their father takes them to school every day
Mrs.Sawyer stays at home every day.
She does the housework
She always eats her luch at noon
In the afternoon,she usually sess her frieds #in是在某个较长的时间内,afternoon符合
They often drink tea together #they是第三人称复数姓氏,不是第三人称单数,所以后面的动词原形drink不用加s
In the evening, the children come home from school #in是在某个较长的时间内,evening
They arrive home early
Mr.Sawyer comes home from work
He arrives home late
At night, the children always do their homework #at night固定搭配,强记
Then they go to bed
Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper, but sometimes he and his wife watch television



Chapter fifty-six:What do they usually do ?

What does he do in the morning? He always shaves in the morning

What do they do in the evening? they listen to the stereo sometimes evening

Chapter fifty-seven:An unusual day
It's eight o'clock # it常用于指时间、天气、温度或距离,在这里表示虚主语,例如it is cold翻译为好冷啊
The children go to school by car every day # by car方式状语
But today, they are going to school on foot # on foot方式状语
It's ten o'clock # o'clock前面必须是一个整点
# 一般现在时表达某个习惯的动作,通常与时间频度副词连用
Mrs.Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning,but this morning,she is going to the shops
It's four o'clock,in the afternoon,Mrs.Sawyer usually drinks tea in the liveing room
But this afternoon,she is drinking tea in the garden
It's six o'colck
In the evening,the children usually do their homework,but this evening,they are not doing their homework
At the moment,they are playing in the garden
It's nine o'clock
Mr.Sawyer Usually reads his newspaper at night
But he's not reading his newspaper tonight
At the moment,he's reading an interesting book


Chapter fifty-eight:What's the time

What does she usually do every morning?She usually drinks tea in the morning
What is she doing this morning?She is drinking coffee in the morning

What do they usually do in the afternoon?they usually plaies in the garden
what are they doing this afternoon?they are swimming in the river this afternoon

I usually cook a meal in the evening, but I'm reading a book this evening
She usually cooks a meal in the evening, but this evening she is reading a book

we usually watch television at night, but tonight we are listening to the stereo

Chapter fifty-nine:Is that all?
I want some envelopes,please # want to do sth
Do u want the large size or the small size? # or前面升调后面降调
The large size,please
Do u have any writing paper? # any一般用于疑问句,some用于肯定句
Yes, we do
I don't have any small pads
I only have large ones #ones指pads,所以后面加s
Do u want a pad?
Yes, please
And I want a large box of chalk,too
I only have small boxes
Do u want one? #one指chalk
No, thank u
Is that all?
That's all,thank u
What else do u want?
I want my change

Do u have a sister?Yes I do/No I don't
Have u a sister?Yes I have/No I have not
have(强调拥有)和there be(强调存在)


Chapter sity:What's the time

What's the time? It's twele o'clock


Do u have any jam?I don't have any jam,but I have some honey