
时间:2022-10-13 09:33:53

I am working on a web project using j2ee. anyway, in my jsp page I have a form containing two inputs of type datetime-local, and one of them must be greater than the other,it's like validating start and end datetimes, so I don't know how to make this test before submitting..I tried a javascript code in submit button onclick, I tried to make the input field of the second date empty if it is lower than the other,but it doesn't work. can anyone help me?


my form in jsp page


<form id="tab" action="AjouterMCorr" method="GET">
    <div class="form-group">
        <label>Date Panne</label>
        <input required type="datetime-local" name="datePanne" class="form-control">

    <div class="form-group">
        <label>Date Maintenance </label>
        <input required type="datetime-local" name="dateMaint" class="form-control">

    <div class="btn-toolbar list-toolbar">
        <button onclick="
             var dateMaint = new Date($('#dateMaint').val()); // or Date.parse(...)
            var datePanne = new Date($('#datePanne').val()); // or Date.now()
             if( dateMaint.getTime() < datePanne.getTime() )

                 document.getElementById('#dateMaint').value = '';
           " type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Save</button>
        <input type="reset" class="btn btn-danger">

2 个解决方案



I've been using the Moment.js library recently, which supports comparison of the difference between dates on it's Docs page.



var start = moment($('dateMaint').val(), 'MM-DD-YYYY');
var end = moment($('datePanne').val(), 'MM-DD-YYYY');
if (end.isBefore(start)) { //stuff... }

You do need to be careful when parsing DateTimes in javascript as browsers don't always interpret time the same way.




There were a couple small things wrong with your javascript that prevented your form validation from working correctly. Let's go over the steps to fix this, and then view the jsfiddle link below for the example:


  1. Your jquery selectors weren't targeting the actual inputs, as your date inputs didn't have the id (#) you were targeting, so instead, I changed the selectors to find the inputs by name.
  2. 您的jquery选择器未定位实际输入,因为您的日期输入没有您要定位的ID(#),因此我更改了选择器以按名称查找输入。

  3. Your onclick attribute on the submit tag should be abstracted to only include a function, and the actual logic should go in a nearby script tag below the form.
    1. Now that it's working and since you have the required attributes (keep in mind are HTML5 supported) on the date inputs, you shouldn't have to check if the values exist, but you can return false to prevent the form from submitting when 1 value is greater than the other.
    2. 既然它正在工作,并且由于您在日期输入中具有所需的属性(请记住支持HTML5),您不必检查值是否存在,但是您可以返回false以防止表单在1值时提交比另一个更大。

  4. 应该将提交标记上的onclick属性抽象为仅包含一个函数,并且实际逻辑应该放在表单下面的附近脚本标记中。既然它正在工作,并且由于您在日期输入中具有所需的属性(请记住支持HTML5),您不必检查值是否存在,但是您可以返回false以防止表单在1值时提交比另一个更大。


    <form id="tab" action="AjouterMCorr" method="GET">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label>Date Panne</label>
    <input required type="datetime-local" name="datePanne" class="form-control">

  <div class="form-group">
    <label>Date Maintenance </label>
    <input required type="datetime-local" name="dateMaint" class="form-control">

  <div class="btn-toolbar list-toolbar">
    <button onclick="onSubmit()" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Save</button>
    <input type="reset" class="btn btn-danger">

  function onSubmit() {
    var dateMaint = new Date($('input[name="dateMaint"]').val()); // or Date.parse(...)
    var datePanne = new Date($('input[name="datePanne"]').val()); // or Date.now()
    if (dateMaint.getTime() < datePanne.getTime()) {
      return false;


Update Changed the form submit to the form element as other form tags could trigger a submit on the form.


Here's the jsfiddle.




I've been using the Moment.js library recently, which supports comparison of the difference between dates on it's Docs page.



var start = moment($('dateMaint').val(), 'MM-DD-YYYY');
var end = moment($('datePanne').val(), 'MM-DD-YYYY');
if (end.isBefore(start)) { //stuff... }

You do need to be careful when parsing DateTimes in javascript as browsers don't always interpret time the same way.




There were a couple small things wrong with your javascript that prevented your form validation from working correctly. Let's go over the steps to fix this, and then view the jsfiddle link below for the example:


  1. Your jquery selectors weren't targeting the actual inputs, as your date inputs didn't have the id (#) you were targeting, so instead, I changed the selectors to find the inputs by name.
  2. 您的jquery选择器未定位实际输入,因为您的日期输入没有您要定位的ID(#),因此我更改了选择器以按名称查找输入。

  3. Your onclick attribute on the submit tag should be abstracted to only include a function, and the actual logic should go in a nearby script tag below the form.
    1. Now that it's working and since you have the required attributes (keep in mind are HTML5 supported) on the date inputs, you shouldn't have to check if the values exist, but you can return false to prevent the form from submitting when 1 value is greater than the other.
    2. 既然它正在工作,并且由于您在日期输入中具有所需的属性(请记住支持HTML5),您不必检查值是否存在,但是您可以返回false以防止表单在1值时提交比另一个更大。

  4. 应该将提交标记上的onclick属性抽象为仅包含一个函数,并且实际逻辑应该放在表单下面的附近脚本标记中。既然它正在工作,并且由于您在日期输入中具有所需的属性(请记住支持HTML5),您不必检查值是否存在,但是您可以返回false以防止表单在1值时提交比另一个更大。


    <form id="tab" action="AjouterMCorr" method="GET">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label>Date Panne</label>
    <input required type="datetime-local" name="datePanne" class="form-control">

  <div class="form-group">
    <label>Date Maintenance </label>
    <input required type="datetime-local" name="dateMaint" class="form-control">

  <div class="btn-toolbar list-toolbar">
    <button onclick="onSubmit()" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Save</button>
    <input type="reset" class="btn btn-danger">

  function onSubmit() {
    var dateMaint = new Date($('input[name="dateMaint"]').val()); // or Date.parse(...)
    var datePanne = new Date($('input[name="datePanne"]').val()); // or Date.now()
    if (dateMaint.getTime() < datePanne.getTime()) {
      return false;


Update Changed the form submit to the form element as other form tags could trigger a submit on the form.


Here's the jsfiddle.
