
时间:2021-02-06 00:17:21

For example... Say I am running a script with Forever https://www.npmjs.com/package/forever for a week while recording a log file of the node applications output.

例如......假设我正在运行一个带有Forever https://www.npmjs.com/package/forever的脚本一周,同时记录节点应用程序输出的日志文件。

If I say included colors would it make that filesize bigger? Dealing with crazy sizes logs 5gb+ with the colors on. So curious if I could shave even 10mb without it?

如果我说包含颜色会使文件大小更大?处理疯狂的尺寸日志5gb +与颜色。如果我能在没有它的情况下剃掉10mb那么好奇吗?

{ pass: [0,255,0], fail: [255,0,0], info: [0,255,255], warning: [255,127,80] }


1 个解决方案



You're storing more characters to colorize log output, so yes, you will increase the log size (more data == more data). For example, check out these source lines from chalk tests:


it('should style string', function () {
                                 // Notice all the extra characters
    assert.equal(chalk.underline('foo'), '\u001b[4mfoo\u001b[24m');
    assert.equal(chalk.red('foo'), '\u001b[31mfoo\u001b[39m');
    assert.equal(chalk.bgRed('foo'), '\u001b[41mfoo\u001b[49m');

If you absolutely need the colors for readability, so be it. But if you do w/o you can shave off some space, but there's no guarantee it'll be in the order of 10MB :)

如果您绝对需要颜色以便于阅读,那就这样吧。但是,如果你没有w / o你可以削减一些空间,但不能保证它将大约10MB :)

Another thing to note is that depending on where you're reading the logs, the color may or may not come through properly. I've run into this when looking at some raw logs on AWS. The colorized portions were pretty mangled.




You're storing more characters to colorize log output, so yes, you will increase the log size (more data == more data). For example, check out these source lines from chalk tests:


it('should style string', function () {
                                 // Notice all the extra characters
    assert.equal(chalk.underline('foo'), '\u001b[4mfoo\u001b[24m');
    assert.equal(chalk.red('foo'), '\u001b[31mfoo\u001b[39m');
    assert.equal(chalk.bgRed('foo'), '\u001b[41mfoo\u001b[49m');

If you absolutely need the colors for readability, so be it. But if you do w/o you can shave off some space, but there's no guarantee it'll be in the order of 10MB :)

如果您绝对需要颜色以便于阅读,那就这样吧。但是,如果你没有w / o你可以削减一些空间,但不能保证它将大约10MB :)

Another thing to note is that depending on where you're reading the logs, the color may or may not come through properly. I've run into this when looking at some raw logs on AWS. The colorized portions were pretty mangled.
